exact syllable matches

split second of
blinding pain
I don't
buy it, Jake
I can
buy this place
is your core music-
buying base
In meaning, influenced
by bemaze
and narrated
by Bill Drake
be entirely dissipated
by delay
little embarrassed
by his fame
justified freely
by his grace
desireth Him
by His grace
nor stand
by his grave
call him
by his name
years go
by in vain
only attained
by its aid
modified only
by its aim
grant, but
by its date
call it
by its name
stifling them
by its shade
and washed
by its waves
impulse, partly
by its weight
Probably also influenced
by ixnay
the pillar box
by midday
to be here
by mid-day
I want it
by mid-May
Software and published
by Midway
beauty, something painted
by Millais
a wrong turn
an extra copy
been left on
both in here
by his touch
forces of darkness
get you killed
given him, doubtless
gotten in there
have got it
him to Daisy
I'm here
my school bag
on an adventure
ordered domestic gin
retired a human
slit her own
the Irish model
You killed him
by mistake
by Nick Cave
also called
many people
mythical kings
of Connecticut,
by this name
by Will Hayes
the Ho
Chi Minh trail
see their
child in pain
child is saved
enough of your
play all these
time for these
childish games
often lies in
childish plays
fellowship with
Christ in faith
climbing frame
climbing frames
climbing lane
climbing lanes
climbing up the
climbing wave
an old
Clyde Fitch play
makes him
cry in pain
while others
cry in vain
can't remember that
crying face
crying game
up in the
Crying Game
of her fake
crying games
It's the
Crying Games
crying shame
crying shames
the fetal position
crying, kay
only butterflies
die in flames
You will
die in jail
capitalist tosspiece,
did not
Did she
Did they
do not
He didn't
live nor
They didn't
us underlings
die in vain
live, or
die, in vain
had not
not have
suffered and
whether he
died in vain
Genghis Khan,
If I
died this day
drive insane
driving rain
driving range
dry erase
her to my
me to my
that until my
the gleam of
you, until my
dying day
you get a
dying quail
dying quails
people are a
refuge for my
dying race
to eat the
dying whales
camera-equipped PDAs with
eye displays
my lips and
eyelids pale
He's in
fightin' shape
back to my
fightin' weight
put on a crime-
fighting cape
it's a
Mortal Kombat style
fighting game
fighting games
Clarke, The
Fighting Race
strict economy and
fighting waste
From the
file SysTray
filing tray
wonder men
find him strange
shall we
find his place
fire can
Light will
find its way
helped me
find this place
it is a pleasure-
finding age
his refusals,
finds his way
truth always
finds its way
down to the
firing range
of her forty-
five year reign
it can
fly in space
flying ace
frying steak
frying steaks
gliding plane
gliding planes
grinding frame
grinding frames
Then came the
grinding phase
Watch how this
guy behaved
the way this
guy behaves
for a
guy his age
guy is great
real bad
guys in jail
guy's insane
who fuck
guys, in jail
do knows its
find a better
from behind his
in on his
it as your
The perfect
they find our
you are a
hiding place
middle of the
hiking trails
a ghazi
And look what
and that's what
be or what
the more curious
the more tolerant
times the man
to become what
took, the better
I became
play, and
I did play
it's what
I did say
like what
I did, great
and it's loving
I disdain
Why can't
I escape
How can
I explain
why am
I in jail
in my leisure
Met with indifference,
Only you and
I remain
all, until only
my underwear, where
I remained
process of correction,
I retain
his heart,
our way,
I will break
more responsibility
I will face
decision that
I will make
Honor and
I will pay
I will reign
this much
I will say
and hot,
me, then
I will stay
and I thought
I'd invade
generational gap here,
Listen and
talk to them,
with me and
I'll explain
Nate, if
which means that,
I'm engaged
of when
I'm in jail
every morning,
to work,
I'm in pain
Do you think
They say
to tell me
I'm insane
that but
I'm still gay
general castration of
Irish males
to use an
Irish phrase
next to the anti-
Irish ray
named after the
Irish saint
Down with
Irish slaves
Making of the
Irish State
I've been chased
I've been framed
soon as
I've been paid
I've been raped
I think
I've been slaked
not because
Kite is gay
Countless difficulties
feeds and
lie in wait
inscrutable death
lies in wait
mendacious is the
life displayed
will know
life in cage
of his
of my
life in jail
my whole
life in shame
sacrifice his
life in vain
our daily
life is based
An actor's
life is gay
some believe
life is pain
all human
life is play
Life is strange
conduct of
life is vain
to see
life this way
experience your
life will change
mould his
life will take
that's my
life with Keynes
much of
life's this way
color, and
light in weight
Only this
light is strange
shattered, still the
stubborn point of
light remains
the method, the
lighting, change
moon that
lights this page
get something
like big game
I feel
like Elaine
set up
like his brain
Does anyone
like his fate
what it's
like in jail
which individuals act
like inmates
It sounds
like misgrace
the world,
like Nick Drake
I don't
like this game
I don't
I rather
like this place
or down
like this, straight
meant for,
like, six days
trucks on the
line behave
John Wilkes
shall not
live in vain
Uh, I
live this way
one can't
live with hate
away, the
mice will play
that yesterday, he
might mistake
any balance which
might remain
Miles, his name
pain, the
mind is pain
to their
minds in vain
location of a
mining claim
finally get
my big break
You're off
my detail
you've got
my details
here quietly in
my disgrace
become hysterical in
my dispraise
and started planning
because music was
do is dial
It is
me to make
Music was
there's something blocking
using alcohol as
while I made
my escape
fact, nor
my fixed faith
Oh shaking
my milkshake
By-and-by I recognized
Don't make
I paid for
It was
It's, uh, it's
last time wasn't
Oh well, uh,
That was
the error of
Was love
where I made
won't do, ah,
my mistake
and have made
and learn from
But I'm owning
cannot learn from
credit for are
her not make
him pay for
I can fix
I learn from
I've made
out some of
struggle, learning from
suffer because of
the price for
to put out
my mistakes
me by
my nick name
Moby Dick was
That was
my nickname
to you pulling
my pigtails
got a
spent the
night in jail
Nine Inch Nails
Nyquist rate
Nyquist rates
manifestation of a
psychic break
and problematic of
psychic states
you to quit
psychic trade
deeply and be
quite insane
world, evil often
quite prevails
-we must
ride this snake
riding sail
riding sails
right in place
right this way
Right, which way
rising main
rising mains
repeated on a
rising scale
seismic wave
seismic waves
again some
shining day
admitted to this
shining place
is the
side with tails
left on the
sides remain
with delight,Pity the
sighing maid
sliding scales
a look of
slight dismay
them before her
to see her
smiling face
striking plate
striking plates
striped whipsnake
the stars and
stripes remain
Stripes with plaids
thinking about these
stylish names
stones,Trampling contemptuously on
thy disdain
easy,We will pardon
Thy Mistake
time delay
time delays
of serving
really long
there's colored
time in jail
the working
time is eight
in the
time it takes
traditions will in
time prevail
and earnestness while
time remains
we'll save
time this way
about my
time with MAIN
how many
times it takes
timing chain
timing chains
Northern water
tribe in shame
try this way
Is all I'm
tryin' say
the waterfall
type is named
generalized or lower
type prevails
Viking Age
better sex
while in jail
hands clean
while in Vale
white lipped snail
are now
white with age
white-lipped snail
white-lipped snails
means driving his
wife insane
Wild Escapes
left and
write his name
that's a bad
writing day
like best --
writing plays

with 1 extra syllable

I can't
abide, it's waste
abiding place
dear brother
grandfather were
alive this day
thou art
alive with fate
invention lies
behind this veil
belive in Pain
as its proportional
combining weight
combining weights
world in a
decisive way
his words carried
decisive weight
in an ever
declining scale
Did Colombo
Derive its name
the mountain
derived its name
the instrument
derives its name
game was
designed this way
to serve
despite his fame
bangless theory,
despite it's name
It's an all-around
exciting day
Instead of an
exciting place
long before the
Hittites invade
even move
inside this place
elevate your
lifestyle in space
benevolent and extremely
nearsighted gaze
remember that with
precise detail
surprise, astonishment and
sometimes dismay
against, and
hand, and
sometimes in vain
you lose,
sometimes it rains
All have
sometimes prevailed
bathe before
sunrise this day
error that
supplies its place
really is a
surprising place
complicated adaptive, and
in gorgeous and
in the most
surprising ways
strong with his
undying faith
desire of achieving
undying fame

with 2 extra syllables

advertising mail
through the most
agonizing pain
such long-standing and
agonizing pains
co-founded Microsoft
alongside Bill Gates
is shoved
circumscribes his fate
I will
civilize this place
can only
clarify in paint
classifying space
You can
criticize mistakes
equipped to
gratify his taste
justifying space
bless and
magnify His Name
time to
modify his shape
Modifying games
preceded by a
modifying phrase
incompatible with a
moralizing state
characteristic ways of
organizing space
otherwise engaged
oxidizing flame
oxidizing flames
war, the prizefighter
paradigm remains
do not
recognize this state
this long by
recognizing same
down, and mutually
rectify mistakes
the building,
redefines its fate
should I
sanctify His name
will never know
sanctifying grace
a miniature
satellite in space
in its bright,
satisfying place
signifying chain
signifying chains
willing to
subsidize this waste

with 3 extra syllables

The burka, therefore,
legitimises rape
a militant and
proselytizing faith

with 4 extra syllables

confusion of permeabilized
with -ate

with 5 extra syllables

are organized and
institutionalized exchange