exact syllable matches

I can't
be a brain
man shall
be a slave
There's gotta
be a way
and do not
and none shall
Do not
hear, do not
I can't
I will not
I would not
Never not
So dont
be afraid
in, it can
It can
nature, they can
of course can
That can
be arranged
and thou shalt
remember it and
we need not
would understand, and
be ashamed
of equality can
whatever cost, must
which it can
be attained
be awake
life will not
until it cannot
be contained
words, thoughts cannot
be conveyed
themselves must not
be curtailed
because they cannot
for what cannot
nor water can
the latter cannot
whence petrol can
be obtained
be some state
higher notes can
so it can
That could not
be sustained
and cannot
course, cannot
need not
be the case
wouldn't that
be the day
this can't
be the place
always gonna
ever gonna
has got
may not
never gonna
policies cannot
would not
Wouldn't that
be the same
Wouldn't that
be the way
it could not
be today
I cannot
be unmade
beast of prey
all the
reptiles and
beasts of prey
Beaver State
chia tay
chief of state
chiefs of state
ciba cake
ciba cakes
Cleveland sage
de Calais
de travail
there probably had
dealer plates
wrought the
deed of shame
return to his half-
demon state
keep the bad
dreams away
eagle ray
eagle rays
Easter Day
Eastern Cape
we can
eat a steak
eat away
eats away
equal, intrenchments, at
either place
could have gone
in the wrong
It's hard
stand a chance
either way
belief and an
equal faith
bone on an
equal scale
equal weight
equal weights
growing like an
evil plague
feed the flames
the gods
you can
feel the same
Feel the weight
feeler gauge
thing that
feels the same
Everybody has
might have
feet of clay
Feet of Clay
on a
field of grain
field of play
on the
fields of hate
fields of play
fita crepe
people are
free from blame
am not
free of blame
iceberg and
free some whales
did not
free the slaves
iceberg, and
free the whales
Proclamation that
freed the slaves
Freedom Day
the belief that
freedom reigns
the forms that
freedom takes
genus name
genus names
Greta Gaines
So was
he a saint
for that,
his heart
he must pay
Master of all
he surveyed
monarch of all
he surveys
I can
hear her name
are being honored
are not
my sons are
of you all
see you all
to come back
We are
what was done
what we have
why I am
why I stand
here today
you heard that
here, today
and homes have
hereof names
he's a fake
He's the brains
Istrian scale
this atmosphere that
Jesus came
are questions that
Jesus faced
honey drip, can't
keep away
Keep the change
keep the faith
I'm not a
leader, Jake
leads astray
leap of faith
leaps of faith
leaves a stain
Every contact
leaves a trace
legal age
legal aid
legal name
legal names
the proper and
legal way
Leishman stain
Liam Payne
also included and
Lisa Page
I want
me a chase
certain they'll thank
me someday
you've brought
me the plane
faces still haunt
was smiling on
who's angry at
me today
on one
meal a day
means of grace
know what that
means, Renee
does not
meet the case
meter maid
meter maids
metre gauge
Also used attributively as
Mia Maid
Mia Maids
and Gramps
need a whale
I underline that
need today
needle lace
to love and
peace attain
Victoria's long and
peaceful reign
a decent and
peaceful way
you take Mama
Peach away
peanut paste
peanut pastes
peel away
peels away
fact lots of
people came
people change
of claims that
the laws the
people make
a lot of
people play
are not what
people say
Peter Blake
Peter Cain
Peter Kay
Peter Pace
was a
piece of cake
piece of eight
piece of tail
pizza face
prima base
Queen of Blades
queen of spades
queens of spades
quiche lorraine
real MacKay
real McKay
I saw a
real mermaid
is at last
reasoned faith
Riemann space
I heard that
scream today
the crystal and
sealed away
After all,
seasons change
partial suicides and
secret shames
is gonna
see a change
I cannot
see her caged
see the day
you can
see the stage
come and
see us play
incredible as that
seems today
world as
seen from space
seen the day
I have
seen the names
body outline are
problems that are
seen today
sees the day
seize the day
do not
seize the state
does not a
sequel make
frightened and
she turned pale
sheets and
sheets of rain
as long as
she's awake
sneaker male
sneaker males
sneaker wave
sneaker waves
you cannot
speak her name
speaker base
of dare not
speaketh name
Steal some strays
steals away
Stephen Crane
Steven Gray
Streatham Vale
sweep away
teach away
is observed as
Teachers' Day
teaser rate
teaser rates
Three complaints
Tina Fey
very low wastewater
treatment rate
graves that
we just made
why are
we such slaves
And how are
how are
we today
We thought
we were great
wealthy and
we were safe
Andes and
we were saved
ago that
we were slaves
the potter,
we're the clay
We've struck brains
wheel away
Zea mays
zebra cake
zebra cakes

with 1 extra syllable

achievement age
Smithers, use the
amnesia ray
the help of
Andrea Yates
Yer name's
Andy MacPhail
there is the
Angry Brigade
You got
angry today
command an
army of slaves
of the so-called
was the great
Aryan race
the manner of
Aryan States
axial plane
axial planes
can lead us
badly astray
with are all
batty today
Bloody Sunday
to carry his
to take her
body away
with a
body of clay
Bothnian Bay
echinoderms of the
Cambrian age
Crunchy, creamy, cookie,
candy, cupcake
Carnelian Bay
a little bit
as can be
before you get
can both get
disease would be
fan who got
Franklin's pretending got
going to be
Got a bit
got a little
had twice been
He is
I got
I just got
let me get
let things get
let's not get
need to get
not to be
not to get
sometimes she gets
that really got
we got
we kinda got
carried away
want it
carried the day
ago, we
rangers who
carried the weight
huge swarm of
carrier planes
carrier wave
carrier waves
carries away
Walter who
carries the day
carry away
sure to
tend to
wars, will
carry the day
carry the mail
Let me
carry the weight
Cartesian plane
Cartesian space
a widdle cake,
crappy birthday
come and take
daddy away
the cake for
daddy's birthday
Derbyshire Dales
Keystone with the
fanciest name
with devotion and
Gandhian faith
gaseous phase
volume in the
gaseous state
brooding and blissful
halcyon days
lose myself in
happier days
to a far
transferred to some
happier state
made this my
happiest day
Agnes a very
by the way,
happy birthday
Oh yes, and
Well then
Happy Birthday
happy birthdayed
happy birthdays
Happy Earth Day
But it's
hardly the same
appeared the name
Harvey Mackay
hockey sur glace
Johnny Earthquake
thinker of our post-
Kantian age
the debrief at
Langley today
Islam attained a
loftier fame
mafia state
mafia states
-3 on the
manliness scale
Maundy Thursday
Monday, one day
Sizzles is being
naughty today
Ostrea Lake
Pangea Day
men of all
parties today
invited to any
, also
partly A place
party of apes
to go on
Pawnee Today
Pompey the Great
saphenous vein
saphenous veins
scurry away
Shania Twain
Shirley MacLaine
said I'd be
sorry someday
it even more
strongly today
Theresa May
Thirsty Thursday
Thirsty Thursdays
that is called
Turkey today
aspirin, which the
vaccine contained
you get no
vaccines today
Another pleasant
valley Sunday
book about Silicon
Valley today
I am feeling
wrathy today
happy birthday to
you,Happy birthday

with 2 extra syllables

Anthony Munday
Anthony the Great
favored by
Constantine the Great
yet I am
constantly amazed
are doing
but not
do, I'm
everybody else
he is
I are
is reinforcing
it is
man feels
outcome is
people, are
percentages-they stay
principle is
song sounds
still look
that sound
that stay
the doors
they are
today are
travel is
wartime feels
will be
will stay
would be
would remain
You look
You're all
exactly the same
Exactly the same
here was
honestly a waste
Nathalia Crane
come back if
nobody's afraid
From the
nothogenus name
to the economic
policy debate
Probably a name
mere abstract
properties of space
spectacle and
quality of play
a matter of
scholarly debate
somebody away
need to kill
somebody today
You'll find
somebody, someday
Is it
somebody's birthday
I hear it's
somebody's birth-day
transaxial plane
transaxial planes

with 3 extra syllables

and building
toward achieving
economies of scale
Economies of scale
economy of scale
believe in
equality of race
the summit,
Equality the base
to firmly establish
equality today
how you saved
right education for
everybody today
a life of
frivolity awaits
in such an
instantaneous age
wants a
monopoly of praise
parahockey sur glace
which appeared in
Psychology Today
followers of the
Zoroastrian faith

with 4 extra syllables

greatest achievement that
demagoguery attains
at the
generosity of Grace
about science and
methodology today

with 5 extra syllables

Our culture is
internationally acclaimed