exact syllable matches

prove the
deceitfulness of nature
to the
degree of education
is a
disease of deprivation
experience based on
earlier education
preoccupation of the
earlier generation
hundreds of recent,
illegal excavations
in need of entertainment
tribe leaving an
Indian reservation
low taxes and
lenient regulations
deprive you
of decent education
of means of explanation
accumulated experiences of
differently from the
passed on from
previous generations
some state of
previous preparation
That was
really a revelation
is just
simply a decoration
some scheme of education
sinking into
the deepest degradation
the field of speculation
to spoil
the people's entertainment
the very
theory of revelation
will be a revelation

with 1 extra syllable

but we
ended legal segregation
cultivated, their
families were regulated
in the
history of education
in the
history of entertainment
sacred deeds and
illustrious reputation
slogans or by
Imperial declaration
and the
industry of entertainment
mere exercises in
interior decoration
interior decorations
ministries of education
ministry of education
by the
supervision of
Ministry of Education
is the
Ministry of Explanation
never seen such dedication
our feeble tests of greatness
pitted me against the Slayer
second is
poverty of education
Internal development,
probably a derivation
has the
sanctity of revelations
to reflect the
Sicilian gemination
Close to
victory loves preparation

with 2 extra syllables

unspeakable importance,
diversity of education
intended scheme of education
is the
monopoly of education
on the
philosophy of education
and Tract
Society of Pennsylvania

with 3 extra syllables

be found
independently of Revelation
hold the
possibility of restoration
at the
Historical Chronicle,
of the
to the
Tomaselli, Kutztown
Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania
University Of Pennsylvania

with 4 extra syllables

and defend the
Arusha Declaration
with the
impossibility of separation