exact syllable matches

cycle thru all
12 signs
air ais
air knife
air knives
air line
air lines
air mile
air miles
air ride
air rides
air rights
air sign
air signs
air strike
air strikes
committee's case was
air tight
air time
air times
you should not
bear mine
bear sign
belt drive
belt drives
Ben Stein
bled dry
bled white
all, and God
bless life
bread knife
bread knives
bread line
bread lines
breast line
brecht ein
cell line
cell lines
check side
check sides
checkt ein
Chef Mike
Chen prime
Chen primes
chess pie
chess pies
crest tile
crest tiles
She would not
dare, right
but of the long-
dead Dr
Come on
dead guy
dead ice
dead line
dead rise
dead wind
are better off
dead, Guy
death drive
death drives
death slide
death slides
deck ein
dwell time
dwell times
ebb tide
ebb tides
egg slice
egg white
egg whites
el pie
el quite
hell of an
EM spike
en fi
en lice
en pied
en prime
en prise
en vie
end line
end lines
end rhyme
end rhymes
hard times, not
end times
ex wife
named it after an
phone also had an
Fair Isle
fair wind
faire fi
remember what that
see what that
She must have
felt like
and that
felt nice
And that
together, it all
felt right
fence time
fence times
flesh flies
flesh fly
French drive
French drives
french fries
I want
French fries
french fry
French rice
French white
I've watched
friends die
in We are
Friends, Right
out of the park,
with corpses can
get by
Why not
get high
get life
get wind
get wise
gets high
think I can
guess why
guest night
guest nights
hair dye
hair dyes
hair pie
hair pies
hair tie
hair ties
head blight
head blights
head lice
head line
head lines
head rhyme
head rhymes
head shy
head wind
hell night
hell nights
Live and
should live and
help live
hen night
hen nights
hex sign
hex signs
kehr heim
where memories are
kept bright
lead climb
lead climbed
lead climbs
lead line
lead lines
lead time
lead times
form turned on
left side
tits, mole on
left thigh
leg bye
leg ein
leg side
lens lice
Live and
Let Die
let drive
let fly
Live and
Live, and
of Live and
say live and
to live and
let live
let slide
know what that
meant, right
Meg White
But all
these women and
men die
shielded from all
men's eyes
n chi
Next life
for the heart,
in the van
on our guard
See you all
next time
pear wine
pear wines
pen drive
pen drives
pen knyfe
penn ein
penne ein
penne knyfe
press time
press times
I can
read, write
of bananas and
red dye
Red Eye
Red Eyes
red kite
red kites
put on that
red light
red lights
red line
red lines
red pine
red pines
red pipe
red pipes
red rice
red sprite
red sprites
arms, white and
red stripes
red tide
red tides
red time
red wine
red wines
rent strike
rent strikes
looked back and
said hi
scare line
scare lines
sell side
sell sides
set by
sharp vision can
set right
set sights
sets by
sex drive
sex drives
sex life
sex line
sex lines
sex strike
sex strikes
shed find
shed finds
shed light
shelf life
shell ice
shell lime
You have hard
shells, right
shred pie
shred pies
Imagine what that
smells like
spare ein
I've got
spare time
Occasional cars
sped by
spend time
spends time
spent time
square drive
square drives
square eyes
square mile
square miles
stelle ein
They had
strength, size
swear blind
swear by
I must not
Indian does not
tell lies
tell time
it does not
tempt pride
tent wine
tent wines
test drives
test flight
test flights
Test side
Test sides
test site
test sites
it back at
test time
feeling anxious at
test times
text file
text files
text type
text types
is worst than
their bite
a light upon
their crimes
amazement flashing across
as well as
ears less than
I saw
see, I am
the masks on
their hearts and
these people, at
their eyes
It's not
their fight
d others as
their guides
I am not
their guy
are themselves and
the Anabaptists and
tigers, leopards, and
their kind
creations to broadcast
their lies
like me all
misleading them all
our arguments have
their life
parenthetic adverbials and
their like
keep you on
their line
against with all
aliens with all
Cairo with all
row with all
Whigs with all
their might
their mind
Has everyone lost
impressing excellence upon
last thing on
local girls on
much heaven on
no purchase on
one thing on
people and brainwash
physical capabilities, not
their biology, not
They never lost
their minds
Death Is On
Their Minds
like everyone has
their price
have taken as
lose us than
their desires and
their pride
were long past
their prime
eyes to all
keep insisting on
recognition of all
society demand as
them to want
were intruding upon
their rights
are you on
Be on
external resemblance on
G-d is on
had everything on
has science on
human folly on
no one on
right is on
the war on
to be on
to stand at
with government on
their side
become calm at
their sight
there eyes and
their smiles
parent's love, all
people alive beyond
they have had
their time
boys most was
their type
do men call
family connection and
food but not
hang up on
skilled workers and
their parents and
their wives
encodes theirs, and
theirs mine
but, I passed
them by
or you watch
so you watch
You watch
them die
she can have
them dyed
You just watch
them fly
little problem along
them lines
the doors, lock
them tight
You just bought
them time
Paul and ask
them why
time I saw
them, I've
plane and attack
them, right
do that and
your rights and
then die
and shivered and
his brush, and
then died
Crane, and
then Dr
fight, fight, and
then fight
every now and
then, right
had Derek on
there twice
have some restaurants
old guy back
The rebels are
there, right
they're mine
of them, and
they're nice
another planet and
plain sight, and
remarkably well, and
they're right
Trek VI
trench knife
trench knives
trend line
trend lines
Christmas trees on
Twelfth Night
Twelfth Nights
Twelfth tide
Now I can't
wear mine
go ahead and
wear tights
web site
web sites
weck ein
we might as
well fight
well liked
well nigh
a dad as
well right
And not
I'm universally popular and
You're - not
nature of organizations was
Welsh glaives
regional assemblies along
Welsh lines
wend ein
wende ein
went by
went wide
went wild
west side
west sides
West wind
wet flies
wet fly
wet wipe
wet wipes
X Prize
that it's not an
This isn't an
thoughts behind,Familiar, and
yet high
you die and
yet live
so tired and
yet smile
It was not
yet time

with 1 extra syllable

to know and
accept Christ
access time
access times
You have my
address, right
London comprehensive school,
Bromwell High
Friend of the
cartel, right
cobweb site
cobweb sites
capable of supporting
complex life
complex line
complex lines
You know the
concept, right
Universe of all non-
Dalek life
For the future of
was just a
hardware guy
kamen heim
harmonics of the Clerk-
Maxwell type
nonsense, child
light or of
object light
beauty where every
object smiles
onset time
onset times
It's just a
process, right
all works in
progress, right
your little estrogen
rockettes, right
risk his Norman
Rockwell life
Tashkent Files

with 2 extra syllables

Mohamed Shein
permanent white