exact syllable matches
a brief pause
a cheap shot
he wanted
a clean start
body of
a Greek god
this guy
a green card
do have
a Green Card
Talk about
a G-spot
is tantamount to
things is in
a jihad
man had
a key part
he's not
a real cop
'em get
I had
never had
to get
a real job
in for
a real shock
to be
a real wall
should we initiate
a recall
the manner of
a see-saw
and skidded into
a streetcar
He was really
a sweetheart
ruins for taking
term tempest in
a teapot
burn with
a weak heart
to take
we had
a week off
use this as
a wheel-stop
on the planet
simply what everyone
that most everyone
agrees on
how wide-ranging his
appeal was
reasonable than Herr
Bernstein's call
fetch the
birds he shot
and kick his
stratagems of their
bloody art
ideologies, doctrines, and
bloody farce
pure manner is
bloody hard
they've changed the
bloody locks
the waters of
Bloody Pond
rest of their
bloody rot
We all have
bloody thoughts
why not the
Burmese lot
he's evil,
looks strong,
but he's not
over now,
but he's wrong
Mac -
but she's not
deposit is a
complete loss
baffling wonder alone
completes all
first examples of
for this new
will call it
concrete art
But now our
country calls
brothers, with real
country dark
We're on a cross-
country march
and the whole
country wrong
not in his
country's cause
can answer your
crummy call
and totally
cuts me off
at, and frequenting
dirty haunts
my job, my
dirty job
get all the
dirty jobs
Even the
dirty thoughts
painfully effeminate,
does he not
What more
does he want
does she want
When it's
done we'll talk
night was therefore
doubly odd
across Spinoza quite
Mussolini and Hitler
stop to that
Tuck figured it
with them pretty
early on
way back to
Earth, sweetheart
sweat from an
earthy god
who bloody needs
'em, sweetheart
daring philosophy than
First Recon
while walking their
fluffy dogs
Give Brainiac the
fluffy doll
whatever the
fuck he wants
the character building
funny part
beyond a
grunt, he thought
who still doubted
her resolve
cigarettes, cunt, or
Hershey bars
breast,And thus to
journey on
just keep calm
just need blocks
existence of any
lovely art
go for a
lovely walk
the same
luck we are
luck, sweetheart
it as a
of course, a
lucky charm
shift in a
machine shop
like a little
money box
Chinese spending their
what you spend
money on
lawyers, contracts, and
money talk
blind worship of the
birthday of the
monkey god
coconuts to their
monkey gods
what's basically a
monkey's job
Monday we have
Murphy Prawn,
all souls
must be drawn
must be hard
equal value
must be lost
and I
Now, I
must be off
that future
that objectivity
must be sought
civilians and
nuclear program
Q Force
within him
must be stopped
must be strong
feel I
so it
must be wrong
known image
of De Sade
bounding out
of each car
the motion
of free fall
the ideal
of free thought
an integral part
of Jehad
the black flag
of jihad
step ahead
of me, Clark
Awake, Voice
of sweet song
cumulative action
of these laws
the lot
of these stars
enters oneself,
vanishes, then
one sees God
the only
one we've got
old Mount Prospect
up in a
police car
drive off a
police dog
to get a
police shot
threatened to
shut me off
of that, yes
sirree Bob
in the
skull, sealed off
dance with
some cheap blonde
have to do
some recon
to blow
some steam off
might have
spurred me on
obstacle yields to
stern resolve
and intellectuals should
You must
study hard
good house, with
sturdy walls
Serving is the
supreme art
but as the
supreme god
it was the
supreme law
'Cause they're identical
Suzie Wongs
out of
the deep dark
and society and
the econ
at work throughout
the eons
thing missing is
the g-spot
gotta keep
the heat on
elsewhere and find
the jihad
You defy
the Jihad
thing out of
the Leapfrog
will do
the least harm
ask why
the leaves fall
the cry of
the peacocks
to face
the real cause
I know
the real God
look at
the real stars
brace themselves to
the resolve
Move up to
the seawall
to appease
the three gods
understanding of
violation of
the Three Laws
come and
the week's gone
story has
touched me heart
turned me on
Yeah, it
turns me on
won't be
up here long
And take
up these arms
who brought
us here, John
thought they
were real rocks
once, as
were we all
truth of
what he saw
give him
what he sought
really matter
what he thought
call him
can say
'Cause that's
find out
giving him
Goth, it's
himself know
that guy
who gets
will obtain
what he wants
made him
nobody knew
You know
what he was
what he's got
that is
what he's lost
can see
what she got
some of
what she saw
find out
knows exactly
she gets
what she wants
her for
was, and
what she was
You know
what she's called
be But
but for
cannot help
It matters
making us
see but
setting on
State is
to be
to refuse
us be
you know
what we are
what we got
to do
what we ought
you see
what we saw
different from
what we thought
always know
and that's
percent of
This is
to get
us both
we know
which is
what we want
What is his
worldly God
worry, Mom
judge this a
worthy cause
biting mockery of
yuppie angst
with 1 extra syllable
to come
after me hard
to look
after me ma
Oh to live
among peacocks
Arthur C Clarke
it's not a
bakery czar
the war were
blatantly wrong
dastardly acts of
bloodthirsty mobs
and my other
brother Xenon
responded to a
burglary call
Captain Beefheart
molds of nineteenth
century art
give it a
century, tops
certainly not
The earth
changes, he thought
life whose
children we are
and very, very
common resolve
That was a
company car
company rocks
Courage the
starring Courage, the
Cowardly Dog
are a superstitious
cowardly lot
strange shapable
creatures we are
think that's your
destiny, Clark
but I
didn't see God
the world shall
easily fall
of Government goes
easily on
maybe, just as
easily popped
That is what
enemies are
to wherever the
were where the
enemy was
anything, except the
enemy's balls
heard of Neptune
Energy Bars
of good-paying clean
energy jobs
vertexes was an
energy star
now then
ever he was
Become acquainted with
every art
throne, and blackens
every blot
to wipe down
every car
But you hold
every card
coats that shed
I'm gonna need
every drop
the bottom of
every heart
many people for
every job
to say, break
every law
synagogue and in
every mosque
be stricken in
every part
poisonous snakes under
every rock
the story of
every scar
down but misses
every shot
slicing through my
every thought
force who rights
every wrong
himself in your
family car
centers, expressways and
family cars
It's the
small business and
family farm
enclosed Van Buren
family plot
traitor in my
family was
her timing was
fatally flawed
that illusion is
finally gone
the pound will
finally stop
make getting
fired seem small
couldn't jump the
Genesee Falls
kind of
genius he was
between a
giant green frog
leaders of the
global jihad
This haul
gonna be taut
where I'm a-
gonna be, Ma
gotta be blonde
gotta be strong
gover he was
gracefully carved
Grenadier Guards
did was wrong,
grievously wrong
as it's so
happily called
Hell For a
heavenly cause
source of the
Heavenly God
the man is
heavily armed
Does he like
Hickory Farms
the Lieutenant is
hopelessly lost
like a
hundred feet tall
Jeremy call
back into her
jewellery box
realized the
Knowledge He brought
Legally Blonde
reader on a
leisurely walk
secure our own
liberties are
pounds with your
lottery card
know where your
loyalties are
Oh, what's the
matter, sweetheart
widgeons, and short-term
memory loss
you need Mega
Memory Loss
the real
monsters, he thought
Montgomery Scott
motives is thus
mortally flawed
of history's great
mysteries solved
look at the
mystery cards
to use the
mystery plot
kind of
nation we are
argument is made
needlessly hard
You can
never be lost
world can
never reach God
became a dialectic,
never resolved
the fuck
number we're on
Lickable wallpaper for
nursery walls
as from
other weak stock
by making
others feel small
in each
other's weak spots
people will weaken
We must keep
our resolve
kind of
owner, he thought
Quite a
paintbrush he's got
Why does
paper beat rock
Paper beats rock
home in the
penalty box
type of
us the
people we are
feel the
person he was
everything they could
more could you
that they could
possibly want
been sabotaged was
probably false
And I figure
probably not
probably was
he is very
notions that are
So I am
probably wrong
the housing
problem be solved
of the
problems, she caused
for whatever
purpose she wants
which the four
quarters revolve
problems can be
readily solved
Silver Beat-Alls
Whence is that
simile drawn
to be
someone he's not
him how
special he was
Stephen Leacock
common, the
stronger we are
show how
stupid he was
what my queer
sympathy was
know something is
like something was
Lisa, there's something
No, you're wrong,
wrong, wrong, and
terribly wrong
treated those women
terribly, Clark
you, officer,
that'll be all
develop something like
total recall
and he's so
war vets are
totally hot
totally not
seem to him
totally odd
totally rocks
are absolutely and
this belief is
you why it's
totally wrong
This is
useful, he thought
following somebody is
Those charges are
utterly false
He is
utterly hot
all problems is
utterly wrong
that it becomes
vitally lost
I don't
wanna be God
song we
wanna be on
ya, wouldn't
wanna be ya
Wanna eavesdrop
final against the
Waverly Hawks
does a
woman, he thought
wonder he lost
wouldn't leave ya
with 2 extra syllables
account of being
abnormally strong
bad our problems
how powerful we
actually are
Elvis records I
actually bought
much this armor
actually costs
I'm not, I'm
actually not
They never
actually stop
and Mr Foot
actually want
he'd left behind
mathematician than he
with what he
actually was
instance he was
actually wrong
What does
anybody want
Oh, wait,
apparently not
to mention
bicoastal theme parks
They must enforce
Community law
definitely not
of it was
Something is
definitely wrong
ingredients of real
democracy are
him what the
difficulty was
Diogenes Small
through the
entire Shield Wall
This is
entirely false
girl was not
entirely wrong
of who we
essentially are
own property, that's
essentially gone
Flowers are
essentially tarts
unbelievers would be
eternally lost
The doom of
eternity balms
you might say,
eternity starts
that was just
factually wrong
intend to be
formidably armed
generally wrong
real southern
what a
gentleman he was
who were nonetheless
genuinely strong
leave the
hospital, he walks
to what their
identity was
is, you know,
incredibly not
the mind become
infinitely calm
guns and a
militant ethos
the crucifixion, they
naturally thought
their conclusions seemed
obviously false
Ah, well,
obviously not
The TV was
obviously on
that it so
obviously was
is always so
that they are
obviously wrong
that's a super
philosophy, Sean
you had not
previously thought
troublesome, for a
security guard
just superspeed past
security, Clark
Technology stopped
something like you
the evil ones
usually are
whereas affect is
usually not
Turk or
whatever he was
could do
whatever we want
hated people
whoever he was
not her,
whoever she was
with 3 extra syllables
the sphere of
accomplishment revolves
is the
America we want
the steel of
American resolve
and I'm
devastated he's gone
the only
education we got
as spiritual, and
electrically prompt
my convictions, be
something has gone
fundamentally wrong
of the
information he saw
all the
information we want
nations should be
invariably wrong
all souls are
irresistibly drawn
will be utterly,
irrevocably gone
which you can
legitimately stop
out what the
opportunities are
some interesting job
opportunities, dog
no penalty except
opportunity lost
these changes are
particularly sharp
men are
philosophers, he thought
from you than
probabilities are
out to be
unusually harsh
intimacy, I now
voluntarily sought
with 4 extra syllables
picosecond or a
geological eon
considered him as
irrecoverably gone
undialectical, unscientific and
theoretically wrong
Life is
unnecessarily long
with 5 extra syllables
sort of sister
confidentiality clause