exact syllable matches

a bit of difference
a bit of discomfort
A bit political
a Christmas miracle
a hint of revulsion
a little bit further
a little bit of blood
a little bit of fun
a little bit of guts
a little bit of love
a little bit of uh
does make
a little difference
'Cause that's
colouring is
crave something
do something
Football is
guy is
in something
just think
of just
rates are
remember feeling
someone is
telling is
that are
that was
there it's
were just
who are
a little different
experiment is
find this
makes things
so it's
sometimes it's
a little difficult
need is
a little discipline
up with
a little discomfort
A little immigrant
a little in the front
little nervous,
a little insecure
a mistress in London
a Republican Govt
methods of
a single discipline
size using
a single instruction
not withdraw
to become
a single syllable
a thing of little worth
assistance in the world
principal, but the
assistant principal
Brazilian tinamous
bugs in the system, Sir
nor beautiful,
but it's original
But with a little luck
that of common
civilian criminals
and air
conditioning duct work
truth about
conditions in Russia
conditions in the world
get ahead without
I remember -
considering others
for by a
like you, a
convicted criminal
Derivative of brud
derivative of rrah
through a
derivative of the
dust in the infinite
familiar with the tongue
quite apart
from Hitler's principle
from groups, not
They come
They spring
from individuals
oppressed peoples
from primitive cultures
the Last
Frontier of Wickedness
I'm a
fucking US citizen
gun is a miracle
just didn't give a fuck
just split the difference
love is a miracle
my acoustic
nerves in particular
Capable of
nothing but destruction
radium represents
nothing but inertia
Lord was
nothing but wilderness
will have
nothing forgiven her
Nothing personal, hm
by the
nothingness in others
of becoming a putz
the level
of blissful ignorance
the light
of Christian principles
of Christians in the world
certain amount
general campaign
of civil disturbance
full sense
of his original
not that type
relaxed, enjoy-the-moment kind
of individual
an infinite number
an insignificant number
and common sense
as a collection
at groups, instead
by the efforts
by the intervention
by the passion
concerns the freedom
consist of millions
crippling of the
dreams the myths
endangered the rights
entire generations, not
for the protection
greedy personality expression
hundreds of thousands
hungers and judgments
in their character
is a phenomenon
is a world
is the obliteration
it, denoting set
much the evolution
of different kinds
only a subset
only in terms
opposed to oppression
replaced the action
sensibility and practice
the civil freedoms
the most agile
the personal rights
the social consciousness
these clashing rights
to a lot
to an aggregate
to the actions
to the convenience
to the sickness
trying the causes
was the act
of individuals
with airs
of injured innocence
of it turn his stomach
rapid succession
of vivid images
of wicked, vicious ones
or out
the consequences
of willful ignorance
official in the world
Wanna be my
official witnesses
once in a million births
but that
like that
taking that
one in particular
be thought as
surround and trap
one individual
one with the silver tongue
opinion is worthless
reduced to a
personal minimum
us with his
personal signature
is gestural and
personal, Signature
position in the world
does not make
used in his
when he made
wives for humiliating
public appearances
which all
public opinion turned
of space,
published nothing further
straitjacket bureaucracies, and self-
serving officialdom
to get
some fiscal stimulus
come up with
to offer it
something original
I did
it by doing
something unthinkable
even of the
production above the
subsistence minimum
Baker Eddy were
involve coercion of
such individuals
such a
term is permissible
thinking is
the biggest difference
the biggest in the world
the bitter, single girls
the brink of destruction
the children in the world
a force outside
a metaphysics of
always been with
always depends on
an attribute of
and courage of
and death of
and development of
and ideals of
and liberties of
and time than
and worth of
by others on
capitalist instead of
complete enslavement of
conscious attitude of
Constitution's focus upon
conventional level of
corrective technologies of
developing sensibility of
economic theory is
force to extricate
free exploration by
full development of
fundamental rights of
genetic fitness by
in intensity with
inalienable rights of
intellectual constitution of
intellectual development of
is chosen by
is transformation of
its acquisition by
its impact on
Kierkegaard found within
much less than
never look at
no longer considers
of defeat by
of government and
of life and
of rights, not
over that of
perceptive skills of
perpetual characterization of
pretend to offer
race, not in
rarely look at
reaching and holding
religious feelings in
right to manage
social obligation of
social relations create
sovereign, rather than
special nature of
spiritual debasement of
spiritual maturity of
spiritual principle in
supreme worth of
that make up
the assertion of
the autonomy of
the character of
the consciousness of
the creativeness of
the curse of
the defense of
The education of
the freedom of
the heart of
the imagination and
the interests of
the knowledge of
the life of
the morality of
the revolt of
the right of
the rights of
the salaries of
the salvation of
the State and
the state over
the subsumption of
the superciliousness of
the tyranny of
the uniqueness of
the universal is
the universal versus
the valuing of
the view of
this cult of
to do with
transient adornment of
ultimate control over
way of relativizing
What matters is
what matters, not
which we place
the individual
the growth of
usurpers outside of
the Individual
world without improving
the individuals
attempts at explaining
learning rests is
The explicable requires
tries to explain
the inexplicable
the midst of Christendom
the mirror, mirror world
the river with the turds
the spirit which puffs up
the system is corrupt
the things of wickedness
Apart from
the triplet incident
the winners in the world
traditions in the church
traditions in the world
up in the middle of
vertical interval
vertical intervals
were in love with someone
were in the middle of
What is a Singleton
say about
what is permissible
What is the cylinder
What's his fucking number
a big
word - innocence
word in the singular
work in the spirit world
work is loving the world
work with the Witnesses
of public
works in particular
the Third
World in particular
world is a miracle
world is a wicked one
the modern
world is legitimate

with 1 extra syllable

Mergers and
acquisitions will occur
after becoming a monk
and of teen-
agers in particular
differences that exist
amongst individuals
dispense then with
artificial stimulants
basis is political
become destructive of love
years and increasingly
become individual
his contemporaries to
become individuals
crime by
becoming a criminal
benefits of its workers
upon far
better business principles
can carry,
bridges in particular
beautiful woman was
bridling, unthinkable
Caverns in Virginia, US
at recruitment
centers is legitimate
least some mentally
challenged individuals
Children, little children burned
to the
colours in particular
endanger a
competition in purchase
or indirect
competition is absurd
craters in the wilderness
creature in the inner world
Culture is a stimulus
I am a multi-
cultured individual
Bystanders are, by
definition, innocent
consciousness of peculiarly
disturbed individuals
Either is permissible
encouragement in her work
Saxons in
England, in particular
me has
ever been original
favorite gum in the world
featuring the image of
finest kitchens in the world
finest women in the world
fingers is the middle one
fire in the wilderness
Fire Pillar Reversal
their stealing and
gambling legitimate
given, is a criminal
We were
gonna become windsurfers
gonna kick a little butt
and you're
harboring a criminal
and a great,
humble individual
injured in the incident
map stakeholder
interests in particular
Isn't it a miracle
largest river in London
lemma in the singular
Little Miss Nurse didn't come
longest river in the world
London financial
markets in particular
victory over
matter becomes visible
group of like
Information with other like-
minded individuals
multiplicative number
never discuss discussions
harmony, triangular
numbers, figurate numbers
is the
opposite of discussion
what's the
opposite of innocent
common with
other business disciplines
other in the wilderness
just like any
presuppose in each
response in the
there is no
other individual
also in the
the environment and
other individuals
other river in the world
our image in the world
crimes, and not
perverse individuals
would disgrace a
private individual
purchasing a little love
rampant in the wilderness
by a truly anti-
republican principle
the influence of
Republican principles
linkage among these
scattered individuals
of erotic
science is attributed
associated with these
selfless individuals
death of a
killing of a
no class or
than of a
views of a
single individual
like rigid, invariable,
protect themselves against
simple actions of
single individuals
shed blood or
slaughter individuals
goodies to
someone in particular
notion of the
sovereign individual
coarse, restless, and
stubborn individuals
suffering must become Love
Surgeons, Lincoln's Inn, London
system is fucking corrupt
terrorism in the world
tinker with a tinkerbell
uttering a single word
veganism in the world
water in the wilderness
those of very
wicked individuals
It's like
witnessing a miracle

with 2 extra syllables

and feelings with
or to damage
should behave with
to be from
another individual
beautiful women in the world
bottomless pit of ignorance
as independent and
capable individuals
and legal
capitalism become one
connection with the infinite
connections with a bigger bird
is a
conservative of principle
definite mission in the world
this is a
different individual
less slowly in
separate actions of
different individuals
of pressure,
different kitchen, different
Diminutive of bishonen,
Diminutive of situla
existence is particular
sin by a non-
existent individual
government with a single word
example, mental
hospitals, in particular
however is much different
and Chinese
medicine in particular
Particle is a miracle
pelican in the wilderness
and his
potential is unlimited
powerful witches in the world
and soy
production in particular
punishment in the spirit world
like a normal,
rational individual
capitalize on
relevant business disruptions
the Christian
religion in particular
rather than between
selected individuals
credit reports on
several individuals
contributions of these
singular individuals
a happy and
successful individual
superposition principle
superposition principles
temporal with the eternal
is a really
tenacious individual
It is
transcendence become immanent
as a
typical recurring purchase
inherent possessions of
ultimate individuals
homeless and
veterans in particular

with 3 extra syllables

acceptable in the business world
Portrait of
Alexander William Williamson
contrary hypothesis are
altogether inexplicable
America's image in the world
aphorism is a presumption
many intelligent and
benevolent individuals
comfortable with the written word
this is a
despicable individual
of software
development, in particular
general national
education is unthinkable
entrepreneurship of its workers
those of
gravitation in particular
a nation of
independent individuals
well read and
intelligent individual
is being an
power of one
to a single,
isolated individual
Literature becomes frivolous
a despicable, evil,
maniacal individual
molestation is of little girls
constricted, conforming, and
obsessional individuals
original is the signature
needs of the
or upon any
particular individual
political figure in the world
questionable individuals
case the
representative unskilled worker
activity of any
responsible individual
personally and socially
responsible individuals
which modern
socialism is unthinkable
relation to
Spinozism in particular
synonymous with public service
pockets of some
unscrupulous individuals
for a genetically
vulnerable individual

with 4 extra syllables

relations based on freely-
associated individuals
Capitulation is unthinkable
comprehensible is a miracle

with 5 extra syllables

identification with the eternal