exact syllable matches

cry of the
aged cicada
This is special
agent Hagen
principal, the
agent may shirk
instead for DEA
Agent Schrader
solicits the
aid of labor
From agro,
aigre, acer
fix whatever
ails the nation
repetition of that
ancient fable
to the most
ancient nations
evil, the fallen
angel, Satan
Apus apus
power killing an
Asian nation
at Vietnam's Southeast
Asian neighbors
a decent accommodation at
basal layer
basal layers
Basin sagebrush
basis data
Bay of Naples
Bayard Taylor
here a
break, a failure
Breaker, breaker
cable station
cable stations
came much later
of light
came the Angels
came the Strangers
are, a hundred
cases later
to this
chain of hatred
grow, we
change but Angel
involve a
change of flavor
can actually
change the station
as they
claimed, of Abel
the independent
claims of Naples
crater faces
joined the
Dames of Danger
comedy film, starring
Damon Wayans
danger spaces
data bases
data cable
data cables
data races
data table
data tables
an enormous international
database of
least one
day away from
day cicada
first ten
days of April
drainage basin
drainage basins
father died
eight months later
be the
united in
face of danger
in the
face of greatness
in the
preserve the
face of nature
that we
face the angel
Failure failure
amongst those of
famous painters
Galpin, the
famous trader
book, but I'm not
than the
with the
fate of nations
favored nation
favored nations
status of Most
Favoured Nation
Maybe you should be
attempt to
gain her favour
Game of Faces
like a
game of patience
is the
gate of danger
as a
grace of nature
might just be
the name of
Graham Taylor
you know, the
grape, persuasion
grateful, Major
not that
great a salesman
nothing but a
great complainer
Great Debaters
birthday is a
making this a
great occasion
great stuff, great stuff
expose them to
greater danger
is also its
greatest danger
Islam as its
location of your
greatest failure
one of the
greatest painters
really is the
greatest Ranger
much you
hate her, Peyton
hate the game, son
hate the trailer
reserved for that
hated nation
cloud of
hatred they birthed
Hey, girls, wait up
Jacob Behmen
and written by
Jason Mayland
label, label
or entirely a free-
labor nation
Has he
laid the table
the Curve
Lake First Nations
lase from laser
us in its
later phases
me to
lay the table
to the
layer cake, son
the laitance
layer fails first
And Richard
lays a cable
Those clothes
made a statement
made arrangements
anonymity has
made her famous
guy, he's
made of Rayburn
made the payments
he ever
made the statement
Shortening of
maid, from maiden
These result in
major changes
are major limitations,
major failures
We've all seen
Major naked
discussed in the
major papers
stage as a
major player
to sign three
major players
zone between the
major races
God to
make a failure
make a great duck
constitution can
do not
does not
make a nation
decided to
going to
I didn't
looking to
may I
the jungle,
make a statement
Make a statement
this morning and
make arrangements
have to
make some changes
right to
make such statements
Time to
make the bagel
it already
might even
make the papers
none, that
make the sameness
make us wake up
that he
you dress
makes a statement
blood that
makes us strangers
manger maigre
I think
Mason ate her
specialization that
may come later
may one day earn
naked apron
drive naked, naked,
naked, naked
in the
name of Jacob
what of this
nameless stranger
names were take from
all note
names were taken
Of Naples,
Naples, Naples
hardest decisions our
nation faces
nature faker
nature fakers
nature table
nature tables
for all at
Nature's table
among civilians on
Australian ships and
naval bases
again a hundred
pages later
when we
paint the basement
paper cases
paper gauges
paper sailor
paper sailors
paper stainer
paper stainers
pay the wages
as a
phrase sub pages
then make all
places sacred
plagal cadence
You can't
play a player
are such a
player hater
player haters
York to meet these
in the Max
Rager basement
Raman laser
Raman lasers
miles to the
walked into the
ranger station
At any
rate, the paper
Reagan gazes
sabre laser
sabres laser
at some very
that in these
sacred places
expressions on the
sailors' faces
for the
sake of Satan
it to the
same Ganesha
us cry out,
Satan, Satan
child, or I'm
Satan's angel
fiery depths of
Satan's anus
alone cannot
destined to
save a nation
save her bacon
again to
save the faithful
bull and
save the patient
saved her bacon
makes you our
savior's savior
Some would
say sagacious
the moral
scale of nations
them the
scale of nature
scrape acquaintance
then he is the
its psychotics and its
they are
slaves of nature
by the
spade of labour
the social
state of Asia
highlighting the
state of Puebla
freely online without
state surveillance
going to
tasty to
stay away from
stranger danger
reigning king of
table players
Take a break, huh
take away from
take occasion
First, you
take the graham
you didn't
take the raisins
they will
take what changes
takes away from
takes away what
he's innocent that
takes persuasion
Thayer Mahan
what are
they afraid of
behave erratically when
them all before
they awaken
They just make one
They just plain sucked
physical body
they must labor
they must wake up
they the same one
much as
they were able
no idea
they were famous
terrible as
they were fatal
they were made of
time after
they were painted
They were painters
from whom
they were taken
poverty and world
trade arrangements
trailer sailer
trailer sailers
wake up, WAKE UP
Wake up, wake up
wakes up later
quasi-decorative element of
wasted labor
waster, wasted
like tidal
waves, earthquakes, floods
is the
Way of nature
in the
way of satan
not the
ways of nature
zaman zaman

with 1 extra syllable

why I'm
afraid of Baber
to be
afraid of strangers
a failure,
always a failure
a Ranger,
always a Ranger
to adversity is
always courageous
always the same words
can peel
away a layer
Away from danger
to grind
away from nature
Mary, turn
away from Satan
to stay
away from strangers
until he
became a patient
when I
became a Quaker
movement, he
became the savior
our planet's core
became unstable
make him
blackmail the Mayor
is, the
bouquet of nature
a good
breastplate of patience
cicada cases
how you
create a nation
creates the failures
issues that their
creation raises
detail the same, just
to the
domain of Nature
erase what they've done
A simple
exchange of favors
more adequately
explain the data
her among her
female acquaintance
female cicada
is about rage,
frustration, hatred
lactation station
lactation stations
funeral from his on-
location trailer
not a
mistake of nature
sham happenings, without
newspaper phrases
has been an
outrageous failure
I must
remain a Stranger
thought has
remained a stranger
but his convictions
remained unshaken
our free institutions
with the universe
remains unshaken
more than a
value over
replacement player
brought on by
still work for
starvation wages
little bit about
today's fund-raiser
a minute,
today's the Bagel
Finnish in the
translation table

with 2 extra syllables

allocation table
allocation tables
ampullae of Vater
A big, fat
compensation payment
things may get
complicated later
a much more
complicated nature
highlighted in a
conjugation table
desecration of a
consecrated wafer
the Latin cognate
derivation franger
desecrate the nation
distillation chaser
distillation chasers
in a larger Moscow-
dominated framework
them, a truly
dominated nation
under its Family
Entertainment label
entertainment stations
were to say
generations later
remains of the
Himalayan ranges
stood out like
insulated cables
Haryana were totally
isolated cases
lubrication payment
lubrication payments
Your little
operation came up
perforation gauges
taxation on the
to a strictly
population basis
ready to
rearrange some faces
defenses and
recreate the data
but eternally
separate from Nature
chasm that
separates the races
the so-called Constantinian
transformation changes
let us
underrate the danger
urination station
urination stations

with 3 extra syllables

accommodation paper
accommodation papers
she would
appreciate the data
allocated, with additional
appropriations later
Spider-Man 2 Nitrogen
Asphyxiation Chamber
mouth culture
contaminate the nation
out of a
contaminated chamber
power in sex
discrimination cases
gives you the
Elimination Chamber
part of an
equalization payment
equalization payments
examination paper
medieval demonologies with
illuminated pages
be discovered and
investigated later
by using the
reactionary as the
writing, and the
multiplication table
just learned his
roots, reciprocals and
slow learning the
multiplication tables
sit at the
negotiation table
of representation
perpetuates the danger

with 4 extra syllables

capitalization table
capitalization tables
don't work, and
identification papers
identification spaces