exact syllable matches
most romantic of
all callings
all charming
sense, not at
all comic
peacefully, that's
all got it
smile I faced
all hardships
you're holding us
all hostage
all odds, against
it's free from
place that defies
to me defies
all logic
we are
all lost in
got it
all on film
Not at
all sloggish
to save
all y'all lives
invincible after
all, was it
putting an
arc on it
are all fish
on order
are all shit
all chess players
are artists
my dogs
are barking
around the world
pipes, the pipes
are calling
task they
are charged with
are darlings
think my testicles
are dropping
real wage rates
the monetary union
are falling
and the rails
Your numbers
are garbage
many German soldiers
are guarding
water the zebras
are hogging
cases which
the details
are not clear
boats that
are not steered
are not Zerg
my guys
of bark
are on it
name of religion
are shocking
The violins
are sobbing
The contractions
are starting
away while people
health if men
now my hounds
are starving
are strong, fierce
about what they
impressed everyone, people
The grownups
are talking
like your hands
are walking
come when they
sheds till they
are wanted
is wanting, all
are wanting
all these people
I hope they
know that kids
know the girls
of evil eyes
said that children
The kid's
Thousands of people
you to office,
are watching
are ya, Chip
a situation of
better than an
natural disaster, and
the laws of
with strategies of
armed conflict
of a liberal
arts college
when the
ball drops in
before the
ball was kicked
run the
bar on it
Economics Institute of
Bard College
Bardon Hill
Bardon Mill
are just a blah-blah-
blah-blah bitch
There's a
bomb falling
no nuclear
bomb was built
night they
brought Mom in
the radio and
call Roslin
nightclub downtown
called Hot Wings
olive tree are
called olives
had I
called on him
not with 100
car washes
Car washes
Car washing
claims and credit
card charges
Carl Pauling
musical direction by
was conducted by
Carl Stalling
cause was His
leading the
charge on this
Charles Bartlett
At Elephanta by
Charles Collins
Charles Coughlin
a half-cousin of
biological revelations of
fox Named after
important influence on
influential friend of
is named after
Natural Selection by
Charles Darwin
chop logic
chop logics
chop shopping
chopped logic
put the
clock on him
around the
clock on this
gigantic fucking
cock on it
ladies are giant
con artists
time, and
Con was quick
consarn it
cop off with
copped off with
cops off with
John, Gules a
cross argent
cross crosslet
crossbar switch
crotch dropping
crotch droppings
that little
dark spot is
there in the
dark, watching
doc dropping
sound of a
dog barking
sets the
dog on him
amount to a
doggone thing
then the
dogs got him
it had
dots on it
not wanna
draw on him
geometrical figures
pathetic mustache
drawn on it
drop crotching
come by and
drop garlic
drop grommet
where people
drop off film
he doesn't
fall off it
sun's rays
fall on it
siren running,
falls on him
have been a
false dawning
whose fucking
fault was it
more women
fawn on him
fox tossing
frog marches
frog marching
me back,
god darn it
judgment of
God on sin
man of
God, was killed
God, watch this
never heard, but
God's comic
very careful, because
God's watching
gone Scottish
that has
gone wrong since
The box-dropping, man-ape-
I never
got off it
got Ron links
what it
got was him
grog artists
The banqueting
hall was near
world, all
hearts are still
And I saw a
financially successful American hip-
hop artists
Remember the
hot dog trick
hot dogging
it, and I'm
Hot Rockin'
That was a
hot topic
fuck out the
Hot Topic
hot washes
Jar Jar Binks
jaw harpist
jaw harpists
John Banville
John Doggett
John Foskett
John fought it
Named after
John Hardin
medical degree from
John Hopkins
John Kasich
brought the who-shot-
John on it
Ted Sears, and
John Walbridge
friend and servant
John Wallis
County, Foster at
Navy and at
Johns Hopkins
become the next
Josh Hartnett
encouraged and made
large profits
laws are clear
shoot the
lock off it
get a
lock on it
loft bombing
and of a
Lombard king
after a
long car trip
stage in the
long conflict
has been one
long longing
of The
Long Lost Hills
who meet their
long-lost twins
reference is
lost on him
up a
lot on it
lot-cloth split
mall walking
malt scotches
Mark Hopkins
Not a
without a
mark on him
not a
mark on it
black question
marks on it
the world that
Marx wanted
mob stocking
mock olives
Human Condition,
Mom calls it
place a
mosque was built
moss phloxes
rules to love a
there are artists and
his overlordship over the
probably a registered
nonce, darling
me, you pussy-ass
noncom bitch
worried about,
not block it
Didn't I
not call it
both in balance,
will match and
not conflict
Sergeant and
not Dog Shit
I specifically mentioned
not dropping
I'm just
your head,
your name's
not on it
Scots, I am
not Scottish
Not smart, Bill
Muslims must
not stop it
it though, they're
We are
not stopping
and talking and
family is by
greatest failures by
more than just
No, I'm
the other is
you fighting and
not talking
not walking
peanut butter,
not wanking
I did
people did
not want it
individual glyphs are
know when I'm
where I am
not wanted
good precepts were
the men were
not wanting
You couldn't
not watch him
only hope they're
not watching
odd jobbing
of hoodlums and rip-
off artists
I stacked
might rub
off on him
I get
sure got
They get
You get
off on it
you're way
off on this
Or wander
off topic
off, Robyn
violence, but by
oft falling
big expert
the press
on all this
a nation built
on bondage
being brought up
bring me up
putting you up
on charges
Possibly based
on chthonic
I didn't figure
on falling
apply pressure
on false ribs
originally aired
on Fox Kids
lay a HAND
on Godwin
a cat
on hot bricks
someone isn't based
was metaphysics based
on logic
I went
on mah trip
and subsist
on raw fish
exacting his revenge
on Sonic
descriptions of semen
on stockings
something I plan
on stopping
on topic
but he kept
why I kept
on walking
got somethin'
on ya, Smith
on, darling
said to live
on, mocking
on, watch it
I control the
on-off switch
know who Clara
Oswald is
Let us
part on this
told you about
Paul Gauguin
after holding Pepper
Potts hostage
prop comic
prop comics
prop washes
and published by
Raj Comics
raw dogging
inspired many subsequent
rock artists
drops a
rock on him
rock varnish
pour the
salt on it
someone I
saw on film
only one
scar on him
Written by
Written by William
Scott Darling
Scott Joplin
shock stalling
just the, uh,
shock talking
arm I
shot off is
smart arses
Snark called it
soft boxing
Spawn from the
Spawn comics
Did I
start all this
and the dogs
if the dogs
start barking
see the stock
start falling
good head
start on him
People are gonna
the entryway, they
walk in and
start talking
suggest you now
start walking
all of Washington
starts barking
later on it
starts rocking
singing and just
starts talking
who can
you can
stop all this
you, he gonna
stop calling
Marines would never
stop charging
mind does not
stop falling
the name of God-
-stop it
you are marching,
stop marching
that invented one
stop shopping
I can't
stop talkin'
listening, you can
me until I
point where storytellers
so I'm gonna
talking, before I
that so I'd
stop talking
he did not
where he can't
stop walking
find I can't
stop wanting
I can't
mean we can
stop watching
He has
stopped squawking
stop-stop it
straw bosses
strong-armed Prince
swan hopping
been you, your dad, talk-
thought blocking
thought blockings
Matisse had
thought was his
Thoughts are things
story Spurs by
Tod Robbins
Tom Collins
Tom Robbins
It's the
top spot, kid
walk off with
let 'em
walk on in
will never
walk on it
since the
wall was built
No one
wants bondage
was all clear
was all things
she thought I
was Amish
you know I
was calling
that the prince
was charming
mass of men
was daunting
Beverly Hills Cop
was garbage
because it
was God's will
driven them mad
was logic
about it
was not clear
one child
was not hit
the blood
was on him
Your name
was on it
Her hair
was rotting
the first sight
was shocking
and the thought-association
difference in reaction
The ventriloquial effect
was startling
explained that I
very poor, I
was starving
of which one
them while Hitler
was talking
their body wash
was toxic
way that Father
was walking
And I
Baby Jesus
fuck what they
her corner, death
if my mom
Of course I
while no one
was watching
watch watch it
brought me the
wrong offspring
room and
ya shot him
yarn bombing
with 1 extra syllable
Alarm clock rings
these sustained
assaults on it
jest,that's swan of
Avon logic
Bernard Hopkins
the dread essence
beyond logic
cannot stop him
but they
but you
cannot stop it
What damnable
complot was this
Darbar Sahib
resist and
discard all this
at least
embarked on it
enfant sauvage
you mean,
enlarge on it
Quebec government
icon on it
A pair of
try to find
nylon stockings
Palawan tit
can prepared coconut
pecan frosting
whatcha call it
Whatcha watchin'
with 2 extra syllables
Ayatollahs did
echelon parking
or its possibly
etymon wampish
Marathon bombing
Marathon bombings
on his
overalls was his
a little
parmesan on this
film about the
participation in the
Vietnam conflict