exact syllable matches

light the
blue touchpaper
booster cable
booster cables
buddha nature
bugle player
bugle players
bula papal
Do the day's work
dual spaces
Make a
few bird tables
a common
food of sailors
as the
fruit of labor
earth-cult, veneration of
fruitful nature
fuel gauges
fuel station
fuel stations
see in a
future agent
encompass present and
future changes
a large
group of strangers
across a
human brain From
the modelling of
human faces
cultivation of the
human failure
the products of
human labour
in a
human male's world
a fault of
a knowledge of
a pillar of
a principle of
a stigma upon
a student of
all reflections on
and richness of
and understandings of
ardent student of
because I understand
beginning, that's just
between nature and
But that's not
calmer parts of
can we understand
City destructive of
contradictory parameters of
core struggle of
darker side of
darker sides of
deep hold on
desirable condition of
disputed phrase, altered
essential constitution of
expected of our
fundamental constants of
fundamental facts of
generous appreciation of
healthy understanding of
highest aspect of
human reason and
I guess that's
I must reverence
ideal perfection of
important part of
impossible is just
inherent characteristic of
insightful students of
It isn't
it really understands
It's just
It's just god-damned
just apart of
mechanics, incentives and
naive understanding of
normal components of
of the universal
on our original
our understanding of
sacred part of
sympathetic explorer of
system, not on
That's not
the analogies of
the baseness of
the development of
the domination of
the elements of
the fabric of
the grain of
the prejudices of
the rights of
the tragedies of
the weeds of
their ignorance of
They don't understand
too much of
unconquerable impulses of
universal principles of
very best of
very laws of
weakness, that's just
Worst of
human nature
Human nature
strongest efforts of
Human Nature
misfortunes of the
human races
make a larger
human statement
serving as a
human table
Human Vapor
humans hate us
jewel cases
Judas cradle
Judas cradles
Overview of the
lunar phases
tool that
move the nation
move us, shape us
I make a
of forming a
new acquaintance
equilibrium of the
We have a
new arrangement
Weasels are
nuisance makers
Prunus padus
queue today, huh
Reuben Abel
is a
rule of nature
smooth mudalia
Stewart Baker
ferocious, currish, and
stupid natures
have a
suit of sables
work as undercover
super agents
super rich and
super famous
this type of
super player
if I called
you and
Susan Davis
Susan Hayward
up and
threw a rager
The Rock
through a table
big powerbomb
triple-powerbombed Rock
world's champion
through the table
of love
to a maiden
to a male nurse
no harm
to a neighbor
to a race of
the words
to a raven
to a state of
ET strapped
to a table
this man
to a wager
to await the
park have
to come later
fear and example
to curtailment
too chicken
to debate us
system dooms millions
to frustration
candy back
to her later
is tasked
to hunt angels
to love nails, son
is not amenable
to persuasion
stigma attached
to such ailments
that refer
to such places
is enough
to sustain us
of rocks
to the acre
to listen
to the angel
set fire
to the basement
president adds
to the danger
his harangue
to the faithful
master equal
to the greatest
language accessible
well-nigh unintelligible
to the layman
called up
to the Majors
and belongs
to the maker
do that
to the Mayor
a credit
a disservice
an insult
cause harm
giving trouble
immense cost
of obligation
on belong
to the nation
A beacon
them and
to the nations
then return
to the paper
in damages
physician than
provide comfort
to the patient
one-way ticket
to the pavement
as troublesome
distinctly unfavorable
Greta thanks
to the player
well done
to the players
was off
we're off
you're off
to the races
to the same herd
to the same word
got back
to the station
and on
Cut back
of information
was rusted
to the table
to what they were
just on a one-
to-one basis
all bear the
union label
a restaurant at
tonight, alone at
Union Station
stones of all
useful labour
user agent
user agents
from the
views of nature
the people
who were taken
you a dater
to call
you a failure
gonna ask
has done
you a favor
What are
What were
you afraid of
You just gave up
but that
you loved later
You must save her
You must wake up
and catch
We'll catch
you up later
How come
you were naked
You were wasted
interest your old school-extremely-slight-never-liked-you-anyway, probably-flush-your-head-down-the-toilet-as-soon-as-look-at-
knows what monsters
you'll awaken

with 1 extra syllable

trips or undertaken
arduous labors
to undertake any
arduous labours
minority on a
communal basis
of peace over
communal hatred
communion wafer
Communion and the
Communion Wafer
communion wafers
death with a
computer cable
case of 2-dimensional
congruence spaces
of evolution by
gradual changes
, primarily for
ashamed to do
used only for
who live by
manual labor
Manual labor
manual labors
were pressed into
manual labour
manual labours
serpentine tangle of
Medusan nature
onto a stained shirt
and falls
onto a table
the ink
onto the paper
to melt
onto the pavement
out, overflowing
the contents
onto the table
explanation of its
peculiar nature
you're a double-triple, triple-
quadruple failure
for certain
subgroups of patients
and the
value of labor
not the
values of nature
of honoring the
virtuous nature

with 2 extra syllables

Turks to
constitute a nation
Persia from their
persecutor, Haman