exact syllable matches

and my sorrows
are dust
love because we
love because you
are loved
state and race
are one
not when they
are shut
democracy, the whores
are us
age, been badly
brought up
leads to a
dark gulf
that will not
dodge us
Drunkenness has
gone up
and immediately
got stuck
Patrol for their
then just plain
you for your
hard work
it with my own
formulation of the
law of
count in the
long run
be for the
long term
them well in the
suffering, one must
not love
are the dictatorship,
not us
and what would
that which does
not work
grown better and
not worse
any human being
discovered new horizons
generally congenial readers
His kingdom here
into every language
my purpose here
my work here
soul of us
those which prevail
on earth
for progress here
longer be living
to fix it
on Earth
life is dependent
on luck
Except one
on one
a manned spacecraft
on Trump
a little hard
Cats look down
does not depend
is a burden
They turn
this farm depend
on us
that the greater
part of
originally a very
small one
Japanese surrender will
stop us
And there
was blood

with 1 extra syllable

bold to go
beyond her
evil and injury
more successes than
never have fallen
perhaps, be forced
sport to look
upon us

with 2 extra syllables

hundred people using
Microsoft Word
way, only an
orthodox church