exact syllable matches
I was
when you're
13 years old
house and it's
I'm talking 20,
30 below
are about
that is
30 years old
a young, precocious little
the balls of a
level of
a 3-year old
not try
a be hero
taters and
a beefy roll
tape at
a CD store
And I'm
a field Negro
a freaking ghost
A freaking horse
mistaken for
Sicilian not
a Greek hero
Actor in
character in
a leading role
leg of
a leaping goat
even had
a queen before
lot like
a real divorce
Earmarks of
footsteps of
I was
Lynn is
She was
a real hero
gangsters at
a ski resort
a street in Seoul
drew them as
a three-year-old
based off
episode of
more than
a TV show
failing to
achieve his goal
and can
achieve his goals
group will
achieve its goals
measures to
we can
will not
achieve this goal
other machine has
achieved before
achieved his goal
My thread-bare Penitence
apieces tore
attractive and instantly
appealing forms
I was
asleep before
follow the
bloody brick road
makings of a
bloody hero
Buckley syndrome
Bunny Syndrome
murdery, sure,
but even so
but she is gross
But we still vote
'cause here we go
the price of
competing phones
and it's a
complete shithole
before it was
future is never
completely formed
are far from
completely known
longer with the
concealing forms
you on the
concrete below
whole stupid
country is bored
on the
country's East Coast
boots and
curried his horse
dirty pillow
stuck in your
dirty pillows
have been
done weeks before
Dudley syndrome
just brushes the
dusky window
and workers
earn even more
fatigue syndrome
get ideas
from being bored
an onslaught
from cheap imports
being viewed
from these windows
new,I've seen
her here before
You never seen
herpes before
Ah, thou
honey-seed rogue
Let's play Hungry
Hungry Hippos
me would
hurt even more
has made this
journey before
go on a
journey, Kino
what I
love even more
off the
machine will go
Opie, you had
You had
mercy before
That's what
money is for
the time
money is loaned
to whom
money is owed
all the
money we stole
to have
money, heigh ho
much fun she'll be,though
The lady
must be bemoaned
greatest diligence
must be bestowed
specifically what
must be disowned
must be Hiro
coming, Raiden
must be informed
Therefore society
must be reformed
must keep it so
must keep near Shore
the expulsion
the possibility
the sin
of being born
double consciousness
of being both
the state
of being warm
purple testament
of bleeding war
and President
the independence
of East Timor
the immigration
of free Negroes
own way
of keeping score
the possibility
of seeing hope
of tea before
a proponent
of teaching both
built one
of these before
run out
of these keystrokes
of Wii Remote
we have never
perceived before
fill out a
to file a
police report
a series of
help me write
police reports
Pumphrey syndrome
letters on a
qwerty keyboard
they accepted the
QWERTY keyboard
qwerty syndrome
that he loves
Rukmini more
the long
run, reap rewards
firm to his
strategic goal
saw your social
studies report
sul serio
in set
terms, see below
been to
the beach before
of in
the Dreaming, Lord
see where
the evening goes
Negro and
the field Negro
Negro, and
the Field Negro
naked in
the freezing cold
climb up
the greasy pole
nature plays
not take
take over
the leading role
inexorable without
the least remorse
Bolton cut
the meeting short
voice of
the pealing horn
It's called
the Phoenix Force
seen in
the prefixed form
here is
Who is
the real hero
Players are
the real heroes
Here come
the real heros
, now
the Serio
family on
the Spearfish Road
the spleen is stored
shrinking in
the street below
succession to
the Swedish throne
you reap
the sweet rewards
based on
Tim from
the TV show
crying Earth,
the weeping shores
less than
twelve or
was only
were just
thirteen years old
he was
more than
present year,
Sir, she's
were around
thirty years old
Thirty years old
in the
Thirty Years' War
looks just as
ugly below
how Putin
unleashed this war
mercy of brutal,
the tyranny of
unreasoning force
you call it,
unseen rewards
people end
up being both
messed me
screwing it
up even more
We ended
up needing four
way of
us being bros
desire, amuses
him screw
us even more
clear to
was with
us here below
us keep it so
from the
verb, see below
before you
were even born
what he is for
what he lives for
what he's in for
what she wished for
what we wish for
what we're here for
what we're in for
depends on
what's being poured
it, it's
worth reaching for
it leaves
yer feeling stoked
with 1 extra syllable
as a
17 year old
on 16 and
17 year-olds
honey, he's
She was
17 years old
twice about dating a
as a teenager around
painfully, soon
after being born
their mother
after we divorce
allergy syndrome
por el
amor de Dios
never did
answer me before
because he is born
because she is old
it had
better be Primrose
brewery syndrome
more on
brothel, see below
press that
button, even so
We don't
cackle, we emote
like a soon-to-be-
cancelled TV show
carta di riso
of Pappus, fourteen
centuries before
truth will
certainly be known
needs her
children even more
into the flooded
colony below
such processes are
commonly exposed
women, I am
constantly informed
could've beat him cold
about her
cover being blown
who are
cowardly in war
ever pleading so
cravenly before
Him, all
other living
creatures here below
which he
currently still holds
and I
and you
Perhaps you
someone they
that I
woman he
didn't even know
know I
didn't even smoke
of those who
disbelieved before
Lucifer himself
people he
doesn't even know
doesn't even smoke
doesn't need heroes
this kind of
enemy before
are my
enemy in both
meet the
enemy in force
who stole people's
energy before
energy explodes
new spirit
energy is born
if the
energy is low
and the
energy is warped
chances of
ever being born
none have
ever reached before
anything we'd
anything we've
anything you've
human has
I had
man had
nobody has
nothing I'd
nothing I've
thing I've
we had
ever seen before
ever seen in your
midnight, every exit,
she didn't shut
every window
in a hat
factory before
celebrated anything with
never had any
family before
totalitarian model being
forcibly imposed
lesson, but one
frequently ignored
future needs heroes
Genovese syndrome
gentle deeds is knowne
germens de trigo
gonna be ME, yo
gonna keep this short
Graham, he is smoke
gravity is so
Guyanese Creole
out of
harmony with both
nothing he
hasn't seen before
anything you
bond I
color you
like they
Nothin' we
nothing you
that I
that we
that you
haven't seen before
haven't seen him, though
header, he will score
hope of a
heavenly reward
not most family
histories disclose
hombre de Dios
hombres de Dios
and healthy or
hopelessly deformed
started to become
horribly deformed
Nietzsche, plaintive self-
irony in Rohde
a protest,
it'll be ignored
Klippel-Feil syndrome
Lamborghini door
Lamborghini doors
can no
could no
longer be ignored
McMurdo as a
luxury resort
colorful Eastern European
luxury resorts
impress the
masses even more
and their
but his
memory is short
memory is stored
memory syndrome
John Milius and
Michael Cimino
See also
Mogul Steamship Co
of this
Muslim League-Sikh War
See all the
mysteries exposed
never be his own
life would
never be ignored
she were
You were
never even born
Mom would
never even know
or maybe
never even known
she had
never screamed before
as if
Chicago you
he had
I had
I have
like they've
many wonders
places you've
problem I've
somebody I've
Something I've
store has
they have
what I've
which I've
who I've
world has
you have
never seen before
never seen it, though
What was
our deal before
have pulled
our wheels before
outta here, we're closed
ovary syndrome
Of Everlasting
Penalties, if broke
and provoke
enjoyed killing
people even more
People need heroes
people need it most
person being told
been used in
poetry before
sense, all
poetry is war
whole has its
power reinforced
pregnancy syndrome
as I shall
presently disclose
that you've
probably been told
problems here, it's Klose
it does not
properly inform
inhabit them when
properly invoked
tail back on
properly, Eeyore
The Celestine
Prophecy, we're told
over the South
rapidly restored
Recently widowed
path to
recovery is slow
with a
referee in tow
men consistently and self-
righteously deplore
river we will go
Bull by
Sutherland and
Robert De Niro
never anything to
rubbed elbows with
royalty before
safer here in Rome
hear the
scenery is so
Pennsylvania German in
scholarly discourse
thirteen to
seventeen year olds
I am
they were
was only
seventeen years old
that really
shouldn't be ignored
the first female Sword-and-
Sorcery hero
children on
southern TV shows
clamor to
squander even more
that it would
suddenly explode
you will
suffer even more
summers here with Joan
He's had heart
surgery before
all to the
therapy pillow
Timothy syndrome
elections has been
that cannot be
totally ignored
in billions,
trillions, even more
tonic tensor
tympani syndrome
Bob's your
uncle, even so
colony nests
underneath this cone
must have been
utterly freako
Scientology, yet remains
utterly remote
Victories win wars
can claim
victory in war
lip-locked with some
wannabe hero
that one
wasn't even close
wasn't here before
not, you
weren't even born
Werner's Readings No
so I
wouldn't even know
with 2 extra syllables
and clearly and
accurately exposed
People don't always
accurately report
Did you
actually think so
this, whose
ambitions creep below
due to
analogy with moan
gave Sinbad
another TV show
I never hit
I never shot
never kissed
never run from
to cheer up
anybody before
billion, political
authority is force
That's my
biology report
peace to the
citizenry below
in the
Community will grow
are violently or
criminally disposed
Social production is
culturally informed
acquired immune
deficiency syndrome
never had home
delivery before
process of
discovery, it shows
was under
discussion, he disclosed
to live
eternally in hope
it was so
generally ignored
ideas feel stillborn
identity syndrome
imagine he reads both
of theologians was
impartially exposed
his gaze worlds
infinitely remote
innocently divorced
but visibility was
literally zero
A communal
majority is born
a communal
majority is closed
minority reports
human case,
monogamy is more
which should
naturally be warm
fresh and different
opacities below
samples, And the
pathology reports
Practically deformed
ask what
reality is for
dead, in
reality, it grows
I don't
remember being born
what is
singularly its own
quarters they were
studiously ignored
things that are
usually ignored
to the
vehicle being towed
the more
vigorously it grows
body expands and
viscerally explodes
with 3 extra syllables
angers the
Americans even more
packaging without
appropriate breathing holes
splits his
concentration even more
that your
Constitution be ignored
of these people
deliberately misquote
never made a
documentary before
universally accepted
etymology is known
etymology is or
and build and
causing it to
eventually explode
pace have been
industrially deformed
For more
information see explode
to dislike
irrelevance even more
group, controls were
necessarily imposed
famines on
populations be ignored
significantly deformed
that showed
similarities in form
must eventually become
spiritually deformed
subclavian steal syndrome
subclavian steal syndromes
in his
superstitions even more
government is
traditionally in force
task he attempted
unsuccessfully before
vittoria di Pirro
with 4 extra syllables
the political
equilibrium be restored
complete androgen
insensitivity syndrome
irregularity reports
creative use of
neuroplasticity before
with 5 extra syllables
immunodeficiency syndrome
immunodeficiency syndromes