exact syllable matches

in the last
8 minutes
George Washington, and
Abe Lincoln
a killer, an
ace killer
age limit
age limits
AIDS ribbon
AIDS ribbons
around, baby, that
day when that
ain't enough
ale silver
Alles in ordnung
baited up
baiting up
efficient construction of knowledge-
based systems
sky was
bathed in blood
bathing hut
bathing huts
bathing trunks
Beijing duck
blade is cursed
in the hot,
blazing sun
hitter, fair on
breaking stuff
Craig and Sam
I knew was
breaking up
Breaking Up
a lot of back-
for being a path-
up to some back-
breaking work
Caged Women
cake mixes
Case system
never lost a
case, Mr
cave physa
cave physas
chain bridges
chain sickle
chain sickles
Change things up
around and starts
Bad men are
chasing her
guy that was
chasing us
Clay Frisian
clay pigeon
clay pigeons
on a
date with her
Not the
dative, sir
David Berg
David Buss
David Byrne
David Frum
David Hull
off as a modern-
day Lincoln
day tripper
day trippers
day will come
can drink all
day, brilliant
for more than
You only got
eight minutes
facing up
Critical times are
facing us
protect us are
failing us
faith and
faint in love
I am
faint with love
Goldwater has
faith in us
still had
faith in words
fame digger
fame diggers
with frantic and
flaming suns
frail sister
frail sisters
frame bridges
game fishes
game is up
game reserve
game reserves
the engine and
game systems
is not a
game, Mr
gaming purse
Could have
gave him up
ideals that
ideology that
religion that
gave it birth
gay chicken
Gay niggers
Uh, that's
gay, Mr
grade sixer
grade sixers
grain physa
grain physas
grape listens
gray silver
great big one
great bittern
great bitterns
in all of
Lowlands, Germany, and
state known as
stronger partner than
the law of
truer friend than
would fall on
Great Britain
and rich, and
great builders
great pies, and
great fingers
war, are
great in love
go beyond the
great river
along the
great rivers
Great Schism
soft-voices women and
great singers
get all the
great women
Great, big ones
Late Charles, Monarch of
hailing from
hate figure
hate figures
right and
Hate is hurt
I do not
hate Mr
hates Jews and
hates Christians
haters would stop
hating us
Hayne, Vicksburg
hey, listen
James Michener
James Nicoll
, and
James Nisbet
James Simpson
William Goldstein and
James Whiton
James Wilson
Jane Brereton
Oh God,
Kane is up
Kate Clinton
knave children
labile verb
labile verbs
lacing up
fever that
laid him up
lake quillwort
lake quillworts
Lake Village
Midnight is not
late enough
lay figure
lay figures
laying up
made dishes
bet that
made him jump
I had
made him up
must have
y'all just
made it up
could have
together and
made it work
guitar has
made it worse
Shark Tank and
made millions
that can't have
that would have
made Mr
would have
made things worse
would have
made this world
in the black
mage village
maid children
make biscuits
does that
make him, sir
reactions that
make it up
I can
I'm gonna
try and
we can
make it work
we can
make it, sir
ain't gonna
make it, son
I'm gonna
make it, world
and I can't
make livers
his debts and
Poets do not
make millions
to dispute and
make scripture
make shit of
truly cannot
You can't
make this up
I can't
we can
make this work
painting that
makes it work
and that
makes it worse
makeshift crutch
having sex and
Is that
not bad at
thought he was
When I was
making love
making of
They are
making the
kissing and
something she was
making up
feel Thy hand
making us
fine structure constant
may emerge
once a man
may linger
knot at all
may result
nail clipper
nail clippers
nail scissors
nail sickness
nail trimmer
nail trimmers
name is from
Nate Silver
Eclipsed non-
Partially displaced non-
native from
native son
native sons
native tongue
native tongues
page is turned
paging up
pain is love
pain killer
pain killers
paint bridges
paint stripper
paint thinner
paint thinners
make drawing and
painting one
phase shifter
phase shifters
phrase simple
teach him, and
place Mr
have lived as
themselves on just
to die as
plain Mr
plane ticket
plane tickets
so you can
play Mr
sister can't
play with 'em
Come and
You can't
play with us
I was
playing her
enough, yeah,
rage it up
up, not
RAISE it up
Raised children
spirit, and
raised him up
grocery card and
rape whistle
rape whistles
Raze this earth
secrets are
safe with her
sage chicken
sage chickens
For God's
sake, Mr
but not the
same minute
ex on the
same mission
was in that
same prison
based upon the
same system
I had that
same vision
Skye can
save Lincoln
we can
save this one
protect and
We can
save this world
saving up
you plan on
saving us
certain events and
stand together and
say enough
white people can
say nigger
I'm gonna
say this once
eye and
say, It's done
But that's not
sayin' much
but that wasn't
But that's not
Not that that's
though, that's not
saying much
scaling up
scraping up
se lire
Shake It Up
Shake things up
shakes his butt
shaking up
shaping up
shaving brush
shaving bump
shaving bumps
A flock of
space crystals
space mission
space missions
space sickness
passenger on the
spaceship earth
no passengers on
Spaceship Earth
stage kisses
stage whisper
stage whispered
stage whispers
stain lifter
stain lifters
of State and
State systems
stay in touch
And you gone
stay niggas
I can't
stay with her
fine and
stayed in love
staying up
straight dinkum
straight tickets
strange women
you can't
take it, huh
at night and
his wife and
the camera and
take pictures
taking Buzz
out he was
was drinking and
taking drugs
You're not
taking her
taking turns
these rocks are
taking us
all of
taste his tongue
treated, the stronger
they become
get more than
Just as
of both as
people more than
take more than
That's all
with the wrath
they deserve
get the jobs
they deserved
disarmament, provided that
they deter
well, yeah,
they did, but
set amount that
they disburse
they fear her
a wall,
more than
oppression that
they give up
dead and
they killed her
away, and
they KILLED her
platform, and
they killed us
have them and
they kingdom
they listen
they mirrors
with honor as
they returned
They tricked us
them, and
they will come
stock quotes that
they've printed
circle and
trace its curve
trading curb
trading curbs
trail mixes
trailing truck
trailing trucks
train whistle
plane motors, and
train whistles
guy was a
trained killer
vade mecums
wading bird
wading birds
waist cincher
waist cinchers
waisted drum
waisted drums
waited up
waiting up
in and
you can
wake him up
and sleeping and
best part of
think we are
waking up
waste picker
waste pickers
not the
way it works
way mirror
way mirrors
way thistle
way thistles
way ticket
way tickets
way with words
go out that
have begun that
way, Mr
Wei River
weigh enough
weight lifter
weight lifters
whale fisher
whale fishers

with 1 extra syllable

ablative of
Alcaic verse
remember I've
always been one
it's just
always been us
She has
always been young
love that is
always bitter
Always business
always children
understand that, it's
always Christmas
and love isn't
Talent isn't
always enough
And I
always listen
always miss her
call me Simon,
always Mr
We will
always return
elemental principles are
always simple
dimples are not
always single
that man has
always striven
beast, is
always with us
It was
amazing fun
knew it was
amazing, girl
the early coin-op
arcade business
Cognate with
archaic Dutch
the dialectal or
archaic fust
From the
from the now
participle of the
archaic verb
ave lira
unforseen consequences are
awaiting us
of a Far
Away Prison
ballet slipper
ballet slippers
Bombay chicken
brigade system
a rustle of
cascading dirt
I might only
castrate Mr
written by a
castrated slug
Cognate with kone
Cognate with of
so, then
cognate with smudge
Of origin,
cognate with the
Cognate with the
Cognate with US
saka is
cognate with verb
Cognate with verb
have written on
concave mirrors
A silver-barred
fantail pigeon
foxtail millet
foxtail millets
Galway Kinnell
hobnail liver
hobnail livers
Margate fishes
a star
someday, it's her
Sunday dinner
Here are
today's winners
phonetic value in
translating the

with 2 extra syllables

conjugate mirror
conjugate mirrors
the terrorists are
operating from
less he can
tolerate limits

with 3 extra syllables

to be an
accommodating son
denominative from
Denominative from
Denominative of
From and its
denominative verb