exact syllable matches
- up, up
- Oh
Godfather Part
1, of course
I lost
a bunch more
a lungo
all together on
a record
it wasn't called
a reform
kid up on
a surfboard
A und O
a work horse
above board
bird of Jove
birds of Jove
Birth control
blood runs cold
Bubba vote
bubble sort
bubble sorts
buffer zone
buffer zones
bunder boat
bunder boats
burner phone
burner phones
but of course
one saw
but the stones
a part,
but the whole
buttered corn
plate of hot
buttered toast
button nose
Church of Rome
circuit board
circuit boards
circuit court
circuit courts
color code
color codes
color force
color war
color wars
colour code
colour codes
colour force
legend does not
Misfortune does not
come alone
comfort tone
comfort zone
comfort zones
compass rose
concern troll
concern trolled
concern trolls
cover board
cover boards
cover note
cover notes
cover shorts
crumple zone
crumple zones
Cullen stone
Cullen stones
culture war
culture wars
cultured stone
cup of joe
cuppa joe
cups of joe
cut the cord
dermal bone
dermal bones
double croche
double doors
double note
double notes
double pole
double poled
double poles
double quote
double quotes
double whole
double wholes
Douglass North
duffel coat
duffel coats
duffle coat
duffle coats
why are
Earth girls so
'em from home
First Gulf War
application than was
first supposed
First World War
Firth of Forth
Firth of Lorn
flood the zone
died, apart
from a groan
he was far
from alone
From burgo
was gone
from her soul
the locks
from the doors
the fall
from the horse
sittin' across
from the Lord
regions far
from the source
it apart
from the whole
From unknown
from what source
frontal bone
frontal bones
frontal lobe
Frontal lobes
Fuck the whores
function code
function codes
girdle scone
girdle scones
Grus virgo
the coverage on
gun control
Gun control
her surfboard
one that was
her turnbroach
Hubble flow
huckle bone
huckle bones
hunger stone
hunger stones
jump her bones
jungle crow
jungle crows
that was
just a joke
kernel corn
knucker hole
knucker holes
learn the ropes
learned the ropes
learns the ropes
learnt the ropes
London smoke
luggage hold
luggage holds
mazel tov
pictures were shot
months ago
Mother Jones
mother load
mother lode
mother lodes
Muppet Show
murder board
murder boards
murder hole
murder holes
muscle morph
muscle morphs
muscle tone
muster roll
muster rolls
None, Of Course
number close
number four
number fours
was law,
of a sort
the start
of a war
a part
of a whole
a lot
of dumb show
have all
of her clothes
children not
of her own
Put out lots
of patrols
of record
a mark
of some sort
a lot
of stuff broke
the top
of the board
not part
of the code
mechanical parts
of the course
but not
of the courts
on top
of the domes
that part
of the floor
other part
of the fork
the walls
of the fort
all parts
other part
special part
of the globe
of the Hoe
are part
of the joke
the ark
of the LORD
the parts
of the mould
the frost
of the North
the God
of the Old
a part
all part
the star
the stars
the start
of the show
the thoughts
of the soul
the cost
of the stone
the arm
of the throne
the cause
of the war
a part
as part
as parts
coherent part
integral part
other part
small part
than part
of the whole
Loren was
once a source
am not
But not
I want
just want
wanna start
one of those
and not
one punch thrown
onion dome
onion domes
different from all
other boards
looking under all
other stones
perverts row
pumice stone
pumice stones
puppet show
puppet shows
purple gold
purple prose
purple quartz
purple zone
Rubber Soul
run the show
russel cord
russel cords
Russell Crowe
Russian gold
scupper hose
Search 'em both
serpent gourd
serpent gourds
service course
service court
service courts
service road
service roads
Sherman Oaks
slumber coach
off on
some dirt roads
dos y dos
son cuatro
Son of Zorn
sons of whores
Southern Cone
Southern Ohlone
southern vole
southern voles
stirrup bone
stirrup bones
stuck record
stuck records
Stuffed, of course
I was
such a dork
sulfur cone
sulfur cones
sulfur ore
sulfur ores
sulfur soap
sulfur soaps
sulphur cone
sulphur ore
sulphur soap
summer colt
summer colts
summer roll
summer rolls
you have soft,
supple lobes
The Brak Show
and started off
the buzzstorm
live on
the first floor
and smite all
the firstborn
gathered on
the front porch
A statement on
advice got on
But off
singing backwards on
the play-out on
to turn off
the record
publication of all
the records
was on
the third floor
Stranger on
the Third Floor
other was
the World Court
flags on
the world's shore
influence on
the young Goethe
The Young Pope
thermal coal
Third World War
touch a chord
Trudgen stroke
Trudgen strokes
trudgeon stroke
tug of war
tugs of war
tumble home
tundra vole
tundra voles
turn the boat
um susto
Uncle Joe
under clothes
under mone
under tow
up a storm
up the pole
further on
up the road
wings and watch
us perform
Stewart got
us the porn
verbal note
verbal notes
What's one more
What's the code
What's the joke
What's the role
What's the score
had not
won the war
work the hole
we can all
work towards
world record
world records
Young tableau
Young tableaus
Young tableaux
with 1 extra syllable
alder buckthorn
alder buckthorns
argument form
argument forms
the skin, the
argument goes
Artemus Ward
area in the
Artisan home
back to the
Artisans home
is the
author of both
Author Unknown
totally beyond the
author's control
painter, minus my God-
awful brushstrokes
bomber le torse
pass the
bottle of smoke
money down a
bottomless hole
Bottoms up, folks
nature in her
calmest abodes
of all
on the
the moral
causes of war
fine wines, Belgian
chocolates, Hello
a journalist and
is the media
columnist for
fundamental necessity of
common accord
mass of the
common record
not followed the
Communist road
conduct and on
conduct alone
in the
conduct of war
not be under
not depend on
conscious control
John Dighton and
Dalton Trumbo
Doctor alone
the Island of
Doctor Moreau
believe is a
dominant force
melts in that
dominant tone
Sing, Prima
Donna, once more
evident in the
feature of the
rapidly in the
suddenly in the
the Old World
they predate the
to explain the
to form the
fossil record
think about the
Th-There are
fossil records
my shoulder
garment were torn
by the
goddess of war
I was
gonna propose
these changes are
gonna unfold
it hasn't
gotten us home
discord and
harshness comes forth
harvest of souls
Nash, let the
you let the
hostages go
Jonathan Blow
Jonathan Forbes
grow out of
our decisions on
knowledge alone
kontra gusto
Lochlan turned for
marginal note
the power of
markets alone
in the
markets of Rome
studies of
Martian dust storms
She had
marvelous norks
a typical
model of moe
Modular form
Hilbert and Siegel
the context of
modular forms
to the
monster truck show
and infinitives are
nominal forms
adult science-fiction
novel, The Host
be running the
jumping in the
kind of mental
obstacle course
I can
offer control
Downton can
offer us both
see that gallant
officer more
Oliver North
Christopher Wilkinson, and
figure comes from
Stanley Weiser and
Written by
Oliver Stone
Just dark,
ominous tones
oxygen stone
Palmerston North
particle board
particle boards
those inseparable
partners of War
instead of
Plaza Turbo
pocket borough
pocket boroughs
is not a
popular role
and win the
force of a
had lost the
plurality of the
presidential election by
problems to a
some form of
popular vote
popular votes
difficult art of
popular war
be in a
popular zone
membranes have multiple
possible forms
is considered another
possible source
of the
problem of force
than the
problem of war
slight re-selection
problem, of course
to the
problems of war
many fashionable
products were sold
ending corporate
profit from war
and the
promise of hope
with the
promise of more
welcome the
Promise of war
Not a
proper hull though
mist, the pious
prosperous ghosts
better and
prospers the more
Nell Gwynne, the
Protestant whore
Robert Barone
Robert Monroe
rotten borough
rotten boroughs
want a
salted nut roll
shotgun marketing, a
shotgun approach
soften the blow
brushwork, and
softness of form
war had
started, of course
ship, the
stronger the storm
the mouth on
tartar control
wasn't a joke
me realise I
painful, however, I
tonight because I
wasn't alone
water just broke
with 2 extra syllables
abdominal pore
abdominal pores
giving Chris an
anonymous note
Send you
anonymous notes
reported as an
anonymous quote
images acquire an
autonomous force
role contradict the
autonomous role
instruments, vailing his
cacophonous notes
and becoming the
canonical form
canonical forms
Colossus of Rhodes
they'll have
forgotten the war
forgotten, of course
multi-billion-year trend of
hierarchical growth
amulets containing powdered
solitary as a
rhinoceros horn
a calque of
synonymous or
our actions have
Rachel, is the
unprecedented speed and
will be an
unstoppable force
with 3 extra syllables
playing an insidious,
irresponsible role
Neapolitan chord
Neapolitan chords
with 4 extra syllables
flocculonodular lobe
flocculonodular lobes