exact syllable matches
ace of spades
draw the
Ace of Spades
ace, the ace
agan re
He's not,
Agent Jane
anal stage
name of an
ancient fate
Ancient Sage
angel cake
angel cakes
Angel James
means he's an
angel, Grace
Angell James
April 8
blue through an
April haze
Asian Games
ate away
Baker day
Baker days
beta male
beta males
beta wave
beta waves
of his fan
blades away
blaze a trail
blaze away
blaze the trail
blazoned trail
brace of shakes
break away
break of day
break of gauge
breaks of gauge
cable tray
cable trays
came away
success that
came her way
came of age
is not the
case today
chamber play
chamber plays
home and
change her fate
change of pace
change of state
change the game
change the name
one that
we'll have
changed the game
chase away
crater face
crater lake
crater lakes
danger pay
danger space
data base
data lake
data lakes
data plane
data planes
data race
data rate
data rates
data trail
data trails
cause a
day of days
had a bad
day today
Day Today
drain away
face a face
face away
I gonna
face the day
forever,I can't
face the shame
dignity does not
fall apart and
my love a-not
The past Avatars
to keel and
fade away
fades away
failure rate
failure rates
strong the and
faithful state
Fatal Frame
executed on that
happened on that
him, until that
fateful day
And as
between myself and
Frasier Crane
form had
gained the day
pick-up volleyball
games were played
gate array
gate arrays
Gateless Gate
gator bait
gave away
monkey that
gave us AIDS
and wash the
gay away
names that
grace the frames
a civilized and
gracious race
grater cake
grater cakes
grave sir, hail
great mulleins
He was
great today
may achieve far
greater sales
Hateful Eight
was treated as
heinous waste
ring, and
Jake the Snake
Jason Graves
knave of spades
knaves of spades
of July and
Labor Day
Labor Days
labor pain
labor pains
Labour Day
labour pain
labour pains
laid away
lay away
layer 8
Layer Cake
layer cakes
lays away
home and
made a cake
powder, and
made a face
God, was
made a saint
Made from grapes
made of fail
made the grade
still and
made the pace
and Laura have
made today
us and
made us great
our lawyers
made us say
maid cafe
Maida Vale
under their mother-in-law's
what was her
maiden name
maiden names
maiden stake
maiden stakes
Major Payne
major scale
major scales
himself and
make a change
make a face
make a play
make away
Plate cannot
make the grade
More at
mason, make
as regards John
British economist John
English economist John
essays by John
memory of John
the economist John
turned to John
writings of John
written by John
Maynard Keynes
maze of maize
naked ape
invention of God's
naked apes
was gonna
name her Kate
name the day
name, first name
nasal spray
nasal sprays
natal day
I had was
Nathan Hale
Nathan Lane
in a modern
nation state
Nation state
Nation states
along with the modern
upheld by a strong
nature trail
nature trails
naval base
direction and
pace of change
through weeping that
pain abates
supremely horrible and
painful ways
hair and
paint her face
round and
paint the place
Papal States
paper case
paper chain
paper chains
Paper Chase
paper clay
paper clays
paper day
paper days
paper gauge
paper plane
paper planes
paper tape
paper tapes
create a false
paper trail
paper trails
the things paper-thin and
minutes, and I'm not
thought it was a
patience, May
patron saint
patron saints
pave the way
acceptable and
paved the way
pavement ape
pavement apes
paves the way
pay per play
pay the freight
could all
play a game
play away
on the
play The Ape
stay and
up and
were gonna
play the game
I write and
play today
are the
prey of flames
no make that
Quaker State
Take that
race today
a person as
Rachael Ray
the cops
raid the place
bells and
raise the gates
raise the stakes
razor blade
of hay and
razor blades
razor paste
razor pastes
body ripped apart and
sacred ape
sacred apes
them on that
sacred day
story, drama, and
sacred play
sacred way
sacred ways
Sagebrush State
a ship and
the city and
sailed away
Excuses not on
sale today
very fast,
same a slave
save the date
save the dates
best, and
death and
entrance and
in and
peak, and
them and
save the day
Save the whales
I can
save today
butt and
saved the day
along and
machine that
tortured and
saves the day
tightrope than
say her name
say the name
placards that
say the same
are the
shades of gray
was as easy as
Shaver Lake
slave away
slaved away
slaves away
call a
space a spade
call a
called a
calls a
spade a spade
different temporal and
spatial frames
stake a claim
state of play
station break
station breaks
station staves
I'll try and
stay awake
But nothing can
stay unchanged
games and
stay up late
I'd have
You should have
stayed away
in the bank
straight away
table drain
table drains
table rase
table stakes
tail away
tailed away
tailor make
tails away
Tainter gate
Tainter gates
back and
take a break
And none can
that nobody can
that they can't
that you cannot
thing you can't
which I cannot
take away
take the bait
up and
take the blame
take the cake
Take the change
people can't
up, and
take the pain
take the reins
take the veil
all I can
take today
a miracle had
A switch has
actus reus has
an explosion had
any change had
certain transformation has
change has not
clerical abuse has
could never have
everything that has
few hands has
for will have
if you prefer--has
industrial revolution had
not in fact
of dislocation has
of Normandy had
of this has
revolutions which have
said to have
such alterations have
that it has
the injustice not
the tests have
this reaction had
whatever development has
whether it has
taken place
westward trajectories had
taken shape
taken slave
takes a break
for one that
takes away
takes the cake
a common
tale of late
out and
tame some strange
The water
tastes the same
theta wave
theta waves
lofty seat have
they attained
much virtue as
They are what
they contain
They must change
But where are
they today
I thought
they were great
They were great
Despite that,
they were praised
they were saved
They've turned grey
we can
trace the sale
trade away
vapor trail
vapor trails
waste away
an awful
are a
waste of space
wastes away
wastes of space
wave away
go a long
is a long
shadows a long
way away
doesn't work that
way today
way, someday
with 1 extra syllable
acquaintance rape
acquaintance rapes
People are
afraid of change
Afraid of change
Walt, there's
always a way
I was
always afraid
of me that's
always awake
They were
always away
always complain
he was
always just bait
reality-that is
was not
always the case
answer was
Because it's
black shoes,
'Cause he's
comedy is
equality is
fool is
fortune is
is not
it is
murmur was
nature is
pattern is
price is
response was
rules are
sea is
war is
was almost
was nine,
always the same
with light,
Always the same
present criticism of
Australia Day
rope in an
Australian jail
From a native
Australian name
of my thoughts,
Away, away
anthropologists divided the
Caucasian race
Champagne Thursday
cicada case
Cognate of clay
cognate of saint
container crane
container cranes
be only a
heartbreak away
Jamaica train
Jamaica trains
We're having banana
pancakes today
Renee Montagne
salvation Jane
sandpapered nails
complaint, on a
starvation wage
subglacial lake
subglacial lakes
Today's the day
bucket of hot
wallpaper paste
with 2 extra syllables
compensation trade
required in that
complicated game
ladies in a
complicated place
rather than a
complicated way
I couldn't
concentrate today
condensation trail
condensation trails
confirmation name
confirmation names
of the totalitarian, party-
dominated state
ask in this
is is a
godforsaken place
end of the
implantation stage
nomination game
nomination games
if these aren't
operation names
oxidation state
oxidation states
with 3 extra syllables
accommodation train
accommodation trains
Inauguration Day
the highest per-capita
incarceration rate
create to increase
incarceration rates