exact syllable matches
good, by-
blow pair of buns
Boat Festival
tale than our
bold eloquence
if she were
born resonant
both gets a gurl
both terrible
of a
code red alert
cold air comes from
or felt the
cold temperature
core temperature
core temperatures
cothurnus, from
team is of
course Everton
proud humility of
court etiquette
don't get a world
busy, but
Go ahead,
you just
don't get nervous
don't get the girl
Don't get the squirts
don't tell someone
don't wear a shirt
is at thy temple-
door, Maryland
floor general
floor generals
modern and Finnish
folk elements
headaches in traditional
its uses in
folk medicine
folk medicines
mistake her insecurities
was definitely mistaken
for arrogance
which makes
for better runs
know you work
used to work
for Cerberus
new appreciation
for Desert Bus
for deserters
they don't pay
for elegance
in the circus
for elephants
there's no need
for eloquence
positively claimed it
for Emerson
for Eschaton
You ready
for Everest
to substitute emotion
for evidence
See and
for genera
for General
against the law
for generals
something completely dark
for Lebanon
junction, still waiting
for medicine
cannot escape liability
for negligence
on silk
for precious ones
cunning, easy prey
for predators
translation are provided
for reference
Father in priority
people the necessity
for reverence
sufficient disdain
for Section One
a merciless disregard
have a contempt
for sentiment
it was open
for settlement
no affliction
for seven births
of lettuce
for seven bucks
the apartment
won't open
for seven months
the court
for seven terms
people together
for shared purpose
their lives
for their brothers
of respect
for their customs
screaming, calling
for their mothers
eating gorp
for their suppers
and died
got donnered
for their trouble
the cows
for their udders
new start
for them youngsters
word I'm looking
for, sensible
a full Air
Force general
forgetful one
form genera
I can't even
form sentences
triangles which
form their surface
Disciplinary Barracks at
Fort Leavenworth
can summon the
could master all
formed of the
particles of the
four elements
is a
just another
That's a
four letter word
to be a
four-letter word
to the English
four-letter words
George Edmondson
Andrew Waugh after
George Everest
I'm not even
George Henderson
Ghost Festival
go get some lunch
go get the girl
go spread some germs
go spread the word
Go spread the word
gold general
gold generals
on a
gold metal run
gross negligence
that he may
grow arrogant
We can
grow vegetables
hope, let her run
ankle deep in
horse excrement
Hotel, London
Know when the run
is the heaviest
known element
There is no
known medicine
lo general
buried near the
Lord's sepulchre
is at a
low temperature
control at relatively
spectra at such
low temperatures
wounds from the
Mole Cerberus
more powerful, and
more arrogant
a little bit
and make it
endless passing days
of making life
process a little
their laborious lives
more bearable
emotions into the
more cerebral
less credible, not
your lies sound
more credible
which was no
more decorous
exquisite, more and
It was much
Shanghai is
more delicate
grander, more subtle,
more convincing and
more elegant
were thereby rendered
more eloquent
guy in without
you can get
more evidence
can only become
Goebbels are becoming
to make it
more evident
world would be
more exquisite
a physician were
am a bit
and lighter and
and was far
control is far
They'll be
more flexible
becomes more and
German meaning is
whose powers are
more general
This is the
wish I'd been
more generous
You want
more pressure, huh
smoking was even
more prevalent
be a little
more sensible
being livelier, were
more sensual
robust, more masculine,
more tenebrous
made something far
seem all the
sin becomes even
would've been even
more terrible
you to eat
more vegetables
fist and
more velvet glove
think One's own
most bearable
A widow now
most desolate
theory is the
most elegant
He was
most eloquent
to technology are
most evident
actions are the
most excellent
Sunday at its
most exquisite
of property is
most general
that was the
most generous
but a
most helpless germ
are not, by
most measurements
It is
men's praises is
most perilous
the ground was
most sensible
I find that
most sensual
That's what's
most terrible
can see
no better ones
Perhaps there are
no elephants
The clothes have
no emperor
their clothes have
no Emperor
and can be
and there was
cannot reason is
it, there is
that there is
that they have
They have
which you have
no evidence
real self is
no gentleman
no less of us
a labour
no less servile
is capable of
no measurement
Do you feel
I have
no reverence
know nothing about
they hid away
no skeletons
we really have
no tenderness
there would be
no vegetables
is neither meaningful
nor relevant
their music
nor their colors
with the Old
Norse element
November 1
oh, they're much worse
Oh, well, hmm, mmm
Oh, yes, a girl
They are
old elements
hostile to the
old testament
abound in the
and re-parse the
Christians believe the
copies of the
do in the
I'm the
is ban the
it as the
locusts from the
Scriptures of the
Spirit of the
times in the
was in the
We believe the
Old Testament
Old West, uh, uh
should not get
old, General
I've heard of
Omega One
either false, ambitious
or arrogant
with his skill
or cleverness
accusations of elitism
or decadence
wrong or crazy
or decadent
From definitely
or definite
beautiful as Horace
or Emerson
not titled king
to any king
or emperor
it be strength
or endurance
- friend
or enema
exchange of money
or etiquette
refer to merit
or excellence
identify as masculine
to be masculine
or feminine
as ambigender, polygender,
or genderless
french fry maker
or general
mathematicians, physicists, economists,
or generals
is not charitable,
strong or passionate
or generous
such as Virginia
or Genesis
variant of Helen
or Helena
auxiliary verbs
or helper verbs
our particular faith
or heritage
unit of counting
or measurement
Prize in Physiology
or Medicine
successful physical
or mental work
the third
or mental world
her once
or mention her
by admonitory letters
it goods, money,
or messages
is either symbol
or parable
escape starvation, disease
or predators
than personal opinion
or preference
has no history
or reference
as Ronald, Donald
or Reginald
view, historical distance
or relevance
noble upbringing, courtesy,
or reverence
or said a word
invisible, whether intelligible
or sensible
attempt at whimsy
or sentiment
all authority, spiritual
judicial acts, ecclesiastical
or temporal
or three
there's eight
or ten others
to be bullet
or tentacles
would be wonderful
or terrible
their property
or their persons
in cities
or their suburbs
It's not animal,
or vegetable
manner of planets
or vegetables
the service member
or veteran
to business, farmers,
or veterans
undone by his
own elephants
senses reject their
will be its
own evidence
handful of its
own excrement
I taste my
own genitals
frustrated by my
own helplessness
taste of his
taste of their
taste of your
Taste your
own medicine
Taste Of My
Own Medicine
cover up his
own negligence
can't consult one's
own preference
It generates its
own resonance
own set of clubs
por ventura
years as a
pro wrestler
this case, the
protestors were
can you smell
roast venison
lone wolf, a
rogue elephant
rogue elephants
festival of Enlil,
rose heavenward
simple expressions and
short sentences
Show's terrible
the practice of
slow medicine
Slow medicine
slow them up some
snow festival
snow festivals
Don't be
so arrogant
America has become
so decadent
Princess could be
so delicate
their music sounds
so effortless
That proximity was
so elegant
Providence is not
to prove things
so evident
chicken, so fabulous,
so excellent
as they were,
God to be
so generous
I am
so jealous, sir
unified nation was
so tenuous
are you being
can't find it
Is that
It's all
it's so terrible,
remembered a devastation
That doesn't sound
That is
That speech is
think of something
thinking it's not
though you were
what would be
your weather is
so terrible
with white the
sole elements
Where's my
sport's editor
about cancelling the
morning of the
run in the
sports festival
to revive his
stone generals
and systematic
those efforts were
the results of
those measurements
back, demanded
those mentioned words
will agree with
those sentiments
lovely moments,
those tender words
up all
those tense muscles
life being
told there's justice
his eyes, his
tone sensual
artist-as- man, -animal, or
the Japanese
war dead worshipped
them is a
war veteran
war veterans
bring down the
whole edifice
whole set of terms
I distrust
you, with all
your cleverness
me than
your dead mother
your death of mud
out of
your depth, mongrel
that I am
your editor
lovers of all
your elements
deal of money,
your Eminence
and two children,
stand in awe,
Your Eminence
how to serve
your emperor
a test of
your endurance
to work on
your etiquette
there's your challenge,
your Everest
And what is
President, where's
What is
your evidence
of you and
your ex-husband
and watch
your friend suffer
your friends such drunks
a jackal like
Can I be
your general
I am
your General
a photograph of
your breasts and
your genitals
I love
your hair color
your hair mussed up
to keep
your head covered
Your health comes first
chose to deny
great power in
you all about
your heritage
pain in
your left buttock
bibliophile in
your letters, dud
Now take
to and take
your medicine
I don't take
Making me deliver
your messages
your messenger
ID than
your parents were
to keep
your pecker up
your God and
your pestilence
Your Precious Blood
God would share
your preference
a contradiction, check
your premises
that answer
your question sir
the way of
your recklessness
your sense of fun
And he completes
your sentences
Mommy better take
your temperature
you got up
your tentacle
any achiness in
your tentacles
until you finish
your vegetables
strife of
your western world
with 1 extra syllable
end of the
loan from the
aforementioned word
trio said the
aforementioned words
being here seem
almost bearable
almost never works
almost sensual
mathematical reasoning is
alone requisite
also French frontal
also pessulus
Echeneis naucrates See
also Remora
profane, he was
also reverent
also tenable
Something else,
also terrible
bent our necks
before emperors
lies just
below their surface
Canto General
one could
control their hunger
disco flexible
discos flexibles
accelerating, maybe even
exponential curve
all the action
hero elements
Work the ER at
South with runaway
negro deserters
Coined by
Otto Jesperson
breach and
performed their function
photo editor
polo vegetal
polo-neck shirt From
an atmosphere that
promotes recklessness
consistently blocked earlier
proposed settlements
from mutual effort
toward betterment
skills and motivate
toward excellence
be exactly affectionate
toward westerners
From an
unknown element
than with many
unknown elements
them with the
treated with the
utmost reverence
- Ralph
Gandhi and Ralph
Waldo Emerson
up, I'm from
Waldorf, Maryland
me off to
withhold evidence
withholds them from us
concubine of the
Yellow Emperor
yellow-legged gull
It survived sub-
zero temperatures
with 2 extra syllables
accessories, based in
is headquartered in
Paul, Minnesota, and
Baltimore, Maryland
It's a
mistletoe belt buckle
radio nebula
radio nebulas
Radio Yerevan
that somehow
tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes
lovely colours, tight-fitting
uniform, excellent
with 3 extra syllables
Frederico Westphalen