exact syllable matches

A Close Shave
even have
He's got
to have
a code name
his codename has
a codename
up on
a cold day
and never charged
a co-pay
Daubigny, Rousseau, and
a Daumier
Deaf as
a door nail
this hanging off
a doorframe
as dead as
Dead as
deader than
dumb as
expression dead as
a doornail
as dead as
a door-nail
a droll name
claws and
a forked tail
to have
a horn race
bet on
a horse race
might learn
a ho's place
safer than
a known way
Hey, what
a lone face
definition of
a rogue state
claws, and
a short tail
it was
a short way
Wonder on
a snow day
happen on
It's called
a Snow Day
quiet as
a snowflake
Everybody has
friends, and
a soul mate
, enters
a storm drain
supple as
a sword blade
little bit of
a throw-way
about an hour
ago, mate
approach play
not just a
bird, okay
It doesn't just
burn, OK
burnt your cakes
in all
but four states
little stiffness,
but no pain
calling you that,
little more substantial,
but okay
called Biffle
Chump for days
Time has
come for change
case that
opportunity that
comes your way
that with the
cup, okay
world that
cursed your name
in Britain
cut both ways
of justice
cuts both ways
John Drew had
done cocaine
get some
dumb old cake
I have
earned those names
and the
earth for stage
made from
earth or clay
heaven and
earth so great
go after Spirit
first okay
because the
first snow came
of my system
first, okay
and last letters
from croquet
From horse race,
one guy called
from Norway
pretty dang far
pretty fucking far
from okay
the blood
from your veins
Fuck those whales
the misquotation are
Hello, Dave
alien intruder on
her domain
just want
her home, safe
closing on
her own cage
glimpse of
her own fate
beaten at
her own game
in under
her own name
Red John painted
her toenails
so I punched
her, ok
go easy on
I love
her, okay
Was the
hug okay
I wanna
hug your face
is inside the
hull, okay
you can
hurt your case
such are
judged most grave
signal, we're gonna
jump, okay
I'll um
just ok
I was
just your age
Just, don't take
about that fella
Kurt Cobain
laws that Nature
the strongest, and
must obey
0-6-0 and
null your rates
5 grams
contaminated with traces
for a shot
know that because
with a Doctorate
of cocaine
economic consequences
of Lord Keynes
country and
of no age
the land
of no trades
after Queen Maud
for the heart
tradition of Song
of Norway
of ofay
of OK
indifferent squalor
the germ
of old age
malicious gossip
of old maids
the revivals
of old plays
only a couple
of ponce
Ball-and-stick model
with a tank
of propane
flower-like crystals
of snow flakes
the justice
of those claims
a recurrence
had one
have one
having one
of one
of those days
get all
of those stains
getting some
of those tapes
not one
of those ways
boring, regardless
of your age
are robbed
of your babe
the front
the structure
of your brain
in charge
of your case
single one
of your days
in front
look off
the color
the middle
of your face
God-fearing witnesses
of your Faith
the master
of your fate
the top
of your game
at one
of your games
share one
of your graves
a reminder
of your pain
sunless heart
of your race
Reminds us
of your shame
like one
of your snakes
the errands
of your trade
so certain
of your way
the rottenness
of your ways
grandchildren are
once more slaves
I lost someone
once okay
song, The
One Horse Shay
have just
only got
one more day
has just
one soul mate
up standing on
one toenail
told me that
one, OK
one-horse race
You gotta
punch your weight
which will hurt
record sales
can set the
Set the
to set the
record straight
rough horsetail
rough horsetails
Shouldn't trust
run both ways
search for faith
away and
shut your face
in a
slump for days
we're gonna
stuff your face
all the
stuff, no way
love with the
stuff, OK
under the
sun's warm rays
swung both ways
wound that
the blow made
just won
the board game
or rather,
the bone-ache
Or booby-trap
the bouquets
the coal face
we got all
the cocaine
shallow knowledge of
the domain
times on
the door frame
aims it at
Away from
rubble that half-blocked
the light of
the doorway
I Am
the Doorway
officers to watch
the doorways
lying on
the floor, Abe
sex with half
the foreplay
out of
the fourth grade
files on
the Grote case
that was
the home base
jar of
the Lord's grace
we got
the most brains
pure are
the most brave
had won
the most games
consciousness of
the old brain
different from
Hangover from
his from
I love
the old days
scars of
the old flame
It's called
The Old Game
Just crack
the old pate
improvement on
the old place
longer than
the old plane
I hated
living than
the battle
the old way
the sacred and
wholly different from
the profane
were months,
the short, days
the slow shake
blizzards, and-and
the snow days
the sports page
culture of
the Stone age
OUT of
We're outta
will re-enter
the Stone Age
I remember
the torn page
perish, and
the war came
job at
the whole base
complexion on
the whole case
the whole day
actually have
the whole game
And a
third, okay
Double cartridge
thorough gauge
in such a
thorough way
high benevolence, outward
toward space
to profess malice
towards Wayne
should ever
turn your way
longer in an
unknown age
millionaires of the
unknown grade
around in an
of in an
unknown place
adventure in an
unknown space
Ring one
up for Fay
will brighten
up your day
Ben, just shut
grow the fuck
know I fucked
to get worked
up, okay
would cause
us no pain
all of
us your slaves
remember to call
us, ok
it, they got
that away from
us, okay
participle of the
verb profane
if their children
were OK
freedom of conscience
were proclaimed
The others
were profane
See, that's
what's so great
What's YOUR game
what's your name
Whats your name
What's your name
What's your play
What's your rate
What's your take
the original
word or phrase
just spread the
word, OK
We all
work okay
all the
work, don't they
show that
works both ways
far in the
to change the
to save the
world, okay

with 1 extra syllable

registered in
Abner Sloan's name
my ways
above your ways
definitely punching
above your weight
kids become
actors, don't they
the English
adverb for sale
the other three
after, okay
How come
Alpha's so gay
up insurrections
among your slaves
than just
anger or hate
they be
anger or pain
without collective
anger or rage
and my
answer won't change
I want
answers, okay
deer and the
antelope play
Troy with
Archer's old face
you things
Aren't so great
have Trans-Phase
armor, don't they
girl-fan-friend is fucking
awesome, okay
type in the
Baltimore Blaze
bargains, no sales
bastard horn snake
What a
battle, both ways
battled for days
bottlenose skate
bottlenose skates
bottlenose whale
bottlenose whales
image of
Brahma, O praise
for some long
branches, okay
for my little
brother, okay
no notoriety,
Cabot Cove, Maine
cure for
cancer or AIDS
a loose
cannon your way
Named after
Captain George May
because he was
people that weren't
captured, OK
people that weren't
captured, okay
challenged your fate
his bathtub by
Charlotte Corday
chocolat au lait
of the
circle so traced
coller au train
altering their
colour or shape
Or, the
common doorway
common horsetail
common horsetails
Forest, and
confront your fate
I was barely
conscious, okay
gonna help
cover your face
to blow my
cover, Ok
do they
covet most, Cate
curtain behind that
curtain, okay
the realm of
darkness, okay
ready their
daughter for sale
Bind with your
I'm his
the Chief's goddamn
daughter, okay
love and change
doctors, okay
lies against
doctrine or faith
half a million
dollars, okay
smarter than
dolphins or whales
Donald Cobain
Ernest Solvay
gagner au change
the later canonical
Gospels portray
gather up your
hackamore reigns
know how it
mean that just
happened, okay
harder and
harder, don't they
would fight
hardest for change
just bury the
hatchet, okay
all you just
holler, ok
nod anyway, being
trying to be
honest, okay
world will
honor your name
You have not
honored propane
who sacrifices
honour for gain
We shall
honour your name
Hubbard, okay
just really like
Hummels, okay
knowledge, OK
Okay, the Mars
Lander, okay
Lapis okay
for a
larger home base
Like a
lattice or crate
such great
laughter so great
can no
longer hold sway
I'm no
longer your slave
lotta cocaine
harass her in
wider circles in
manifold ways
forget to trim
master's toenails
of the subject
matter portrayed
do complicate
matters, don't they
means of a
monochrome plane
something about a
Muslim, OK
form recognizable
numbers or shapes
swing them
numbers your way
landed or
offered for sale
office floor plate
office floor plates
affairs of
office or state
like a law
office, okay
Israel that is
often portrayed
onna dole, mate
don't tell the
others, okay
you fix the
oven, okay
not name the
package, OK
for the
Paula Jones case
like a normal
person, OK
I'm not that
person, okay
for the given
problem domain
make this
problem your slave
don't need another
problem, ok
got the attitude
here with a
That, is my
problem, okay
Start facing your
problems, okay
transferred to the
quantum domain
Baptists get
raptured, don't they
Edited by
Robert Rhodes James
get a little
rougher, OK
from the
Russians, won't they
salsa Mornay
salsas Mornay
of death
scatter your days
a page,
servant or slave
why girls are
smarter, okay
constant learning
softens your brain
the handsome prince's
stallion, okay
come you
started so late
how this thing
started, OK
Let's just get
started, okay
in social
status or age
demons even
stronger, don't they
summer snowflake
summer snowflakes
event Of the
summer, okay
target domain
target domains
Trouble for James
my reception
under your name
Unfurl those sails
varicose vein
varicose veins
Let's circle the
wagons, okay
Walnuts for sale
out of Cali
wasn't cocaine
if it
wasn't for pain
I guess I
wasn't okay
food and
water for days
water horsetail
water horsetails
for salt
water or rain
a glass of
water, okay

with 2 extra syllables

Animals for Change
a concept in
another domain
Not for
another four days
another whole day
have the
argument both ways
have money in
Atlanta, okay
I've watched The
Bachelor, okay
Just keep it
casual, OK
Produced by
Deborah Forte
or reinvented in
different domains
different okay
I know I'm
different, okay
laws which this
element obeys
elephants, Your Grace
knew nothing of
eminent domain
you have
forgotten your aim
I've already
forgotten your name
I hate the
government, OK
I fear my
government, okay
gain control over
in well at
occupy cells at
Guantanamo Bay
hydrogen chlorate
I can
imagine your pain
insecure, OK
is called an
integral domain
integral domains
either hired
laborers, or slaves
the Prophet, the
Maulana proclaims
kind of
miracle your way
passable, okay
requires the widest
possible domain
available in
regular or grape
off by one
syllable, okay
have no
tolerance for rape

with 3 extra syllables

embracing your
circumstances, your fate
Confessionals, okay
interaction forte
we were in
kindergarten, okay
professionals, OK
rules down for
reproduction, okay
least degree
reputable or safe
love is
responsible for AIDS
look, this is
ridiculous, okay
than the
traditional four gates
to a
venerable old age

with 4 extra syllables

would be
educational for Grace
a known secure
individual domain
any other
individual or race
Now, wealthy
individuals won't pay
He'll be
insufferable for days
both are still
stegocephalian chordates
that language is
unacceptable, OK