exact syllable matches

for the past
out in every
17 years
biggest outbreak in
played these last
the age of
70 years
the thin
air received him
Your words
bear much meaning
bed one sleeps in
estrildid finch, the
Bengalese finch
outside, still hearing
Benson screaming
best country wins
may my
best machine, win
to repeated, insane,
bestial screaming
It'd just
better be quick
and Out in
bumbling ninja in
different culture of
for success in
midst of zillionaire
my mansion in
on vacation in
purse-store opening in
Real Housewives of
selling them in
single gal in
Beverly Hills
Beverly Sills
the sea is
blessedly rich
have to be
careful sleeping
to yourself very
carefully, Pip
cheese, and some
celery sticks
central heating
century year
century years
Cheddar cheeses
Cheshire cheeses
know how
clever she is
credit squeezes
is not
dead, but sleepeth
are not
dead, just sleeping
from the
death of Phoenix
the steep of
Delphos leaving
strict, you won't like
The Angel of
Destiny did
and that's what
destiny is
We're talking mega
ecstasy bliss
Edward de Vere
have a little
empathy, Nick
goal and
end of teaching
is Richard Nixon's
enemies list
often salute their
enemies with
date with my arch-
enemy Clint
know who the
out who his
them who the
who the real
enemy is
in which his
enemy lives
spar into the
enemy ship
think as the
enemy thinks
and from the
enemy's fears
what the sun's
energy did
some eugh hippy
energy drink
giant pack of
Various brands of
energy drinks
don't know what
no knowledge what
The perfect
energy is
energy mint
energy mints
energy mix
had opinions, tastes,
energy, wit
constitute, what the
entity is
Will she
ever be kissed
we can't
ever beat him
kid will
ever feel it
that we have
ever fielded
Did I
one will
ever hear it
you can't
ever reach it
you will
ever see it
could not recall
ever seeing
Harry had
I had
No one's
than I'd
ever seen him
us have
ever seen it
that nobody
ever sees it
nature swirling inside,
every bit
every dune, on
every cliff
every word, taking
every hint
bring forgetfulness of
every ill
others bodies, kissing
every inch
It melts in
with you in
every limb
that is on
every lip
back together after
every shift
been with me
every since
be first in
every sprint
we struggle over
every stitch
hit home run
every swing
and conscience measure
and seen in
Beyond and above
sans taste, sans
should be denied
supreme cause of
every thing
charge of my
every twitch
catering to my
to accommodate her
to follow my
every whim
bow to her
every will
every whim, my
shall serve my
to fulfill his
every wish
2 million children
a birthday party
a few eggs
a new girl
Alliance makes harder
crown Miss Influenza
discover new species
donate to charity
dumber and dumber
every day of
four new interns
from food poisoning
get my physical
getting more adventurous
goes down there
happens to me
have a child
He does Santa
heroin, pot kill
his school picture
I get fatter
Japanese tourists visit
joint holiday party
jurisdictions to test
keep getting better
million are added
movies you film
New interpretations appear
of an inch
of families suffer
on July 1
once a year,
ones come along
pair of slacks
put into jars
rarely heard compositions
She wins
speech I give
the economic pie
the Emeritus Club
the end of
the Lion City
the same time
the united states
their way south
There's one
They do this
They go crazy
thing every morning,
this for me
This happens
This year and
thousands of dollars
to 40-50 calves
to change her
tribute to him
We did it
We do it
We had Thanksgiving
women and children
women grows with
You say that
every year
My area of
expertise is
hope it was
extra healing
now furnished with
feathery wings
feta cheeses
fetta cheeses
the naked
flesh of feeling
A nearby
friend completes it
a voice of
cook-smoke fouling the
gentle breezes
get studying
sure I
get the meaning
get the real thing
Get the real thing
weapons, he'll
get thirty years
provided he
gets a hearing
gets the meaning
Gregory Rift
Actually, I
be victorious, I
behind it, I
In fact, I
itself out, I
You'll lose, I
guarantee it
the job virtually
guarantees it
head, come here, quick
motions of the
heavenly spheres
teach us about
heavenly things
Hedera helix
storms will
help us rebuild
help what he is
to harm this
helpless being
modern French,
hence the meaning
Karen Leigh King
not exactly the
Kennedy kids
Why was
Kennedy killed
this will be
left untreated
lenga beeches
is shared by
lesser beings
lesser seal script
Let us seize it
agenda for a lower-
level meeting
consciousness onto a
memory chip
memory chips
mistakes or having
memory slips
Compare commoner and
memory stick
memory sticks
How sweet their
memory still
women find lean
men appealing
stay physically and
mentally fit
behavior of the
here are actually
make other girls
people who are
question, Who is
society stigmatizes the
Sometimes, I'm
wish I wasn't
mentally ill
messed up she is
differences can
never be bridged
road will
never be built
It can
never be cleared
gap will
quota will
that can
they will
never be filled
it can
never be fixed
which will
never be his
I shall
never be king
he will
never beat him
and flows but
to his center
never ceases
Never ending,
O swiftness
never ceasing
why I
never eat fish
And he
never even
Heathcliff, let's
Let me
never leave it
shadow that
never leaves him
the same as
You were
never leaving
I'll probably
never meet him
bombs can
flames will
never reach him
I can
you will
never reach it
which it can
never remit
never see him
family will
head we'll
They will
time, we
never see it
I had
out, I've
never seen him
but we'd
come I've
this but
who has
never seen it
baseball has
never seen since
for the
you in
next 30 years
Enjoy the
next thirty years
para skiing
Parent's evening
parity bit
parity bits
Pedigrees him
penalty kick
penalty kicks
penalty kill
penalty kills
pencil me in
Have a
you spent a
pleasant evening
more easy and
pleasant reading
precursors, rare and
precious beings
of how
precious she is
pregnant, even
previous action determines
present being
it be with
present feelings
is used with
present meaning
Couple of
questions real quick
and formless
realm of Being
some different
realm of beings
to the
realm of healing
than in
Realms of Being
recipe dish
I will
remedy this
Sarah Fielding
Scared of being
for the
second meaning
something worth a
wouldn't be a
second reading
In the
second reading,
an agathokakological
sense of being
create a
sense of dreaming
by the
caressed his
of the
sense of hearing
sent her reeling
suffering of any
sentient being
behalf of all
empathetic to all
enlightenment of all
extended to all
for killing obviously
instinct of all
irrelevant difference between
of our parent
right of all
suffering of all
then liberate numberless
trees benefitting all
welfare of all
sentient beings
I love all
sentient beings,
a different
set of beings
set the meeting
I will
set up meeting
first time in
for the last
haven't worked in
Not once in
the world is
seventeen years
screenplays of some
seventy films
a span of
his through some
seventy years
August twelfth, nineteen
sex, the feelings
and I
share the dreaming
on this very
special evening
special feeling
bore a very
special meaning
special pleadings
a tridimensional
spread of feelings
had that
strength of feeling
choking, his
tears were streaming
tell what he thinks
must the
Temple be built
hanging from the
temple ceiling
understood what the
tendency is
spiritual and the
tender feeling
honestly, regardless of
tender feelings
objects of His
tender keeping
to the
tent of meeting
terribly sick
metal in
promise of
virtue of
their early years
that gives
their work meaning
You call
them a penis
have given
them a reading
can stop
to stop
them from leaving
to stop
them from speaking
what wakes
them up screaming
them what she did
them what we did
what kind of
therapy is
when I'm out
there competing
the word,
there the meaning
as the people
they're studying
to be
threatened, she is
Treasury bill
Treasury bills
this individualised
wealth of being
generation of strategic
weaponry, which
well what we did
book is
well worth reading
Well worth seeing
wonder they
went bloody skint
the Coloured population
went unheeded
verbs, which are
when unprefixed
where the key is
where the peace is
Where's the ceiling
yet the real thing
yet, but she will

with 1 extra syllable

System, will
address the meeting
the hen-roost
affects the screaming
against the real thing
husband, whom she
apparently killed
face with the
you were an
ascended being
the dynamic
aspect of Being
aware of these things
be born a
not a real
celestial being
call ourselves simply
simply call ourselves
Celestial Being
crash course on
to that of
who are now
celestial beings
concept of free will
similarly broad and context-
dependent meaning
from what he
essentially is
With the possible
exception being
into this
excess of meaning
expect from me, Ms
we would
expect rough breathing
has to
expect some teasing
Fenella Fielding
You will
forever be King
way, I'd
forever be still
anything to last
forever, even
stay in here
forever, reading
forget what he is
each receive an
identity disc
the whole secret
identity thing
wants and he's
incredibly clear
incredibly weird
see becoming,
instead of being
to sing
instead of speaking
do you think
integrity is
have no
intent of stealing
indifference I
invent a meaning
flaw in every
for a different
investment thesis
Limburger cheeses
myself from feelings
defeating the
perfect machine is
like the magician,
possesses secrets
a kind of
possession, reading
have respite from
predestined meetings
in the
the actual
process of teaching
the little
protection he did
Remember feelings
remember hearing
thing to
remember here is
I didn't even
remember meeting
I could never
remember seeing
make him
remember these things
Resentful, even
and in many
respect succeeding
long received a
respectful hearing
know what My
sincerity is
was commissioned and
successfully built
Fake a
suppression hearing
concealed above a
suspended ceiling
depth a mysterious,
transcendent meaning
unless the team wins
- make some
unpleasant reading
him write
whatever he did
whatever she is
the poor
whatever ye will
be lonely
got to
him in,
is fine,
wherever he is
me here,
wherever here is
locate her
wherever she is

with 2 extra syllables

a selection of
continental cheeses
continental seating
is an independant
It's a
documentary film
making training and
documentary films
not of an
incidental feeling
also has an
independent meaning
It has several
independent meanings
is what work
then the multiple
necessarily is
best spellers don't
necessarily win
referential meaning
referential meanings
offensive due to
similarity with
and to its
transcendental meaning