exact syllable matches
where she's
been all day
in evolution has
been small-scale
nurse this
beer all day
A pleasure
beyond gain
These things are
beyond gay
alien galaxies from
by alien galaxies
beyond space
wants, the
Big Boss takes
I-I-I'm not
big on trains
so gay you
big parfait
whole thing's
built on faith
religions are
built on shame
to have some
chiffon cake
chiffon cakes
which computer
chips are made
Compliments of me
compliments of me,
Cigar Face
the lack of
clear cognates
you know, a
demarked place
did Ma say
in America
The branch
the mind
did not break
human aspirations
the currency
did not change
came, you
did not fail
stuff he
did was strange
This is the
discharge gate
of the
dish was strange
on a
drill all day
he just
drinks all day
child of the
evolved apes
at a very
evolved stage
got a view
Fifth Ave
when this
film was made
and gut
fish all day
always find the
fish, always
gonna beat
haven't seen
thought about
him all day
was there for
him always
this, throw
him off base
was to take
him on-stage
creatures made
his heart ache
with,seldom is
his heart brave
you use
his mom's name
Vinci had
his off days
dancer ever to
hit Broadway
of weeks,
of years,
if not days
I'm nothing
if not sane
ill-got gains
there is
in all faith
running away
in all haste
times, and
in all shapes
and holy
be naked
in all ways
a big game
in Archway
about the persecuted
in Bahrain
at Victoria Station
my bedroom window
of a club
to be faced
you the slip
in Bombay
kill a dog
in Broadway
he Tom Cruise
in Cocktail
dann, as also
the regular development
the same semantics
in cognate
ghostly labyrinths as
in Dante
he hid
in dark caves
foghorns speak
in dark grays
allegedly waiting
in dark space
in Dog's face
can ask
in God's name
no faith
in gods, Lake
him right
our kids
please stay
put civilians
put ourselves
put you
putting yourself
to be
us all
in harm's way
be closing
in on Cain
all the violence
of Tony Montana
in Scarface
at least
in small change
into something
in small scale
and happy
in small ways
de deux
in Swan Lake
people and shut-
ins all day
installed base
that this
is all fake
know it
is all fate
is all great
is as it
the dust that
What falls away
world, but he
is always
the artist
is art's aim
is what
is called faith
that idea
is called great
is called SALES
will do
is cause pain
English brook
is cognate
believe it
is dark gray
our way
seventh-day Sabbath
is God's way
is Lawndale
confronting us
is not age
its stress
their order
is not changed
claim, she
is not claimed
yet it
is not day
Remember feeling
is not faith
someone who
is not gay
otherwise it
is not grace
you-hating-the-troops thing
is not great
Is Not Great
Carey chart-topper
is NOT lame
the world
this assumption
is not made
face that
is not pale
of Him
is not praised
is not rain
- it
is not safe
the voters
is not staked
that which
is not strange
or who
is on base
is on stage
your head
is on straight
on, this
sure this
is on tape
Lawrence, Freddy
is small change
it all changed
been wearing
chat about
could do
I felt
look at
me about
it all day
With time,
it all fades
difference did
it all make
I'll set
it all straight
the way
it all tastes
chance to do
I'll know
you good, remember
it always
to play
it off stage
to take
it on faith
I got
it on sale
listening to
to get
it on tape
on which
whose work
it was based
not easy,
it was brave
glow, and
it was day
it was drained
and realized
you said
it was fake
wasn't love,
it was fate
Clinton -
color, and
did that,
great that
half thought
I mean,
I thought
I-I said
than that,
it was great
in Memphis,
it was late
Laboratory where
long ago
much of
Oxfordshire, where
the day
the year
with which
it was made
decades after
it was mailed
after which
it was named
funeral pyre
it was placed
but now
it was plain
he snapped
it was rape
make sure
see if
it was safe
than dragons,
it was snakes
the end,
it was Snape
and think
it was steak
just thought
it was strange
it when
it was tamed
and that
it was veiled
almost got
it, an't they
joy of
it, are they
don't think
it's all based
devil hooch,
it's like
it's all changed
gold -
it's all fake
home, and
it's all straight
That's why
it's called faith
It's called rain
be inspired by
more information, see
its cognate
compared with and
From and
Reinforced by and
its cognates
It's False Face
subspecies across
its large range
reference to
its long tail
not --
it's not dates
Don't worry,
it's not gay
too -
it's not grey
that's why
it's not rape
it's Socialism,
stay here,
the demon,
it's not safe
The nice
kids are safe
when the
kill was made
with a
list called Craig
lives he
lived on stage
all the
livelong day
small distance,
lives are changed
go from here,
Miss Duarte
You too
Miss Fontaine
Miss Tramell
this, only made
pinball games
a good
pitch all day
It's a
ring toss game
flying through
rings all day
and the
ship was saved
Sichuan jay
Sichuan jays
make them
sit all day
around on
sticks all day
can't sit
still all day
hair sprays
still on sale
that the
switch was made
hitting that
thing all day
the whole
thing on tape
the whole
thing was fake
said this
thing was safe
Brown, and
Some old
things are great
think all day
that I
think are great
and we
think Shawn's great
can do
could do
I do
this all day
not lose
this ball game
every move
this broad makes
Belgium on
this dark day
their lives in
this hallway
memories of
this hard day
themselves that
this job takes
you're watching
this on Dave
my mouth,
this sharp chain
Tim Conway
getting back into
need him in
tip-top shape
weird are they
sharp pins,
which are dates
all of
which are sales
abominable thing
the Poverty
which God hates
get letters,
which was great
will all change
that, you
will all pay
you, and I
will always
our blades
will not break
and that
Human nature
will not change
happy I
will not claim
And I
and we
falter, we
meet, I
responsibility, I
term, we
that it
that reverence
time we
will not fail
you they
will not play
late, it
My bung-hole
The challenge
yet fate
will not wait
And you
will stop Slade
will, always
The stormy
winds are laid
about my dinner
has a shoot-out
like My Dinner
My Dinner
What's going on
with Andre
answered, My Dinner
With Andre
like Jasmine, but
with cocktails
hard accompanied
with hard rain
already working
with John Cage
avoided the fight
with Scarface
is content
with small gains
had for
years all laid
with 1 extra syllable
African crake
African crakes
Native West
African name
had names, beautiful
African names
operating on a Pan-
African scale
by an infected
African slave
the arrival of
the pronunciation of
African slaves
sin of the
African trade
alkyl phosphate
alkyl phosphates
I'm going into
arbitrage, Kate
night and
balling all day
Beauregard claim
Beauregard claims
how human
beings are made
breaking ball, change
know how
careers are made
Classic harm's way
of your
clerics on day
cooling-off day
cooling-off days
cosmic latte
which the
district was named
have been
I'd been
doing all day
What are you
doing Andre
Elvis was great
Related to
English manque
English strong ale
things some
even called brave
semantic development, see
Finnish cognate
all, and God
forgives always
friendships always
dog, who
frolicked all day
on a
fucking hot steak
are a
fucking wop, mate
which kept
getting off trail
going on break
going on raids
drink before
going on stage
Honiton lace
suitable for
hunting large game
out through other
lighting onstage
my fat,
lisping, ox face
of a
looming dark age
louping-on stane
truth melts her
magic, always
back on the
get to the
going toward the
Merritt Parkway
Moreton Bay
Moreton wave
Moreton waves
we'll be
moving all day
moving walkway
moving walkways
where the
music was played
that Ma
Mystere was fake
and do
nothing all day
think my
paintings are great
set for
playing card games
majority of
profits are made
It's been
ringing all day
people come
running on stage
borrowings of the
Sanskrit cognate
cluster of Cabernet
Sauvignon grapes
met them,
saying, All hail
All your
secrets are safe
serving was safe
you've been
sighing all day
with the and
Slavic cognates
all night,
night and
sleeping all day
That means
something was great
Grant and
starring John Wayne
habit of
staying all day
actually start
talking on stage
and a
trading card game
Trading Card Game
borrowed from the
Turkic cognate
that from
typing all day
from now,
until always
minute I'm
walking on stage
songs find equipoise
within heartache
I've been
working all day
with 2 extra syllables
have to
abolish all states
atomic cocktail
atomic cocktails
and Abyssinians, firmly
blockaded Bombay
a terminal
Cretaceous arms race
blame Reagan's
deficits on Keynes
faith that
embraces all faiths
Everything was changed
Everything was fake
of him
performing on stage
or and their
respective cognates
exceptionally precious,
surpassing all praise
with 3 extra syllables
accusative cognate
accusatives cognate
antimonyl tartrate
also the old
diminutive carnet
economic blockade
forge that
economics was made
thing's been
escalating all day
this huge
escalating arms race
how personal
relationships are made
not anger,
understanding, not hate
with 4 extra syllables
internal objective is
coordinative always