exact syllable matches

he's got about an
discusses a woman's
age, Michael
elect a Muslim
you with the
AIDS virus
Exploitation of ready,
process is ready,
aim, fire
Jean you
ain't my son
to the widespread
AIT bias
The dog
ate my, uh
bale fire
leaves him to
base briars
a typical meat-based, animal-
a whole food, plant-
because of the plant-
I eat a plant-
to a wholefood plant-
based diet
Hayley Kiyoko and
Blake Michael
finally his
brains dry up
for the
brain's light bulbs
brake bias
help out our
brave pilots
far, guys, by
Bray Wyatt
I didn't
I don't
break my word
break silence
to become a
cage fighter
cage fighters
on a chocolate
cake diet
cake slices
the alternative forms
came via
Cape lion
Cape lions
cave lion
cave lions
A giant
cave spider
chain binder
confront the climate
change crisis
didn't exactly
Nothing's gonna
change my world
to be
chased by girls
David Elliot, and
Clay Ayers
immolated before his
clay idol
I maced a
crane, Michael
you will
crave my touch
day blindness
here all the
day idle
was the
day my world
Till one
day, I just
of the
day, I'm just
come out in
daylight, love
roots only three
days prior
in 20
days, time's up
wants to buy
eight spiders
eighth final
eighth finals
some measure of
face blindness
enough to
face my mum
an animal, to
college student to
disgraced acrobat to
Judge Dante to
shipped Jeremy to
shipped Lola to
unemployed mechanic to
face trial
sun on my
face, Cyrus
faced ibis
that, you filthy two-
You're a bald-
faced liar
fait divers
fake riah
dressed as a
gay biker
them look like
gay pirates
gay science
black and
gay, like us
gray friar
gray friars
gray iron
gray irons
gray like us
anything in a
showing in this
great crisis
This is a
great Crisis
reborn, in the
great Cycle
culmination of the
Great Cycle
A great,
actually a really
but I'm a
great fighter
have all become
great idols
also capable of
showed me a
treated them with
great kindness
Great minds, huh
was already a
great pilot
great primer
the backbone of
great science
Great Silence
and higher in
great spirals
it's a fucking
otherwise it's a
They got a
great title
great lines and
great titles
to share your
great triumph
I'm also the
Great Tyrant
and being a
condemnation of the
mean somebody's a
rather than a
still be a
to become a
was such a
You are a
great writer
grey friar
grey friars
You are the
Grey Rider
H Bryan
But I fucking
hate liars
know you
seemed to
hate my guts
Do you really
you and they
hate spiders
is why Japan
hates China
hates my guts
called The King
in the King
James Bible
James Bibles
James Diamond
James Dyson
Todd Haynes and
James Lyons
was married to
Jane Wyman
Jay Miner
other words, a
K-high flush
Lake Dian
Lake Peipus
late riser
late risers
safety razors,
made by the
made fiber
from natural or man-
made fibers
I have
made FIRE
have it
made light of
I just
made mine worse
envisioned or
made my work
read from their
mail client
fine feathers
make fine birds
Animals can't
know how to
the capacity to
make fire
Elena's blood to
make hybrids
make light of
Many Hands
make light Work
make science
makes diamonds
makes triumph
and most often
male whiteness
may I serve
successfully completed the
Maze Trials
nail biter
nail biters
good, but now they're
I liked the
name Linus
the male given
name Nigel
Japs know your
name, Stryker
There's this guy
named Cyrus
of several naturalists
named Heinsohn
the peninsulas are
named islands
of several naturalists
named Lindberg
of several naturalists
named Lyman
of several naturalists
named Meyer
of several naturalists
named Myers
did this was
named schilder
of several naturalists
named Schneider
of several naturalists
named Simon
seven-year-old son is
named Tyler
My name, my
name's Brian
name's Piper
page wire
Pale Fire
brought you here,
pale rider
do you seek,
Pale Rider
pay rises
the verb
phrase line up
that I would
place higher
the last
place I worked
an ace some
place private
wind from no
place rises
have the whole
place wired
plains bison
plane iron
plane irons
to watch Marty
play Brian
does God
play dice, but
play Tigers
researcher, and screen
play writer
be a tough
play, Bryant
smugglers, gun-runners, or
race riots
got like this
rage virus
raid siren
raid sirens
cannot collude to
lower prices, not
raise prices
fundamental issues
raised by some
it he's
raised like one
range finder
range finders
Hickok wasn't no
range rider
despises in a
rape trial
raped my son
I'm Billy
pregnant by Billy
work for Billy
Ray Cyrus
go isn't always
safe, Iris
, named after
Saint Ida
Satan to my
Saint Michael
Henri de
30, for Christ
sake, Brian
larger for home
sale prices
you are for
sale, Rider
right here, all
sales final
they have the
same brightness
get on the
same cycle
same cab, the
same driver
you're not the
same fighter
You have the
same fire
same guy, huh
even on the
same island
person doing the
same science
at the
same time touch
album of the
autobiography with the
book of the
books of the
film of the
picture with the
play of the
series of the
same title
inherited from the
same via
play by the
same writer
For sense
save file, a
beat Savitar and
sacrificed himself to
save Iris
the line to
save Maya
time to
save my lunch
done to
I've gotta
save my son
things are
saved by love
saved China
And you
important, he
saved my son
sorry, did I
say Hydra
when I
say I hurt
it to
say, I'm hurt
careful what you
say, Spicer
bus drivers, to small-
scale riots
through any serious large-
scale trials
shame spiral
shaved ices
have to
skate like one
corpses surrounding the
slain giant
This is clean-
slate Ryan
your last
slave die of
slave driver
slave drivers
and whip of the
freed the
slaves, like, what
and to
slay my son
and go like
space fire
space guidance
how we become
space pilots
you're a
space pirate
space science
space writer
space writers
A friendship
stained by blood
the mystery solvers
state finals
wanted to
state my terms
their normal
state, like us
here is to
How can you
long as we
therefore is to
stay quiet
can no longer
convinced me to
the Holocaust might
We must not
Would you
stay silent
I only
stayed five months
Strait Islands
an epoch for
strange writers
strange, Michael
take fire
you just
take my gun
let you
You'll never
take my son
take my trucks
who always
takes my nuts
Not like a
tame lion
This wall
tastes like dirt
tastes like gunk
Your catfish
tastes like mud
tastes like, uh
going, sometimes
they blind us
they died young
happens when
they find her
is if
they find one
you if
they find us
of the unknown,
they fired
I hope
they fry 'em
of you did
they hire
Had no idea
they hired
they like us
They might work
see how
they pile up
damage as
they piled up
Miley Cyrus and
Trace Cyrus
Trade cycle
I'm a real
train driver
you sacrifice thirteen
trained fighters
Just ask any
trained private
I'm a
looking for a
trained sniper
wait, my girl
the Battle of
Wake Island
because you
wake right up
after Margaret
Wake, wife of
Why'd you
waste Cyrus
the tangled, short
waste fibres
cesspool of toxic
waste fires
way driver
is the
way I work
by the
way, by the
in its own
way, timeless
Whale Rider
Ve have
ze grinder
Pudding with
ze nice lumps

with 1 extra syllable

he's a licensed
airplane pilot
judge's decision is
always final
we can
always find love
karma will
always find us
day they are
always firemen
the contrary, I'm
always frightened
that I
always kind of
know I've
always liked her
but He was
always silent
ethnicity will almost
good does not
always triumph
Arcade Fire
had come
awake rise up
If I'm
awake, I'm drunk
are driven
away by us
mechanic on Keep
painter on Keep
Away Island
We walk
away like love
don't get
away, I'd bust
Take it
away, Piper
years where everything
became brighter
was definite, you
became frightened
in the universe
became lifeless
everything I touched
became lighter
became silent
ordinary people
behave like monks
you have
betrayed my trust
Bombay riots
I hall
create fire
dentate gyrus
that he's a
disgraced liar
dolce vita
ever seen La
Dolce Vita
Category 55 Emergency
Doomsday Crisis
email client
email clients
turn to
embrace my love
a man
enslaved by her
less been
enslaved by one
escape fire
escape fires
must alert the
estate firemen
those Manhattan real
estate prices
to influence stock
exchange prices
to be
explained by words
the teenage
female mind works
we had more
female writers
many times you
forgave Brian
gente fina
Ever use a
grenade rifle
used to sell
homemade fireworks
be able to
inflate prices
James, Tracy McGrady,
Kobe Bryant
the best
landscape I've done
an attempt to
maintain prices
Midway Islands
refused to
obey my words
no, everythings
okay, I just
Okay, nice work
Railway Riots
of the Raurimu
railway spiral
remain idle
was supposed to
remain private
no reason to
not allowed to
remain quiet
constitutional right to
remain silence
an error must
but she'll
But you yourself
eyes, do I
here, we must
Hitler I cannot
if he should
no right to
now, we may
shall have to
that I would
The people
the right to
They chose to
They should not
week, they might
you cry or
remain silent
any, however, I
but the shell
Government of India
The intelligentsia
vow and then
was shattered but
remained silent
and yet she
remains lifeless
social, but appropriation
remains private
head when he
remains silent
look to men
remains vital
must be
repaid by blood
replaced by plug
cannot be
replaced by shut
Now largely
replaced by swung
And be
replaced by what
think to
retain my trust
Is there
someplace quiet
Sunday driver
Sunday drivers
operated here
today like one
weak justification for
today's liars
Tulane virus
dealing with the
Ukraine crisis
decline in industrial
wholesale prices

with 2 extra syllables

are you from
anyway, Private
contrabass viol
contrabass viols
determined to
denigrate my work
DNA virus
fornicate gyrus
ain't the regular
getaway driver
fought to
liberate my world
As a French
magistrate, via
matinee idol
matinee idols
Monterey cypress
and becomes a
recognition as a
separate science
a very
unexplained kind of
until after the
Watergate trial

with 3 extra syllables

advertising agency or
affiliate bias
You will
cooperate, my son
me --
investigate my butt

with 4 extra syllables

Never, gentlemen,
underestimate science