exact syllable matches

like the
4 of you
au parfum
blow a fuse
blown a fuse
blows a fuse
You got a
boner too
give him a
bonus, too
We were
both abused
about the
can the
crap on
from the
Now, listen,
press-ups from
pressure on
Shame on
to stop
up on
you're doctors,
You've passed,
both of you
bovver boots
and a
eating a
having a
bowl of soup
broke a rule
broke the rules
broken loose
music from a
broken lute
Broken News
could he have
they would have
broken through
She has
broken you
lucky ones, the
privilege of the
profits of the
chosen few
God has
I have
chosen you
out pops the
cloven hoof
cordon bleu
guy equivalent of
Cordon Bleu
an essential
core of truth
corner tooth
creasier around the
corners, too
mind a
corpse of you
course sur luge
Christ, of
course, were Jews
in the
Dome of Doom
because my parents
don't approve
don't come true
your mama
don't love you
I just
They just
don't trust you
dorsal root
dorsal roots
I ask that
Florence do
father had
flown the coop
group and the
Mary from the
focus group
focus groups
figure out our
Focus soon
focus, Bloom
grief, and
instead of
for a few
You're knocked
for a loop
their mothers
for a scoop
creates a potential
like an invitation
for abuse
outspoken intolerance
for drug use
did that
for 'em, dude
ever asked
for from you
owned Coachella
for fun, too
the stalls
for her shoes
it was
for her, too
maiden selecting one
up the Carrier
for pursuit
prepare dinner
for the crew
certainly not
were grateful
for the food
for the goose
of Christendom
for the Jews
each other
for the loot
for the lose
for the moon
what passes
for the new
and monetarism
banned guns
more miserable
more tolerable
one law
rich than
They are
to act
for the poor
no purpose
for the room
She's responsible
for the school
a concern
a reverence
are starved
has concern
I asked
no match
this, not
for the truth
the greater struggle
for virtue
force majeure
It is a
foreign brew
Foreign food
foreign news
forest fruits
in the dark
forest pool
and the pact
forged anew
the words
form a root
in the
form of food
an interjectional
form of scoot
government and
formed a new
here all
killed the
sent all
four of you
be further
fro the truth
soft drinks, and
frozen food
frozen foods
George McGrew
Georgia Rule
future interest of
Georgia's youth
go cahoots
Hank is the
golden goose
form of the
formulation of the
it's, like, the
That's our
golden rule
chivalry of the
ideal is the
version of the
Golden Rule
golden rules
Gordon Wu
be a
grown up too
Grown Ups 2
weakest branches
grows the fruit
and grab
get a
hold of you
of heaven Persuasion
holds aloof
not one
hole but two
little girls
home from school
horse mushroom
horse mushrooms
a coach and
horses through
a lot of
horses, too
hoven to
time that
Jo loves you
Joe the Goose
Joker Xue
Joseph Roux
Joseph Wu
fool and
know the fool
do not
know the poor
does not
He doesn't
we all
know the rules
everything and
genuine philosophers
immoral and
immoral, and
now never
The Templars
We all
you wanna
know the truth
you all
know the tune
The pilot
knows the route
when Scott
knows the truth
With a
load of shrews
Local Group
exploiting conflicts among
local groups
local loop
local loops
critic on the
me on the
same with the
something against the
local news
to promote our
local zoo
Lord love you
lotus shoe
lotus shoes
heavier on the
lower groups
That's just
Maura news
at each others
Mobile Suits
the Copernican
mode of view
molar tooth
is but a
moment, too
of spiritual and
physical, philosophical, and
moral truth
government overreach becomes
hearing is far
such a question
tone is much
more acute
get more and
more confused
a little
I expected
more from you
I demand
I expected
to ask
more of you
my pains are
most acute
motor pool
motor pools
and of the
motor rules
Matter Time shall
matter, time shall
mould anew
credit card and
no curfew
wool, the cat
no perfume
fear and have
no virtue
has neither color
nor perfume
normal school
normal schools
Blah-blah we'll never
if he didn't
notice you
His wife was
oaken too
Columbus sailed the
ocean blue
and gets an
We wanted an
ocean view
now of the
oceans too
gave him the
ol' one-two
in court an
old love-tune
of the world's
oldest foods
open wounds
a table
or a booth
a coward
a fraud
or a fool
a person
or a group
a Christian,
or a Jew
a temple
or a tomb
a weapon
or a tool
people, unless frightened
or abused
of a basket
or canoe
or confused
does not burn
or consume
Possibly from
or from toot
a quarantined restaurant
or lunchroom
of viol
or of lute
the aircraft
or the crew
dangly topaz
or the hoops
the candles
or the moon
lethal injection,
or the noose
the others
or the school
red jacket
or the suit
it either incredible
or untrue
ora ku
Do you want
of peaches and
some sarnies and
orange juice
dominated by the
with a faded
orange moon
net voltage has
order two
set down the
ordered truth
Bruce, your father
orphaned you
The- the
Oval Room
anything be all
It's all
over school
over to
and eyes all
as they pass
be crawling all
dey swim all
dirt just shower
drip sap all
Elder Gods watch
frog juice all
from jumping all
good have triumphed
has no dominion
He's walking all
hope they watch
husband walk all
I shall watch
I'm all
it's been all
just exploded all
moves around and
my words wash
no longer hangs
not a keeper
of domestication all
of hatred wash
other guy crawl
Rebekah drooling all
smell her all
that clergy have
that have taken
that he isn't
the world run
they spread all
they walk all
they'll be all
they'll walk all
to get power
used to watch
What has come
What's come
will walk all
your absence than
over you
banks of her
own lagoon
We have our
own virtues
Podunk school
the distant
pole of truth
upon the
poles of truth
Portal 2
Postal 2
pour le coup
k-h-l as the
proto root
Thinker thinks, the
Prover proves
quarter moon
quarter moons
to draw and
quarter you
quotient group
quotient groups
on the
road of truth
roller boot
roller boots
roller shoe
roller shoes
in honour of
Roman Yu
do as the
Romans do
rorqual bleu
the last
row heard you
Shogun 2
that falls
yet far
short of truth
Jerusalem by a
shorter route,
must have
shown the truth
back door that
smokers used
and reflexes are
so acute
everything's gotten
favorite, I was
I'm just
so confused
black and
so were you
them within a
social group
Social group
among individuals and
between nations and
experiences of different
specific sexual and
the sanction of
social groups
Social groups
an infraction of
social rules
advisory capital and
social tools
soda mousse
solan goose
solar noon
solar noons
But I'm gonna
soldier through
facility for injured
SOLDIER troops
of fallen American
soldiers do
would help our
soldiers, too
find some
sort of clue
distinction, all
sorts of food
is the
soul of truth
captured the
soul of youth
be singing such
soulful tunes
as a
source of food
- the
source of truth
and ever
spoke the truth
safe but not
spoken to
This man has
spoken true
stoga boot
stoga boots
who ever
stole from you
stone curlews
trunk in the
storage room
might wanna
stow the loot
Sword of Truth
pronounce judgment on
those accused
Those dumb boobs
qualities than
those of brutes
champion of
those worlds, too
great fielder and
thrower, too
God, and
told the truth
say that the
tortoise moves
also used electrical
torture, too
are, and that
tortures you
look like a
total douche
It was a
total fluke
look like a
total tool
Trojan moon
Trojan moons
out of the
war canoe
Second World
War from route
was a lot
warmer too
that the
whole world knew
of the
whole world too
the Russian
won't approve
do something that
won't compute
sports and
won't fuck you
werewolf venom
won't hurt you
see I welcome
your abuse
the brakes on
your balloon
what was
your first clue
your perfume
it came from
your saloon
Okay, what's
your third rule
your reason and
your virtue

with 1 extra syllable

Integrity cannot
adorn a room
more shall be
afforded you
Cadmus get
ahold of you
almost a clue
of humanity seems
almost unmoved
Hey, it
almost worked, too
also come to
but he
also loved you
Robert Rodriguez, who
That I-
also produced
also the root
work with this
atrocious group
wants to
borrow from you
Borrowed from through
and who
borrowed from whom
Compare top
component to
bruised, or, worse,
consort, confuse
endanger local
control of schools
can take
Galaxia take
obtaining political
control of you
with that
control, were you
lakes in South
Dakota too
follow the clues
liked to
follow the news
because I
forced to
if you
job to
law and
me to
we all
follow the rules
because you
I personally
followed the rules
with the
Lasso of Truth
October 2
thou hot
October noon
at reading his
opponents' moves
could predict my
flaws in the
opponent's moves
if we obey,
perform, produce
to rescue
Rambo from you
and perverted
shadows of truth
shallow pursuits
And I love
Sharona, too
withdrawing economic
support from you
I have always
that time I've
supported you
direction, except
toward the truth
before turning
toward the view
the waters
towards the moon
helps us
towards the truth
Transformer Cube
Transformers 2
Transporter 2
could be the
It's an
It's the
unspoken rule
unspoken rules
seek and
uphold the truth

with 2 extra syllables

men from Venezuela,
Mexico, Peru
of alcohol or
tobacco abuse