exact syllable matches
4 May
au fait
blown save
blown saves
bo lei
boar taint
board game
board games
board wage
boat mate
boat mates
boat race
boat train
boat trains
bone age
bone lace
bore lake
bore lakes
both ways
bowl game
bowl games
cho hay
choke chain
choke chains
close range
close shave
close shaves
Closed Game
Closed Games
coal train
coal trains
code base
code cave
code caves
code face
code name
code names
code page
Cold Case
cold chain
cold chains
of the hard
cold days
cold frame
cold frames
cold wave
cold waves
cone snail
cone snails
core lane
core lanes
cork taint
corn crake
corn crakes
corn flake
corn flakes
corn snake
corn snakes
corpse paint
court case
Cove Bay
phases and all,
don't they
door chain
door chains
door frame
door frames
door game
door games
door nail
door nails
door snail
door snails
eau plate
floor space
folk name
folk names
folk tale
folk tales
folk way
folk ways
be relied upon
for aid
any insurance seminar,
eyes are crossed
for days
in the car
for DAYS
for fake
Oh, thank God
for jail
no longer calls
for praise
And not
here are not
Mogwai not
skills that are
We are not
for sale
for shame
force play
force plays
fore stage
Fort Yates
fourth grade
fourth grades
fourth rail
fourth rails
George Ade
ghost skate
ghost train
ghost trains
go ape
go face
go snake
go straight
goal cage
goes snake
gold name
gold names
gold plate
gold plates
gross pay
gross sales
gross weight
gross weights
grove snail
grove snails
drops, the walls
grow grey
HO scale
hold sway
holds sway
hole state
hole states
home base
home game
home games
home page
eyeball out on
home plate
home plates
home state
home straight
home straights
honed dace
horn slate
horn slates
horned snake
horse race
host name
joe blake
Joe Blakes
How are
loans made
low grade
MO State
It just wants
more, change
no bail
I have got
no brakes
no mais
Kill not, cause
no pain
no place
no wave
no way
nome sane
was neither strong
nor brave
NOR gate
neither outward walles
nor gates
NOR gates
North Bay
North Cape
North Gate
O face
o kane
oar blade
oar blades
Old age
old ale
old ales
old days
old flame
old flames
New grass on
old graves
old lace
old maid
old maids
old mate
old mates
for an arch
or gate
OR gate
OR gates
natural cats, dogs
or snakes
a cycle, car
or train
po faced
pole face
pole lathe
pole lathes
pole plate
pole plates
Pope Day
por vez
pore space
post chaise
post day
post game
post games
post haste
pro se
road case
road game
road games
road race
road rage
road train
road trains
rogue state
rogue states
rogue wave
rogue waves
roll cage
roll rate
roll rates
rose nail
rose nails
rose sage
row space
short break
short breaks
short change
short changed
short sale
short sales
short scale
short wave
short waves
show cave
show caves
never drank on
show day
show days
smoke sail
smoke sails
snow chains
snow day
snow days
snow grains
snow snake
snow train
snow trains
of Corona are
so brave
aluminum one was
so fake
-- that's not
accomplished that was
her songs are
the people are
so great
that was
so lame
soul cake
soul cakes
soul mate
soul mates
Soul Plane
Study Hall, not
Soul Train
Souls Day
spore case
sports day
sports days
sports page
Stone Age
stone paste
stone pastes
Stone space
storm drain
storm drains
Storm Lake
storm sail
storm sails
storm stay
storm stays
stroke play
sword cane
sword canes
this world on
those days
petered out on
those scales
throat brail
throat brails
throat paint
throat paints
throne name
throw lathe
throw lathes
throw shade
throw shapes
thrown shade
throws shade
tone scale
tone scales
troll plate
troll plates
war cake
war cakes
in the tabletop
war game
war gamed
war games
war grave
war graves
war paint
war paints
warp lace
Wars Day
mAKE a StaR
wArs gAME
bunch of Star
Wars games
under the Star
Wars name
wart snake
wart snakes
whole plate
whole plates
whore paint
woke day
and I was
your age
It doesn't rot
It'll rot
thought ever cross
your heart, not
your brain
You forgot
your change
have fun on
having fun on
your date
How was
Quinn, how was
Uh, how was
your day
hairball that clogs
your drain
a Blitzkrieg across
a mustache on
a spider on
bathroom and wash
camera focused on
Down on
draw smiles on
fall flat on
gets stuck on
gotta stomp on
greed written on
improper expression on
is written on
my talons across
of horror on
Right down on
that frown off
that smile off
that wind on
the ferret off
the grimace on
the heat upon
the sun on
there water on
thumb tack on
to pound on
tread marks on
up flat on
void expression on
What's that on
will not wash
winds blow across
you have on
your face
genes are not
your fate
and shut off
you back on
your game
house and on
your gates
your grace
fresh flowers on
will dance upon
your grave
I'm not
your maid
and lost all
your mail
your nails
called even upon
Dalek-- What was
I got
is that not
we'll work on
What was
your name
Your Name
What are
your names
other hand, was
your play
thoughtless aspersion on
your race
your problems on
your shades
their residents are
your slaves
got one on
your tail
is hot on
your trail
But not
Would have lost
you had lost
your way
ways are not
your ways
zone plate
zone plates
with 1 extra syllable
Compare baboon, and
also babe
and the external
also change
trick again, but
also fails
insect the word
also named
and Beth are
but you were
also safe
Compare gage and
also wage
barndoor skate
barndoor skates
in her master's
borrowed place
fell into the
personnel in the
cargo bay
Concord grape
Concord grapes
Congo snake
Congo snakes
Did you cut
Gonzo's cake
hognose snake
hognose snakes
hollow rail
hollow rails
the average American
macho male
a mano a
mano che
Markov chain
Markov chains
oxbow lake
oxbow lakes
Rollo May
Estelle Taylor and
Roscoe Ates
Board of Education
trombone case
with 2 extra syllables
I embrace the
Chicago way
tomorrow came
See you
tomorrow, Jake
the day after
tomorrow, kay
But look at
tomorrow's date