exact syllable matches
the food -
there's bees
Blue Mary
Bruce Parry
going to
do next week
trying to
do, scare me
by TV actor
jokes for you,
Drew Carey
knock back a
few bevvies
food's ready
did he do
for you,Jerry
June 20
people who
knew their need
give you the
moon, Mary
move, Henry
got sisters from
the capital to
were organised in
New Delhi
to our
new friend here
Brainy is the
new sexy
can't master a
of this horrible
to find a
will introduce a
new technique
would require brand
new techniques
room's empty
still a huge
roulette wheel
our purse is
soon empty
my sausage skin
suit ready
nylon warm-up
suits, their St
early today rooting
through empties
I've already counted
to 20
make life hard
place is equal
should do harm
tools to come
to any
hooked him up
to Bessie
Quincy hope
the strength
to best me
even have
Who wants
to bet me
I don't need
to breast-feed
gave to her
got some evidence
my scattered atoms
to bury
selling your dirt
to dead-beats
a long way
bring our Army
need a guide
to Delhi
You'll have
to dress me
longer able
to dwell here
kneels to bow
to Eddie
She was saying
to Edie
invited her
to El Meat
to go
to Elm Street
It has
to end here
am most reduced
motion for women
there's always something
to envy
agnostic with respect
to fairies
be able
she has
to get clean
We're going
to get creamed
of trying
to get free
20 seconds
done something
hooker just
I tried
I've done
the heart
through hell
took us
to get here
all out
be out
for him
is going
over them
sent Ax
She's coming
was trying
you come
You coming
to get me
don't have
to get mean
I need
to get sleep
will begin
to get weak
I'm hard
to get, Steve
a friend
asking you
be able
come back
for you
get Carmen
has tried
love me,
need you
not enough
only trying
sent you
still want
Tell her
the guy
the person
Too busy
want you
was willing
with all
You g-got
You got
you have
You promised
you ver
You're going
you're supposed
you've got
to help me
the cigarette back
was falsely credited
to Henry
can finally propose
to Jerry
his final words
to Kelly
craft so longe
to lerne
you have
to let me
again become unknown
as a surprise
have not come
is still denied
it is recreational
may appear ridiculous
was extremely inspirational
to many
a nice girl
almost a criminal,
be prevailed upon
day, we were
does it mean
else is there
for your king
good-looking Indian boys
he was supposed
man she agreed
not being able
renounced his vows
resented your plans
the promise not
were also forced
you aren't going
to marry
rather leave everything
to Mary
it and learn
to parry
I'll take you
to Penny
what I'd said
to Presley
you can go
to Ready
be satisfied
to rest here
it's starting
party tricks
that just
you want
You're starting
to scare me
the way
to Shell Beach
Moffat trying
to spare here
you should apologize
to Teddy
anything good
didn't need
don't have
don't need
don't want
he going
he needs
he supposed
just have
mother had
need you
only have
remotely interesting
want you
was trying
were going
were trying
you going
you have
You need
you refuse
you want
you're trying
to tell me
that's hard
to tell, Neil
doing seven
to ten here
to do that
to Terry
to test me
not according
to their deeds
the answer
to their dream
the right
To their dreams
gets them
the circulation
to their feet
all dropped
be brought
bring them
brings kingdoms
sovereign countries
the infidels
to their knees
hooked up
to their leash
a relish
to their meal
reward according
to their need
consume according
to their needs
in silence
to their peace
in opposition
to their schemes
stand next
to their seats
recorder assigned
to their team
Go down
to twenty
they were taught
to vary
about a trip
to Vevey
the hell happened
to Wednesday
too dressy
But don't get
too friendly
has gotten way
too hairy
out for being
too healthy
After all, you're
costs were then
He was
It is far
my heart is
My outfits
You were
too heavy
don't think was
too left-field
already one Church
but there were
father raised one
got one arm
have six teeth
home, to having
It was two
I've just had
just five performances
Lee perhaps took
Mind you,
Modern Men, or
one bad service
One lost life
one Polack joke
states was one
that is one
that's one place
The English are
them, their just
there are already
There are way
There were
with one instruction
would have been
too many
and flowers are
I should look
shirt because it's
too sexy
Because she's
TOO sexy
me all
too well, Deeds
should know about,
too, Harry
proud of her
too, Henry
means of you, the many-
them to it, the many-
Father Christmas and
tooth fairies
the CONCEPT of the
Still less does
truth vary
for my killer show-
tune medley
see, I'm number
two Harry
they cannot
use their shields
the one
who helped me
of him
who sent me
the One
who sent Me
less than one
who's married
rattled and
whose breath wheezed
debt because
you begged me
a dirt nap,
you Betty
Why didn't
you bless me
He loves
you Ellie
care about
you ends here
earn a living,
you fairy
you Freddie
I don't treat
you gently
How did
look what
you get free
How did
job than
me, how'd
soon can
that when
time will
When did
you get here
you know,
you get me
Sex makes
you get real
Where do
you get sweet
Kevin, where'd
Where did
you get these
incentive to keep
you healthy
alive, when
you held me
, can
me, can
norm if
think, can
trouble, will
um, would
Why do
you help me
the matter with
you Jerry
Can I call
you Kenny
hours since
you left here
empty since
just like
the rain
you left me
train after
you left St
Why don't
you let me
Abrahams, are
Hi, honey, are
quite the man
That's what
the same girl
you met, when
you married
house and then
you marry
you meant me
come on,
you met me
I'll call
you next week
0, do
about, do
Aelita, can
Control, do
Nautilus, can
you read me
All right,
Austin, are
So, Sora, are
Then are
you go, are
you ready
of that, did
you Reggie
you scare me
Ha, Zick
you scared me
believed that
Dacca, where
great vision
That thing
you sent me
build one,
chips till
don't know,
happening then
Keep secrets,
Laden before
skull until
what would
Why didn't
Why don't
why would
you tell me
What do
YOU tell me
they show
you their teeth
You there, chief
Why'd she call
you Wendy
this now make
you Wesley
you, Betsy
I like
you, Betty
How about
much really, have
What are
you, Eddie
and I hate
are someone, aren't
as I've loved
because I love
I love
I must disappoint
I'm alive in
is just like
no one blames
wasn't anything for
you, Harry
Pleasure to meet
should that surprise
you, Henry
I love
you, Jenny
any surprises with
that steel in
you, Kenny
less brains than
you, Lenny
I now pronounce
you, married
a deal with
you, Mary
What's wrong with
you, Reggie
I wrote for
you, Shelley
ours, smell
you, smell me
How are
you, Terry
again, he'll kill
right to blame
you, Wesley
I know
you'd help me
I figured
you, if
you'd let me
I wish
you'd tell me
so, if
you'll help me
you'll let me
little tidbits
you've left me
I suppose
you've met Jeanne
with 1 extra syllable
when have I
accused any
Andrew Cherry
to have run
into Larry
Mathew Henry
His name is
Matthew Gentry
Matthew Henry
Matthew perry
Chris Farley and
Matthew Perry
opportunity to
pursue their dreams
What is so
valued varies
with 2 extra syllables
Clerihew Bentley
control to
distribute their seed
was a shit
interview, Terry
many times from
prostitutes, Jeffrey