exact syllable matches

main --
what is it
a Gestapo
agent's been killed
expressed abstrusely by
ancient mystics
angels exist
One hundred million
angels singin'
and his
angels with him
bait, from English
A planet desolate,
baked, forbidding
base of its bill
know whose
basement this is
appeal to the
baser instinct
Bay of Pigs thing
goods, we
is to
blame the victim
braid statistics
brains but its shit
break up with him
cable knitting
Cajun English
the wall,
Caleb kicks him
this rot
came from within
came up with it
came up with this
in recording the
case suffixes
where those once-in-a-lifetime
cases exist
any save-the-broken-lawyer
cases in it
the ordinary
cases in which
how the
cavemen did it
change of innings
with a
change of lyric
and Matt
Damon in it
the most formidable
danger exists
adventure and
danger in it
the correct
date of Mrs
the first
day of filming
but one
day, something will
Dedekind ring
Dedekind rings
yell at what's-his-
face, the critic
party has
faced such killings
rub their
their own
faces in it
the new
faces this year
to know about
failure, Tintin
with your Daddy's
favorite beer
favorite bling
and was a
I'll make your
meatballs is your
favorite dish
I got your
favorite drink
of all their
favorite films
Everyone has their
favorite kill
is my new
favorite shit
is definitely my
It is my
favorite sin
How's my
favorite Sith
Not my
favorite string
just my most
My very
That's my
That's not my
trouble is my
favorite thing
all of your
are her two
do all his
few of my
of my four
Three of our
Two of my
favorite things
Favorite Year
Porter is my
favourite film
Berries are my
the human race's
favourite thing
does all my
favourite things
flavor is this
place with
Freya in it
but a
game of cricket
of the
game of living
gave us this gift
be forever
grateful it did
great work begins
but not the
greatness within
hate the British
Ah don't
Some people
taught to
hate the English
Hey, what is this
labor begins
proof of a
later printing
United States
later this year
taken from the
latest victim
made a killing
made a living
to be
made a victim
made a visit
made something tick
harness the drum
harnessed the drum
have the drum
of the drum
of this drum
this real drum
major instinct
in the
majors this year
out to
we're gonna
make a killing
ability to
artist to
Fishes gotta
have to
I to
just to
life to
lobbyists to
need to
Never could
skill to
still couldn't
takes to
took to
try and
try to
trying to
wanted to
way to
we should
work to
make a living
make love in it
make one thing clear
let me
make something clear
make something tick
you should
make the building
make the guild big
make the kids think
make up is this
make up with Lynn
make work with it
look like a
Make-a-Wish kid
sort of a
make-a-wish thing
makes a killing
makes a living
makes something tick
and they
name her Phyllis
name of it is
From the
name of Mrs
to the
name of Sybil
addition of a
From with the
nasal infix
Islamic terrorism not
No more
this notion of
nation building
tribe and
nation in it
nation is sick
be necessary for sound
used for what's called
which his
nature fits him
nature printing
What was
nature thinking
its own
nature with it
beings have Buddha
Nature within
say is just good-
natured ribbing
his lovely
neighbor clears him
It's your
neighbor Mrs
is my upstairs
It's our upstairs
my next door
That's my upstairs
That's our upstairs
neighbor, Mrs
inches from its
neighboring mib
decision of the
neighbouring kings
when the
pages filled in
are blank
pages in it
from the
pain of living
matter how
stupid or
painful it is
and war
paint, chucking spears
painted finches
there are no
papers missing
sake, be
patient with him
pay a visit
to trade
places with him
to flash any silver-
plated nippage
tossed pie
plates from Mrs
Nine One-Act
Plays from Yiddish
It's got
raisins in it
listening to virtually X-
rated lyrics
for the
sake of killing
for the
sake of living
even the
the exact
same fucking thing
seed of
Satan in it
you to
save the victim
saviour sibling
saviour siblings
Say something, Chip
and they
say the spirits
say what it is
has some
shakers in it
light that
shapes from within
a permanent and
stable building
can make a
stable living
purely emotional
stage of thinking
can be
stapled, it's in
kind of
station it is
Take a chill pill
take a licking
take a quick shit
take the shilling
he fishes,
take up fishing
take up with it
take what is his
mouth-watering, lip-smacking
taste of Mrs
theta pinches
the texts
they appeared in
they done with it
They fucked with him
they just give in
they just killed him
They love this shit
important finding,
they publish it
And, well,
they the bitches
this man
they were cheering
just thought
they were extinct
that happened
they were finished
They were his kin
they were IN it
They were kissing
that's what
they were singing
And there
they were sitting
imagine what
knew what
understood what
they were thinking
they were this big
the frameworks
they work within
not that
they'd admit it
trailer hitches
up a
train of thinking
trains of thinking
wafer-thin mint
wafer-thin mints
wait, what is it
Wait, what's in it
with two
waiters in it
power is
wasted with him
to the
way of killing
a necessary
a new
an active
and our
change his
his luxurious
most exciting,
our own
whole new
way of living
a cybernetic
a new
a particular
A popular
an isolated
and human
conversation and
create a
for a
into their
is a
my whole
our new
science fictional
the alternative
the natural
the same
their own
to another
to my
to our
to that
to your
way of thinking
in the
way of winning
Way Publishing
institutions, and
nationalities and
possible better
with others
ways of living
and new
are alternative
explore alternative
of established
ordinary, everyday
those old
ways of thinking
zeta pinches

with 1 extra syllable

no further
acquaintance with him
afraid of big risks
afraid of is fear
afraid of this thing
making decisions,
afraid of winning
always a big trick
We were
always the victims
always the weird kid
sole human
arrangement in it
ashamed of its sins
more common in
used briefly in
Australian English
can't get
away from instincts
Prince sprang
away from Mrs
Therefore you
became a victim
behavior is sin
is being
betrayed from within
and make it
capacious within
from his
cocain smuggling ring
complain, what is this
could have
contained a picnic
given line
coplanar with it
that he
creates from within
conclusion that a
Creator exists
pejoratively by some
Croatian linguists
intolerable to our
degraded spirits
in the
details of physics
arrive under the
dictatorship which
His death
disabled his ship
disgraceful, Mrs
outside the
domain of physics
Nate, you're
enabling him
is empowering and
enabling it
humanity instead of
endangering it
do you
explain loving him
and challenges
Goemon with this
a little
impatient with it
change of seasons,
migration instincts
him as a
up with a
newspaper clipping
newspaper clippings
plaintiff, on which
occasion Mrs
such violence as
occasioned Mrs
for special
occasions this thing
OK, fuck this shit
okay, what is it
Okay, what is this
outrageous is this
wherever the parental
relation exists
in close
relation with it
or less stable
relations exist
to her
relations with him
of contracting
relations with it
relationship skills
establish an emotional
had a longer
or had a
Pisani considered a
purported but false
suggests a possible
relationship with
our nation's education
remain unfinished
this grand metaplot
remains unfinished
power to
sustain the living
in the faggy
Theater District
gonna leave the
theater grinning
you know,
th-the thing is
we're liberating these
ungrateful bitches
Ungrateful Bitches

with 2 extra syllables

the smallest
alteration in him
After each
altercation Mrs
stint in the
antenatal clinic
Anyway, what is it
Appalachian English
from ceaseless
aspiration is sin
Let the
celebrations begin
used in
combination with with
play, before the
complications begin
complications killed him
been especially
concentrated in him
had found
consolation with him
hold a
consultation with him
Introduction is over,
conversation finished
a brief
a private
any confidential
have a
on a
conversation with him
jokes and
conversation with Lynne
any extensive
conversations with him
kinds of
cultivation with it
database publishing
They must be
dedicated spirits
an evil
destination it is
has the
detonator with him
especially, that liberal
education exists
of all
education in him
elevator pitches
to invest
everyday subjects with
explanations exist
I became
fascinated with it
the next
generation will bring
of people whom
inspiration visits
calling its
inspiration will spring
an experiment in
interracial living
Isolated within
basis of the
legislation within
fields the
nightingales were trilling
nomenclator is this
in devoted
occupation with it
you before the
operation begins
radiation physics
book that
regulation is in
mind are
saturated with it
words should be
separated, giving
naturalism, the
situation is clear
the other
situation will bring
speculations exist
Let the
transformation begin
it ceases, the
transmutation begins
variations exist

with 3 extra syllables

now is the
administration building
form of explosions,
assassinations, killings
to all
who are
associated with him
and everything
are all
become intimately
crude practice
disgrace be
name being
particular world-view
that are
the penalty
the teachings
associated with it
have some
association with beer
especially by
association with frith
Evacuate the building
of the
imagination, which is
as no
interpretation is fixed
good faith
negotiation is this
and a self-
nullification in will
man has
participated in it
by his
participation in it
refrigerator is filled
not call this
representation thinking

with 4 extra syllables

Differentiation missing
break your
seek total
identification with it
then, will true
reconciliation begin
way of
reconciliation with him