exact syllable matches

in the circuit,
a capacitor
a contraction from
a contraction of
A contraction of
a dumb animal
she was
a Dutch Calvinist
a gun and a girl
the quadrature of
a parabola
be given as
a parameter
that I'm
tin and
a stuffed animal
be bitten by
a were-animal
carabao as
a work animal
Tagore as
a world traveller
a wuss than a stud
on the
blood of animals
another, like
son and
brother and brother
fathers and
brothers and husbands
the Hot Silent
Brothers Calendar
kill a
bunch of animals
bunch of random junk
what a
bunch of savages
but a bad Supper
a medicine,
but a sacrament
But just after lunch
the band
but the animal
but the battle won
from physics and
certain accidents
thoughts above a
certain caliber
unto you a
certain sacrament
the Anglican
Church of Canada
wasn't wrong, the
circumstances were
of the
color as color
comes from bad judgement
comes from bad judgment
that experience has
confirmed afterwards
confirmed bachelor
that our
culture has justice
wood, and
cut up animals
double annulus
doubles as a cup
speak half a
dozen languages
Ernest Shackleton
first world and third world
flirt, flurt, and flirt, flurt
flux capacitors
From a calque of the
gets launched
from a catapult
From a damaged world
from a lack of love
From a language, from
from a plant worker
from blood and thunder
From contraction of
From marasca, from
him recover
Is that
from the accident
the professional
from the amateur
judicious distance
from the animal
differentiates us
distinguishes us
separates us
from the animals
From the clan, from the
From the fascinum
from the Latin one
from the Latin verb
from the planet Earth
from unflappable
Fuck, fuck and bugger
I'm a naked
fucken animal
specification of
function and purpose
who saw
further than others
small as
her Dutch challenger
They were like
hunted animals
purpose, I'm a
hunter gatherer
of its history as
husband and her son
hustle and bustle
Compare bungle,
jumble, and fumble
jump a rattler
jump the rattler
just a passenger
just touch that one first
kernel as a nut
all about
London at supper
love Dumb and Dumber
Macduff, Cameron
mother languages
forth and multiply,
mother mackerel
of humankind's
motherland the Earth
reasons for the
murder afterwards
by Christians,
Muslims, and others
null anaphora
null anaphoras
there are
nurses and mothers
Alteration of
nuzzle, after nurse
that had
occurred that summer
of a black person
in front
of a camera
the cradle
of a catapult
the status
of a manager
the pocket
of a traveler
a bunch
of dumb animals
a bunch
of her valuables
of just and unjust
of love and justice
of love and service
nutter, the occupation
of nut-gatherer
down because
of some accidents
very fond
of stuffed animals
of the Abbott girls
It's part
of the accident
the light
of the actual
An example
different description
his knowledge
shy habits
the abundance
the hide
the nature
total make-up
of the animal
of the animals
of the Arab world
dehumanized matter
of the atomists
of the Black Circle
the advice
of the Cabinet
advise students
analytical processes
as inventor
first invention
the methods
of the calculus
it out
of the calendar
in front
of the camera
in front
sight lines
of the cameras
of the cancer, but
of the class struggle
the problem
of the damages
extinct branch
knew none
of the languages
of the Last judgement
of the Latin term
of the Latin word
the attention
of the manager
by Permission
of the Managers
of the mass struggle
our admiration
of the master-flood
very incarnation
of the master-word
of the planet Earth
of the Planet Earth
of the PLANTs come from
due administration
of the sacraments
Of the Sacraments
of the tax burden
small region
of the thalamus
the experience
of the transference
of the Traveller
of what has occurred
one of man's blunders
into a quite
other animal
and of all
anthropomorphic assumptions about
between humans and
distance themselves from
donkeys, birds, and
eating fish and
example for the
far more than
from bits of
given for the
horse, and all
larks and the
man from all
mention all the
natural conditions and
of humans and
preyed upon by
radically different from
spread to the
the bodies of
the company of
the DNA of
the throats of
worse than the
other animals
see the
other as other
other hand, shut up
a number of
-able in various
influence speakers of
less limited than
of English and
verbs borrowed from
other languages
viruses, bacteria, and
other pathogens
some purpose
other than justice
Persian calendar
the Urdu and
well as other
Persian languages
person at the club
matter of
person than function
person that's her son
elevated and
perverse and absurd
him a wooden
puppet afterwards
Russia, and the US
service animal
service animals
SHUDDER at the touch
Alternatively from
some contraction of
logarithms, and
some of algebra
the value of
some parameters
some worse than others
She was
someone's grandmother
yellowish-brown and
somewhat black colour
is the
Southern Baptist Church
Spuds one, Talons none
evolved similar
structures and functions
at once
stubborn and subtle
such a bad person
with just
such a camera
such passion,
such abandon, such
could deliver
such substandard work
summer tanagers
the swift and
the adaptable
custom, that of
the anathema
you found on
the catamaran
the Church and the world
Allah, the Merciful,
the Compassionate
The cup has the drugs
the Earth and the Sun
the earth as the sun
the Earth, has purpose
price of
the first animal
the fun at the church
the hunchback of love
you actually experience
the miraculous
Named after
sort of man
the philanthropist
picture, all
the stuff, actual
the sun and the earth
German, but from
the vernaculars
the world can love her
thermal camera
thing on our
thermal cameras
touch of class, but, uh
trumpet and a drum
trumpet and the drum
born of
turbots and truffles
could not
I didn't
understand a word
does not
understand the terms
of us
understand the word
understand the world
the audience
understands the word
up the animals
the capital of
Upper Canada
my son
were the manager
what a captain does
What's the matter, hm
over the
world of campuses
to destroy the
world's contaminants
worst betrayal, the
worst abandonment
I'm the
youngest Shaft brother

with 1 extra syllable

a level
above the animal
Absalom absalom
abundant as the sun
accidents and some blood
a mutiny against
Admiral Adama
that remain
after a massacre
his arm
was written
after the accident
may look
after the afterwards
after the fastener
the First,
twelve years
your care
after the massacre
a canyon in
the forests of
Alberta, Canada
as whites
among the passengers
slain enemies
among the savages
Angela Rasmussen
Animals can't murder
annals of planet Earth
and bone to
animal had killed
one, but just
another animal
Uh, get him
another camera
from or
another language, from
between us and
another massacre
another tap of work
another, and the world
way or
another, as workers
antrum From antrum, from
Renton and I
aren't compatible
logic and
argument than others
be an
armor of adamant
backward compatible
Battle of Alberta
inspecting the
bowels of animals
Cameron Patterson
Carpenter at the front
things like
carpenters and plumbers
tree, what
causes the accident
is a
chapter of accidents
chapters of accidents
the war's most
colorful admiral
beaten track of
commercial travelers
commercial traveller
commercial travellers
your cache of
common vernacular
sure, alongside
Constable and Turner
constructed languages
your suggestion, a
construction accident
provided by the
construction manager
the old
continent and corrupt
years of
corruption and murder
Queen's Privy
the Privy
Council of Canada
umbrella will
cover the damages
Routledge Companion to Cross-
Cultural Management
after Niobe,
daughter of Tantalus
diamant mandarin
other, typically more
dominant, languages
much, it was
fabulous, fabulous
fractional calculus
based on formal
functional calculus
the four
functions of management
gonna hurt that person
consent of
governors and governed
study the
habits of cannibals
harlequin cabbage bug
harlequin cabbage bugs
and dad
haven't abandoned us
herds with
hundreds of animals
biased in
hundreds of passages
students, policymakers,
journalists, and others
judgment must have occurred
Peace and
justice come afterward
lacrimal caruncle
celebration of
languages and cultures
languages and the world
languages lack the word
bits that are
libellous afterwards
are no
longer just animals
loveable than the mutt
Management at of the
with any
manner of animal
marital statuses
maternal grandmother
maternal grandmothers
maternal half-uncle
maternal half-uncles
in those
matters of amateurs
sense, via the
modern vernaculars
and anthologies in
multiple languages
embrace his
murderer as brother
and capture a
murderous cannibal
match counterparts in
to and from
natural languages
those of a
nocturnal animal
they are necessarily
nominal damages
enormously large
number of animals
by the
number of passengers
a large
number of savages
by a
number of travelers
all my
other stuffed animals
our love and service
try and explore
our parameters
oxygen canister
find out about
Pamela Anderson
I got was
partial paralysis
it needs vigorous,
passionate advocates
paternal grandmother
paternal grandmothers
paternal half-uncle
paternal half-uncles
and other
persons were massacred
and miserable,
plunderers and plundered
such ignorance
possible gasped someone
to breeding more
powerful mandibles
of the
the changing
problems of management
central board of
production management
Production management
Still her
production manager
purpose of mass murder
as it becomes
humans are not
rational animals
subject to a
rational calculus
alone, and
Ravana abducts her
Rumble, young man, Rumble
rich and
talented and cultured
be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, fabulous
turtle, a land turtle
of God as
ultimate Maximum
under the fact of love
and to
unpurpose that purpose
upward compatible
of the less
valuable animals
valuable cache of pearls
version of that first one
And justify
violence and murder
comes after a
violent accident
ya, I
wasn't a natural
Wonderful, fabulous

with 2 extra syllables

actual parameter
actual parameters
many ways an
admirable animal
another one after her
apparel but natural
Citizen of Canada
all the
citizens of Canada
collateral damages
of the
commonest of animals
or a
contraction of Agatha
Dove, The
Conversion of Salomon
diagonal calendar
diagonal calendars
of the
discipline of management
the final
element of frankfurter
elements of mass culture
the country's most
eligible bachelor
prompted the
emergence of slackerdom
has despised
entrepreneurs and merchants
striking everyday
examples of transference
then Governor
General of Canada
the Governor
General of Canada,
general paralysis
We are
hierarchical animals
is unloved,
inadequate, and worthless
of such an
incompetent advocate
inhabit the planet Earth
to appear
irrational and absurd
rational use but
irrational massacre
and postmodern
of American
literature and culture
the Prime
Minister of Canada
three prime
ministers of Canada
miraculous as the first
due to actual
muscular paralysis
palatable than the first
the first
principles of algebra
Principles of management
for the
purposes of travelers
are more
reasonable than others
regardless of past service
outside of some
regional vernaculars
eigenvalue problems with
several parameters
universal algebra
in his
Universal Algebra
universal algebras
mean, within the
usual parameters
violence such as murder

with 3 extra syllables

Luther called
Copernicus a blasphemer
detectable parameters
in the
development of algebra
equivalent of Absalom
the Dutch
equivalent of Agatha
equivalent of Angela
Indomitable, that's the word
well, notwithstanding the
inevitable allergens
the restricted
intelligence of animals
particulars of rapture come
authentic in
reproduction of animals
some gross and
unpardonable accident
overtones of mediocre,
unremarkable, lackluster

with 4 extra syllables

cerebrovascular accident
cerebrovascular accidents