exact syllable matches

3 Jean
B team
B teams
barrier that cannot
be breached
intemperate minds cannot
we shall all
be free
the children cannot
be here
dead, that cannot
be me
alive they cannot
be meat
and I cannot
be reached
It cannot
That cannot
be real
That can NOT
as death cannot
bird which cannot
He cannot
object that cannot
obtained but cannot
of mark cannot
Tears that cannot
things which cannot
where they cannot
where you cannot
be seen
must not
be weak
beach flea
beach fleas
beach pea
beach peas
bead tree
bead trees
beam reach
beam reached
beam sea
beam seas
beam tree
beam trees
bean feast
bean feasts
bean geese
bean queen
bean queens
beat feet
that you cannot
You cannot
beat me
beats me
bee tree
bee trees
beech tree
beech trees
beef tea
beef teas
Cheap Seats
cheat meal
cheat meals
cheat sheet
cheat sheets
chee chee
cheek teeth
cheese dream
cheese dreams
cheese tea
cheese teas
clean meat
clean sheet
clean sheets
clean sweep
clean sweeps
cream cheese
cream gene
cream genes
cream tea
cream teas
de ligne
de mise
and the Comte
of the Comte
de St
de suite
de Vries
deal tree
deal trees
dede mee
deed mee
deel mee
deep freeze
deep sea
deep seas
deep sleep
deep sleeps
dream feed
dream feeds
Dream Team
dream teams
drin drin
East Dean
East Leake
East Sea
eke eke
eme eme
fee fees
feel free
field pea
field peas
field seam
field seams
flea tree
flea trees
intemperate attack on
Fleet Street
free reed
free reeds
free sheet
free sheets
Free speech
freeze peach
g st
ge be
geek chic
gide gide
Greek feet
Greek key
Greek keys
green bean
green beans
green cheese
green leek
green leeks
green screen
green screens
green sea
green seas
Green Street
green tea
green teas
whatever God wants,
he keeps
but it cannot
heal me
hear hear
Billy, can ya
Son, can ya
hear me
hear ye
heat shield
heat shields
heath pea
heath peas
here here
Because Dad's not
here, Dean
here, please
doll buggy on knock-
kneed wheels
Lea Green
leaf flea
leaf green
leaf sheath
leaf sheaths
leaf tier
leap week
leap weeks
leave be
you can not
leave here
parts and parts
leave me
leaves be
Leve Leite
Li He
li ser
lief leer
can just call
me Greed
God got
means God brought
shoe that dropped
that's what got
thing that got
me here
armour and brought
me peace
me three
camera back on
me, please
mea mea
Mean Creek
mean streak
Mean Streets
meat bee
meat bees
meat shield
meat shields
meat tea
meat teas
mee eens
neat freak
neat freaks
nuts, vegetables, all
need bees
neem beet
neem deel
neem mee
ni bien
ni te
pea bean
pea beans
pea green
pea greens
peach tree
pee pee
pee pees
No trouble at all,
plea deal
plea deals
please, please
queen bee
couldn't have stopped
Queen Bee
queen bees
Queen E
qui vive
More at rob,
reaf, reave
real deal
real deals
Rede See
Reede See
Scream 3
scream queen
Scream Queens
snuff box
sea bean
snuff box
sea beans
sea beet
sea beets
sea breach
sea bream
sea breams
sea breeze
sea brief
sea briefs
sea eel
sea eels
sea geese
sea green
sea greens
sea heath
sea heaths
sea pea
sea peach
sea peas
like the large
sea piece
sealed beam
sealed beams
see here
though you cannot
see me
seed leaf
seed leaves
seed tree
seed trees
to others all
seems real
mountainsides that are
seen here
you have not
seen me
si bien
si si
siege piece
Siem Reap
sneak peek
sneak peeks
sneak thief
sneak thieves
speed freaks
speed queen
speed queens
spere hede
St Bees
st st
steel wheel
steel wheels
Steve Keen
stream key
stream keys
stream wheel
stream wheels
street team
street teams
suite de
sweet Annies
sweet cheeks
sweet cream
sweet creams
sweet dreams
sweet leaf
sweet leaves
Sweet Pea
sweet peas
sweet tea
sweet teas
tea leaf
tea leaves
tea tea
tea tree
tea trees
tee hee
tee heed
tee hees
asses might upon
thee feed
What church dost
thee mean
three green
three sheets
those cars, on
three wheels
tree feed
tree heath
tree seat
V speed
V speeds
viel mee
viele mee
maybe that's all
That's all
we need
weak tea
Wee Free
wee wee
weed tree
weed trees
weet je
weet weet
wheat bisk
wheat thief
wheel tree
wheel trees
wie viel
wie viele
Stir not,
ye Trees
yi mein

with 1 extra syllable

Survey map as
Ardsley East
army will that
army be
army green
needs and the
Army's needs
bobby bean
bobby beans
Bobby Lee
Bobby Seale
captures what the
body feels
Body Heat
You brought her
body here
Does that
body need
Bondi Beach
Open your arms,
bonnie Jean
Charley Reese
brothers Craig and
Charlie Reid
It's called
Charlie Sheen
coffee bean
to 12-cupsworth of
coffee beans
Coffee Creek
but there are
coffee freaks
really like the
coffee here
another pot of
coffee, please
her mournful habits
fondly cleaves
everyday on Mahatma
Gandhi Street
golly gee
I can
hardly eat
bad I can
hardly see
Harley Street
for a rather
hearty meal
the rugger and
hockey fields
in the National
of the National
Hockey League
hostie de
Johnny Weir
khaki green
khaki greens
kopje thee
kwame mee
my cousins and
Margie St
to Italian as
Monte Real
omni wheel
omni wheels
The Horror of
Party Beach
party piece
and get some
party treats
Ponzi scheme
Ponzi schemes
poppy bee
poppy bees
poppy seed
poppy seeds
Rocky 3
Rocky V
she got from
Tommy Lee
Zombi 3

with 2 extra syllables

Anthony B
loblolly tree
loblolly trees
Somebody, please