exact syllable matches

aerosol cheese
in which
beggars are seen
bellas artes
better not be
better off here
you feel
better, not me
to know you
better, Roxy
throwing a huge
breakfast party
touch with the
central body
check up on me
a pepperoni
cheddar hot sleeve
gets the
credit, not me
dead burnt bodies
desert dollies
desert dolly
all the
devils are here
dregs of coffee
dress-up parties
dress-up party
open the door,
Elena, please
else, but not me
She sends
em upon me
Emma Caulfield
country which he
entered wrongly
than it
ever brought me
object, don't
ever cross me
do will
ever harm me
who were
ever on screen
forget you
ever saw me
the loveliest
ever was seen
pick up an
extra copy
fed, massaged beef
, also known as
Julia Abigail
Fletcher Carney
Fletcher, sorry
King as
Fred the donkey
French le long de
his good
friends, the Saudis
just didn't
get a copy
until I
get a hobby
get a job here
get 'em, Connie
stop and
want to
will go
get some coffee
get the dog cleaned
and I
get us coffee
reward, everyone
gets a lolly
Greg, what are these
Have daddy fire
headless body
wanna go to
heaven, Charlie
I want to
Perhaps you could
help somebody
blank minds and
helpless bodies
president of
Kenya called me
should have
kept the body
easier to
lead a donkey
they will
lead such parties
have traditionally
led the party
would have
left the bodies
when she
left the party
in a
lemma on me
And all
lessons are free
Let us all weep
letter was sweet
Tizzy seas on
melon collie
physical, emotional, and
mental bodies
They never
mention coffee
Not to
mention moxie
Gossip, has he
met somebody
soul inside a
metal body
me, he
never called me
never dropped me
men who are
never naughty
Did you
never party
never saw me
or you'll
never stop me
that had
never stopped me
Never stopped me
realize she'll
never want me
He had
never wronged me
para hockey
would such a
paradox be
around a central
parent body
parents are here
press the star key
of unnecessary
too much
pressure on me
put your
pressures on me
was a rhetorical
question, Bali
out of my
restaurant, please
to form a
second body
must contrive to
send somebody
incredible Japanese
sense of wabi
said that they
sent somebody
Nehru Government
sent the army
perverse death
sentence on me
set of car keys
atrocious selfishness,
settled on me
Europe and the
Seventh Army
sex stuff on me
seen their
share of Blarney
shares of stock each
up and
smell the coffee
be a very
special party
my number one
special, Rocky
you have
spelt one wrongly
health and
strength of body
Tell her, Blondie
Tell her, Tommy
wish I could
you have to
tell somebody
tell what was real
publications by the anti-
temple party
thus exposing their
tender body
itself against Iran's
terror proxies
Making bitches touch
their punani
effect on
their young bodies
by handing
them a copy
reform school,
then the Army
then what are these
then what are we
Then, the car leaves
There's a party
they're from Monty
Vera saw me
a very powerful
weapon, Roxy
Welcome lardies
words at tonight's
welcome party
I thought
well of Rajiv
Well, Just watch me
It's just
west of Pompeii
faults than their
Western colleagues
on this libertarian
western fondly
Hill Mari or
Western Mari
western osprey
western ospreys
when a god speaks
where the car keys
Where's the body
yet does not see

with 1 extra syllable

going on an
adventure, Charlie
affairs must not be
a public outcry
against McCarthy
of a spell
against somebody
his country
their struggle
against the Nazis
blow struck
move them
against the Party
ahead, but not me
are only
apparent, not real
closet than this
assembled party
order to
attend the party
the Cool
Avengers are here
Are you
aware of Garfield
for very remote
space or in
celestial bodies
the Heavens and
Celestial Bodies
name for the
celestial body
families, but he
collected broadly
Compare fedayeen
Compare scup, paugie
Daniele Amati
it all
team that
depended on me
claim their
descent from Ali
living in that
direction, Robbie
wonders with your
dismembered body
this miraculous
effect upon me
it is not
extended strongly
Forget one donkey
Forget the Party
himself a hobby
is not
himself a party
to revenge
himself upon me
Not somebody else,
however jolly
a big
a deep
a great
a huge
a powerful
a strong
an enormous
and indelible
very strong
impression on me
a B-12
injection on me
be ridiculous
instead of obscene
of his fully
invested body
and to
possess a copy
protection proxies
protection proxy
it can
repair a body
processes of
selection are weak
suspended coffee
suspended coffees
umbrella bodies
umbrella body
is an
undead, a zombie
Winchesters are here
Go throw
yourself a party
both thrust
yourselves upon me

with 2 extra syllables

in commanding the
officer in the
Continental Army
Senator, and
everywhere the Donkey
everywhere, but not me
United Kingdom
Independence Party
Bodily instruments and
instrumental bodies
Isabel McCarthy
Mohammad Khatami
to call
ourselves The Honkies
head, and
represents the body