exact syllable matches
7-Up fridge
be the
bearer of it
of a
beggar a king
or a
bench of judges
of the mathematician
Benjamin Peirce
time that
Benson loved it
is the
Best of judges
upon the
best of Subjects
get the
got the
better of him
but thought
not the
better of it
I have
better ones if
breadth-first searches
cell culturing
find the
in the
center of it
center of lift
center punches
centers of lift
guides and
centers the drill
Central Kurdish
centre of lift
centres of lift
here is a
cerebral cyst
descended from the
form in the
later in the
unrelated in the
clerical script
credit crunches
half the
credit of it
dead colouring
is the
death of learning
death of the King
the essence of
decadence is
is the
deck above it
decker buses
suggest only one
definite thing
French kiss her
delicate lips
This is a
delicate thing
depth-first searches
desk clerk must think
devil a bit
way the
devil does it
edge of a cliff
edge of the cliff
edge of Wuss Cliff
you can
edit a film
edit conflicts
Edward Cummings
Edward Rutledge
by an
effort of will
elegant tit
with the second
element in
case, the first
of the na
The final
The first
The second
element is
elephant ears
that no-one
else touches it
emerald sulking
that of the
emigrant ships
you or the
Emperor will
end of a limb
hear the
end of something
end of the film
end of the kid
end of the script
end of the spear
end of the stick
end of the year
in the
end, doesn't it
be mired in open-
ended conflicts
engine just quit
car with the
engine running
engine turning
engine turnings
Enter the lists
Nothing can
enter the ship
you first
entered the gym
superstars have
entered the ring
escutcheon pin
escutcheon pins
struck the
That's the
essence of it
consider the
find the
for the
idea, the
limit, the
of the
the common
essence of things
tell me what
etiquette is
No such editorial
ever appeared
crime you can
ever commit
he had
ever done it
one has
ever fucked him
I have
ever learned since
also wrote other
excellent things
you get the
exquisite shrimp
extra virgin
Ezra Koenig
to be a
federal thing
flesh of a pig
them only caused
fresh suffering
in terms of
general is
is not a
split, as a
general thing
opinion of the
general will
filled with a
gentle munching
know what a
gentleman is
Gentleman Jim
germinal disc
germinal discs
germinal disk
germinal disks
get amongst it
Gets blood pumping
Anyway, everyone
gets corrupted
head covering
supposedly wore black
head coverings
head of a pin
they did, and
headed uphill
heads of the bill
heads of the bills
heaven forbid
make a
heaven of it
hell of a cliff
hell of a trip
ready, gentlemen, because
hell's a-coming
this kind cannot
help governing
Herrmann loved it
Jaron Lanier
I was
was as
jealous of him
I was
jealous of it
on our hearts,
Jefferson lives
Karen loved him
a different
whole different
kettle of fish
kettles of fish
l heard something
steel caps and
leather jerkins
leather working
left of the king
pair of protective lower-
leg coverings
length of the ship
Leonard Susskind
lesser kudus
the obvious
lessons from this
a Power
Level of Ring
and higher
levels of skill
Maryland bridge
you measure,
measure a year
always the
measure of guilt
is the
measure of it
is the
measure of things
but because nature
measures nothing
what most of
medicine is
The History of
Medicine is
melon cutting
you a
member of it
party among
men of learning
Menger sponges
medieval chronicler
mentions the King
message coupling
message couplings
Mexican pink
boss in the
Netherlands is
which Elvis had
never appeared
or has
never done it
who have
never earned it
a society can
never flourish
The weak can
never forgive
always cold and
never forgives
to, but
never from this
I had
never heard it
prospectus which was
together that was
never published
and Cameron
never touched him
you can
never trust him
for the
next hundred years
as the
next person, Gil
pair of butt wings
pair of Earth kids
para surfing
pictures of our
parents fucking
pectoral fin
its dorsal and
pectoral fins
the way a
pendulum swings
pepper dulses
Flake and
pepper the fish
that moment,
Petra runs in
Like a
petulant kid
for the
is the
pleasure of it
in a
prayer, doesn't it
widely understood political
precedents did
from the
presence of kings
reach beyond our
present frontiers
you the
pressure of it
the moral
question of it
reference list
reference lists
For what the
regiment did
regular grid
regular grids
like such a
living like a
that you're a
to be a
regular kid
voice of the
regular kids
putting him on
regular milk
regular script
a kind of
regular thing
I just
rented a blimp
rest of the film
rest of the filth
rest of the ship
rest of the trip
rest of the year
rest of us did
rest of us will
Damaged and
restless, yearning
said such a thing
said the word, Bill
It is the
Second Coming
second comings
every single
fucking goddamn
second of it
she was a
sensible kid
the meaning of
sentences clear
popular this abominable
sentiment is
Dogmatic criticism
settles nothing
the loss of
several lives
an absence of
been with us
in the last
my labours over
over the past
time these past
several years
Shepherd's coming
sheriff's a nig
skeleton shrimps
Skelton a drink
long gone
smell of burning
smell of the grill
too, have the
special publics
special verdict
special verdicts
Spencer Tunick
of the
splendor of things
to have
spread from Berlin
steps up the ridge
strength of a king
strength of a ship
strength of courage
strength of the wish
tell her a thing
Tell the public
you wanna
tell us something
She's fighting a
terrible fear
day, like a
terrible fish
What a
terrible gift
book was a
You're a
terrible risk
an abomination, a
do such a
done such a
humanity is a
I did a
is not a
it is a
It was a
I've done a
Just a terrible,
Love is a
mind is a
Politics is a
that such a
that's a
That's a terrible,
Torture is a
War is a
What a
You did a
terrible thing
ground - terrible,
He does
horrible, heinous, heinous,
imperialist and other
I've done
I've done horrible,
I've done some
out - does
strange men and
they do terrible,
We've all done
We've done some
You've done some
terrible things
Terrible things
terrible years, Theresa,
terrible years
dawn of
their adult lives
more beautiful than
their colouring
blind, eye on
blood and caused
south and saw
the bottom of
the causes of
would have ended
their suffering
and dwell on
their sufferings
rest of
their worthless lives
all changes
then, doesn't it
then, the first thing
a pattern
there, doesn't it
There's just nothing
There's just one hitch
There's the monkfish
There's tons of it
to fact that
they're comforting
Trent puzzled him
lives after
twelve hundred years
look like a
vestal virgin
chosen the
weapon of fear
our operation
wears oven mitts
Well, some of it
you remember
where Eartha is
where the blood is
where the fun is
where the girl is
Where were the tits
he has not
yet adjusted
with 1 extra syllable
film projects-
none a hit
him to
accept certain risks
good deeds and
acceptable gifts
now and
again, doesn't it
a feather
against a whirlwind
help you fight
against suffering
ahead of her fears
Antenna of Fear
the city,
append the suffix
We're having
asparagus tips
characteristic or
aspect of something
that was
attempt number six
Attempted cursing
desperately little
attention from him
aware of the risks
barely an
awareness of it
caress of the hill
help me
collect some rubbish
for a
collection of stiffs
Compare the doublet
your basis for
comparison is
basis for the
From by
comparison with
a general
have a
conception of it
to my
conceptions of things
being empty and vain
some capitall
confession from him
self-accusations and
confessions of guilt
known world save
conjectural winds
and profound
order and
connection of things
connections unclear
cook, and most
contemptible prince
me a silly,
contemptible thing
the Geneva
Convention does it
nothing but a
conventional trick
d'affaires of the king
Dalek mothership
directed learning
Tommy Chong
who also
directed the film
directed verdict
directed verdicts
favorable of the
directional winds
forget such a thing
know those
gunmen were coming
molecular sieve
molecular sieves
neglected nothing
so misbegotten
nonsense rushes in
just speaks
nonsense, doesn't it
write such
nonsense, such rubbish
and indirect
objects from subjects
to take
offense, doesn't it
movie-making and ninety-eight
percent hustling
increases the
percentage of risk
determines your
our subjective
simply your
to your
perception of it
the common
perception of things
who your
perfect person is
Perfect, doesn't it
Him obtain
perfection from Him
and take
not take
take total
to get
possession of it
an infinite reflecting
process occurring
I consider them
professional risks
spectators at his
professional skill
a range of
will use his
professional skills
blocked the
progression of things
Protect her from it
Rebecca's coming
Is it a
receptacle tip
is test
subject number six
of a most
successful career
suggest such a thing
may have also
suggested running
suggested something
absolutely no
suggestion of it
anything we must
surrender something
alone, and we
suspected nothing
of putting
together one dish
think that another
transparent manip
Suicide takes
tremendous courage
such as deliberate
unwelcome touching
to find
yourself a virgin
with 2 extra syllables
and the
consequences of sin
feels grave
consequences of this
in the
dialect of Berlin
all grounds, the
fundamental abyss
intervertebral disc
intervertebral discs
intervertebral disk
already purchased
ourselves a verdict
who declare
ourselves Muslim kings
because our
predecessors were thick
is my
recollection of it
left with the
unavenged suffering
with 3 extra syllables
Toxicodendron vernix