exact syllable matches
1 Clement
1 Esdras
1 ezra
a cuestas
have bought
a French one
A friend, Judge
metal cooking-pot called
a kettle
he was taught
a lesson
mathematics are on
a level
A level
A levels
States was not
a menace
hand on
a pen does
That was
a present
a puertas
That was
That was not
a question
Hang on
a second
can have on
a session
That was
a set up
This was all
a setup
A Special
A Specials
his boss was
a terror
a testa
abair le
of the onslaught
really fought hard
The odds are
against us
ahead of
Anya Jenkins
astern of
Ayrton Senna
Ayrton Sennas
bird pepper
bird peppers
birth parent
birth parents
blood brethren
blood pressure
blood pressures
blood vessel
blood vessels
Burt Reynolds
bus shelter
bus shelters
But their words
But they're one
cement works
Church Fenton
Church Stretton
club fender
club fenders
clutch pedal
clutch pedals
collect dust
collect up
Compare schmuck
connect up
consent search
convex hull
convex hulls
Crush them first
der des ders
direct cut
direct cuts
direct sum
direct sums
direct verb
direct verbs
duck presses
duct engine
duct engines
dumb network
dumb networks
dumbbell curve
dumbbell curves
dust devil
dust devils
dust settles
Dutch metal
earth metal
earth metals
earth tremor
earth tremors
first session
first sessions
a star falls
from heaven
front bencher
front benchers
funk metal
grunt level
gum resin
gum resins
gun metal
gun metals
her temper
Herm Edwards
just deserts
Just wrench 'em
Kuznets curve
Le Center
Lorenz curve
love letter
love letters
lunch kettle
lunch kettles
Monk Bretton
That was
much better
muck spreader
muck spreaders
mud wrestlers
Muntz metal
musk melon
musk melons
nerve center
nerve centers
nerve centre
nerve centres
nut lettuce
of essence
And lots
of ketchup
of lemon
Representative Ron Paul
of Texas
last drop
of their blood
of their word
one blessed word
one legged
one seventh
pearl edges
Pearl necklace
per bene
per centum
per rectal
per rectum
possessed of
pulp engine
pulp engines
rough edges
rough lemon
rough lemons
search engine
search engines
sludge metal
them off on
some beggar
spur leather
spur leathers
sub pena
sub tender
sub tenders
suck lemons
sun letter
sun letters
sur les nerfs
ter haver
was jazz, all
which was all
the better
Claudia, and all
the brethren
people, and watch
the credit
The Elders
the entrance
the French Stuff
The Jetsons
The L Word
The Leopard
pirate was on
the level
we want are
the measures
can pass on
the message
it all off,
the pencil
the precious
it not rob
the present
Hot off
the presses
That's not
was all
the question
first and not
Grant was
one track on
the second
The Sessions
the spectrum
The spell worked
the strength of
The Tempest
the Templars
the weapons
The Yemen
third gender
third genders
third sector
third session
third sessions
thumb sketches
thumb wrestle
thumb wrestles
Ulf Ekman
up Jenkins
up question
up questions
Vulpes zerda
word method
world network
world networks
too hard on
yourself, girl
with 1 extra syllable
Arlen Specter
Arthur Symons and
Arnold Bennett
Arnold Wesker
Arthur Desmond
Arthur Jensen
Arthur Melzer
Cohen's an
artist, says some
August 7
of the damp
autumn weather
there was that
awful letter
Awkward tension
of Jamaican Scotch
Bonnet peppers
Boston lettuce
bottom edges
boxer engine
boxer engines
Bramah presses
Brocken specter
Brocken spectre
Brocken spectres
Bwana Devil
carbon credit
Charlotte Wessels
Clark Gable, and
Charlton Heston
charter member
charter members
column vector
column vectors
common egret
Common Era
common gender
common genders
common heather
common kestrel
common kestrels
common pheasant
common pheasants
common shelduck
common shelducks
Senators and
congress members
cottage parent
cottage parents
cotton velvet
cotton velvets
Doctor Eggman
Marc Lawrence and
Donald Reynolds
fallen pregnant
farmer stresses
fossil resin
Fossil, help her
foster parent
foster parents
garden center
garden centers
garden centre
garden centres
garden cresses
garden engine
garden engines
I are
gonna get drunk
I was
gonna get her
one was
gonna get hurt
that hat's
you are
gonna help us
I'm not
Well, I'm not
gonna letcha
else I was
gonna mention
I'm not
gonna tell her
all that
they're not
gonna tell us
Gotham Central
gotten better
We cannot
harbor rebels
hawker centre
hawker centres
honest peasants
kata benda
loggerhead duck
loggerhead ducks
Mara Beller
market segment
market segments
Modern era
of the and
Modern letter
opera della
Ossa Menor
partial pressure
partial pressures
Pondicherry was
pocket central
pollen parent
pollen parents
Problem there, sir
proffer letter
proffer letters
profit center
profit centers
profit centre
profit centres
Robert Bellah
Robert Evans
Robert Heller
Richard Connell and
Robert Presnell
Robert Sarah
Robert Spencer
rocket engine
rocket engines
Roger Ebert
Roger Shepard
Ronald Kessler
scarlet letter
scarlet letters
Somnath temple
sovereign wealth fund
sovereign wealth funds
Thomas Dekker
Thomas Kettle
Thomas Weber
trauma centre
Walker Evans
Wallace Stegner
Walter Besant
Walter Slezak
sneezed and got
Wanda pregnant
water chestnut
water chestnuts
water devil
water devils
water engine
water engines
water lemon
water lemons
water lenses
water lettuce
water level
water levels
water melon
water melons
water pepper
water peppers
water tender
water tenders
Water's precious
with 2 extra syllables
of my paternal
grandfather, Aaron
the Urdu-medium and
madrassa sectors
osmotic pressure
osmotic pressures
calque of English
rockhopper penguin
rockhopper penguins