exact syllable matches
dog will
bite a man
with this
bright young man
this to
buy a fan
being punched
by a cat
outside, lit
by a flash
got jumped
by a gang
by a gnat
be occupied
not impenetrable
by a man
by a rat
to be met
by attack
from judgment, not
by command
Five were wounded
by dustpans
But not
by her hand
is haunted
by her past
and still enjoyed
We were attacked
by Japan
it led
by one man
the tune,
by Pearl Jam
got cut
by some glass
is hurt
by the act
got this
by the ass
of robbery
by the banks
forced out
by the blast
is chased
by the cats
murdered not
by the gas
him along
hold you
led me
shake you
take me
takes us
your lover
by the hand
was saved
by the jab
That's Entertainment
by The Jam
but not
by the land
is run
by The Man
be imprisoned
future but
not corrupted
put together
the future
by the past
being eaten
by the plant
from it
by the plants
be replaced
by the rat
the region and
China, and
from here to
China, man
you rebelling against,
diaper rash
woman ever
died from that
mean, I
drive a cab
get to
I could
drive a tank
how to
drive the tank
way to
drive us back
of could
drive us mad
It's a
dryer, man
dazzle the
in the
eyes of man
already seen the
welcome to the
final act
be in the
final band
your last and
final chance
final gasp
Go and
find a flat
going to
find a hat
good time,
have to
town to
find a man
I cannot
find a match
once they
find the Man
a hard-working
underestimated this
fine young man
the floor for
fire ants
world an ever-living
fire that
pavement with a
fireman's axe
I'm gonna
fry her ass
her with a
giant fan
Head stepped on by
are examining the
giant's tracks
Mozart's spirit from
Haydn's hands
in the Nazi
High Command
You chose a
higher path
on theatres of
higher rank
mathematician of the
highest class
arts of the
blame toward the
calling of the
orator of the
highest rank
me like a
hired hand
but this time,
I attack
were upset, so
I attacked
I got here,
I collapsed
adjectives when
killed before
Please can
there until
When finish,
I come back
I thought
i heard max
up when
I heard that
or evil,
I just am
coming and
I just ran
of love,
I love cash
crack and
I love crack
imagine, and
in, and
it, and
I love that
a B-side,
I loved that
one question
I must ask
me than
I of France
So, am
I the fan
never believed in
they say about
idle hands
ike giraffe
books, then
out and
you know
I'll come back
would think
I'm a cad
I'm a fan
a kid,
denying that
I'm a man
tell you,
I'm a plant
be told
I'm a quack
I mean
I'm the man
right now
I'm The Man
I'm-a dance
but with an
iron hand
but you're not
Iron Lad
to forget an
was an impressively
iron man
Bang, Zodiac, and
Iron Man
Man in the
Iron Mask
jammed us into
iron pants
canyon full of
iron sand
I've earned that
kind of bad
about every
kind of dance
I'm that
kind of fan
them was
kind of flat
like my
kind of gal
The other
kind of gas
be a
kind of hat
she went
kind of mad
be a
cautious, thoughtful
strange, aloof
kind of man
That's my
kind of plan
kind of rack
and some
kind of sack
a weird
is actually
kind of sad
got that
kind of scratch
That's some
kind of thanks
in a
say, a
kind of trance
kick all
kinds of ass
garrotte, or the
knife perhaps
Here's your
license back
head and
lie her flat
affect the
and esthetic
and the
the social
life of man
About his
life, perhaps
light a match
A trick of
light perhaps
shifted to a
lighter bat
dress up
like a bat
you feel
like a Brad
his memory
of them,
like a brand
he acts
was spoiled,
like a brat
You act
like a cad
it out
to land
like a cat
Connor burps
Taking it
that retirement
like a champ
yes, it's
like a dam
don't look
like a fag
You look
like a ham
he's more
like a lamb
and fight
and looked
asteroid smashing
Chug it,
did it
get shot
go down
in gobbets
is alive,
of fighting
or lose
shot down
stopped me,
Take it
that walks
the consequences
to act
to be
to die
treat me
ya feel
like a man
Who Rides
Like a Man
mind's eye
like a map
her face
like a mask
I felt
like a prat
hair is
in now
like a rat
to act
like a sap
How'd you
like a snack
stop dressing
like a tramp
it sounded
still looks
like a trap
like Nerd-gal
like the bat
you play,
like the champs
have died
like the grass
is just
like the last
in space,
like the plant
like the snack
like us cats
you know,
like what can
have a
line of gab
live Japan
live the RAF
a pair of
lycra pants
Now whether,
Mike's a fag
by the
concerns the
expanding the
in the
preciousness, the
the unconquerable
within the
mind of man
but never
mind the facts
pursuit of a single-
minded plan
day their
minds just snap
You dodged
yourself up for
my attack
but I've made
selfish needs destroyed
my comeback
All at
be working under
divisions now under
is now under
it is at
I've lost under
kingdom are at
power then at
robot and await
the mercy of
the troops under
Time heed
will be under
with everything at
You've taken
my command
no one escapes
will obey only
young and obey
my commands
was in
my first band
Give me
my gun back
cost me
my one chance
Give me
I want
my son back
president feels
my son lacked
my son, Max
time for
my sponge bath
don't want
my stuff back
stop a
nice girl act
Nice touch, that
What a
nice young man
gallantly at my
nightclub act
I'm a
Niners fan
for a
with a
pile of cash
for the
pile of crap
leader of the
Pirate Clans
helm is in
pirate hands
party earns a
pirate hat
to my first
Pirates camp
away at a
priceless past
environmental resources in
private hands
play a solo
private match
Quiet Man
have been
quite a gal
had proved
quite a task
had not
quite come back
could poke his
rifle at
the everlasting
right of man
Am I a
sign of a
righteous man
a great and
righteous task
and the
destroy the
in the
loves the
organizing the
the imprescriptible
to the
triumphant equal
win the
rights of man
of the
over the
Rights of Man
read me the
riot act
project for your
science class
awakening in a
science lab
Where are the
science labs
a very
shy young man
The Strongest
Side of Man
out of
sight of land
from the
sight of man
I lost
to lose
sight of that
Still no
sign of land
you cannot
sign the pact
are few
signs of that
I broke the
silence and
into infinite darkness,
Silent Black
the connection to
Simon Lamb
You were my
sire, man
the song the
sirens sang
misdirection and
such a
sleight of hand
flows through the
slightest crack
his life as
Spider Man
in the name of
It isn't
that there is a
very high opinion of
you definitely ain't
Y-You're as bad as
about is that hunky
and his life as
be a friendly neighborhood
been reading too much
being your friendly neighborhood
break it down, I'm
even remember the name
gonna finish you yet,
Is that from
It's from
Jason, Michael,
just your friendly neighborhood
kind of dirt on
lethal force on zombie
Like the fact that
long-running Marvel comic book
Mary Jane likes
need photos, photos of
Not as
not want to do
oh, you failed,
Parker is
plot for the next
said a thing about
Someone thanking
still couldn't take out
takes the picture of
takes the pictures of
The actual
The Amazing
the one you call
Think again,
This boy is not
This is your destiny,
to Peter Parker and
told them I was
very fast I'll play
what you've turned down,
Whether Batman could beat
with a line from
with clever,
You're an amazing creature,
You've pestered me as
not a beast, a
the deadly, the amazing
and every
spire of grass
a big Barbara
Streisand fan
give me
strike one back
It shall repel
thy attack
swiftly carry out
Thy command
to check my
tiger trap
eye of the
tiger, man
breasts, a
tight, firm ass
belong to a
timeless span
killing Jojo, the
tire man
a set of
to check for
tire tracks
had a championship
title match
this World Heavyweight
Title, man
like an endurance
trial, man
possibly a
type of cat
a new
type of man
Tyra Banks
of a sterile
tyrant class
could whoop Mike
Tyson's ass
to the public
via ads
container of Ebola
virus, and
boy with a
visor cap
is cold and
white, alas
does she
go and
wipe her ass
bangalore to the
wire, fast
You better
wise up man
do you
write a plan
a painter or
writer has
with 1 extra syllable
of free
advice, young man
end of the
Allied advance
Rage Against the
Appliance, man
sand, leaving
aside the sand
I hid
behind a mask
about her
hides it
behind her back
the field
behind the camp
verbalisms lag
behind the facts
the woman
behind the man
can't see
the mask
behind the mask
bullpen area
behind the stands
the chain
decides the last
defines a man
was a charming,
delightful man
and alcohol
derived from plants
don't know about
designers and
in accordance with
divine command
the highway of
Divine Command
their concept of
divine commands
development to every
enlightened man
right to this
entire land
evacuation of the
entire plant
look at the
entire strand
kick his pale
entitled ass
them getting all
excited, and
Gridiron Gang
he fell
inside the vat
a cunning and
insightful plan
which inner
mankind first acts
no power
outside of man
be unhappy
outside the camp
with the
outside world, Jack
Alliance -- I
provided that
I'll summon my
Revival Jam
of a cow's
saliva gland
art of the
superior enemy by
victim of a
surprise attack
you could encourage
surprise attacks
people who
survived the blast
survives the blast
Unite the clans
with 2 extra syllables
known to
circumcise a gnat
I could
modernize the plant
that should
occupy a man
the leaders and
organizers plan
memory losses or
oversights, perhaps
did not
recognise the fact
we will
recognize the Basques
let us
recognize the facts
balances or
rectifies the past
not object to
suicide attacks
you not
verify a fact
with 3 extra syllables
able to
identify the man