exact syllable matches

It was
a bloodbath
in on
sent on
a bum rap
shit off
a duck's ass
a duck's back
Adam Was
a First Draft
Hepburn are
a love match
answer was
I was
a young man
birth canal
birth canals
disgruntled Night's Watch
brother, Rast
bubble ass
That's some strong
bubble bath
bubble baths
bubble pack
bubble packs
bubble tap
bubble taps
bad it's not
bubble wrap
buchen ab
buchner flask
buffer lass
bumper jack
bundle branch
bust a cap
butter fat
butter fats
butter lamp
butter lamps
button grass
button man
buzzer flag
buzzer flags
circuit rank
circuit ranks
color man
Compass plant
compass plants
Cousin Jack
Cousin Jacks
I'm your long-lost
cousin Ralph
cover band
cover bands
cover sand
cover sands
cut a dash
cut the crap
does Abram
have that Josh
doesn't have
done Abram
double act
double acts
double aunt
double aunts
double back
double bass
double flash
double flat
double flats
double grab
double jack
double jacks
double tap
double taps
double track
double trap
Douglas bag
Douglas bags
ductless gland
ductless glands
duffel bag
duffel bags
duffle bag
duffle bags
dumbest ass
dunsel cap
dunsel caps
Ernest Banks
Ernest Bax
Ernest Flagg
From pance, pans
Cut off
from the land
and not
from the ranks
fungus gnat
funnel trap
funnel traps
Girls love plants
Girls love that
gumption trap
gumption traps
butterflies on
her scrub cap
hermit crab
hermit crabs
Herschel graph
Hub McCann
humble plant
humble plants
judge of fact
jungle cat
jungle cats
It was
just a cap
feather was
just a gag
Just touch that
Justin Huang
kupfer ab
love canal
love canals
lover man
luggage rack
luggage racks
merchant bank
merchant banks
mother plant
mother plants
muffin cap
muffin caps
muffin pan
muffin pans
mulga black
mulga blacks
muscle man
mustard gas
mutton flaps
mutton ham
mutton hams
muzzle blast
muzzle blasts
nuptial act
nuptial acts
and confidant
of a cat
a drop
proverbial drop
the drop
of a hat
the heart
the mark
the thought
of a man
all part
of a plan
a lot
of blood fast
of a lot
of finance
the palm
of her hand
the dark backdrop
to the Art
of Japan
the palm
of one's hand
a lot
of skunk, man
of some plan
cell walls
of some plants
a part
all part
was part
of the act
of the back
got charge
of the bank
the gods
of the clan
the top
of the dam
the dialogue
of the fans
always part
of the gang
of the gaps
the palm
of the hand
the part
of the haves
fundamental law
the law
the laws
was God
of the land
of the Land
it off
the top
of the map
a part
of the mass
the art
the thought
of the past
a part
is part
major part
never part
not part
that's part
was part
wasn't part
of the plan
not part
of the plans
flower stalks
the cost
of the plant
the top
of the ranks
on top
of the tank
another part
bottom part
It's part
of the trap
affects all
of us, man
god was
one of wrath
onion grass
product of all
other facts
other half
other halves
we love all
other lands
other man
But I've got
other plans
like parasites on
other plants
other rank
other ranks
other than
Persian cat
Persian cats
pumice raft
pumice rafts
puppet valve
puppet valves
purple drank
purple gas
purple patch
purple yam
purple yams
rub her hands
rubbed her hands
rubber band
I got
rubber bands
rubber match
rubber plant
rubber plants
rubber stamp
rubber stamped
rubber stamps
rubs her hands
run a bath
Russell Brand
Russian bath
Russian baths
Schutt und Asche
Search the land
service cap
service caps
service hat
service hats
service pack
service packs
shovel hats
shut one's trap
shutter dam
shutter dams
smudge attack
smudge attacks
smuggle past
smurf attack
smurf attacks
Son of Man
Southern Alps
squirrel grass
Sternberg task
Sternberg tasks
stirrup strap
stirrup straps
stubble rash
Sturm und Drang
It was
such a drag
have sought
such a Man
sucker tracks
sucker trap
suction valve
suction valves
sulfur bath
sulfur baths
sulfur cast
sulfur casts
sulfur match
sulphur bath
sulphur baths
sulphur cast
sulphur match
summer camp
summer camped
summer camps
Summer Catch
in the tall
summer grass
sur le champ
Billy Paul on
the A-track
and cheered on
bells, call off
the attack
combat was
the first half
This was
the first, and
someone brought
the gun bag
That's on
the one hand
The snuffed cat
The Third Man
I want
the world back
The World Bank
I want
the young calf
impression on
the young man
thermal lance
thermal mass
thumb From and
trucker hat
trucker hats
Tucker Max
tumbler tank
tumbler tanks
tunnel ram
tunnel rams
tunnel rat
tunnel rats
turtle ant
turtle ants
tussock grass
Uncle Sam
under glass
had included all
under that
under wraps
up the ass
upper class
upper hand
upper hands
My God,
what a man
What, what's that
what's the catch
What's the haps
What's the lamb
What's the plan
wonder that
that was one hard-
workin' man
It's not
worth a zack

with 1 extra syllable

the Arabic definite article
alternate past
I have an
alternate plan
or phrases the
alternate yan
presents valid statistical
arguments and
detailed for the
article an
of the other
Artisans lands
Magnificent, maybe, and
awesome perhaps
was commander-in-chief of
Bomber Command
not one
bottle of Jack
international world of
carbon finance
as well as
carnal attack
think you're a
carnival act
carnival glass
carnival slang
carpal canal
carpal canals
carpenter ant
Must be a
Carpenter ant
carpenter ants
be a great
Carpenter's Axe
you were a
charlatan, Sand
many have a
collar attached
Colum McCann
of a
column of tanks
that of the
common giraffe
common of shack
than any other
comparable land
knowledge and
conduct of man
and the press
conference rag
see an intelligent,
Uh, a
confident man
in the
conscience of man
corsa a tappe
daughter's a tramp
local Medieval Latin
documents as
didn't leak the
documents, man
crack, a
dollop of smack
and mirrors the
dominant hand
like the
drama of that
father just laughed
was the
father of and
father of that
I think they're
gonna attack
like I'm
She's not
gonna come back
your ever
gonna learn, pal
gonna love that
The other
gospels were banned
Gotta work fast
Hartless the Rat
harvester ant
harvester ants
Johnson perhaps
Jonathan Katz
Jonathan Sacks
is derived from
Kannada and
a deeper
knowledge of man
largemouth bass
far the
largest such branch
of a stock
market collapse
The stock
market collapsed
Marshall of France
Monsters Attack
is by an
ocular scan
wanted and
offered a hand
stands and
offers her hand
and the other
officers gasp
war to get
Oliver back
Oliver Mann
Aaron Brown and
Oliver Platt
Oliver Sacks
Oscar Levant
running out of
oxygen fast
oxygen gas
oxygen lance
wasn't wearing an
oxygen mask
oxygen masks
who got my
oxygen tank
oxygen tanks
the circumstances, a
pardon perhaps
middle of a
partial collapse
phosphorus match
Compare for a
possible calque
possible, man
possibles bag
possibles bags
only experienced one
probable past
with the
problem of man
over their
problem, fuck that
resolve the
problems of man
than a
product of chance
of a
product of that
is a
promise, young man
a former
province of France
Rodger Bumpass
fashion blacker than
Saddam's mustache
sergeant first class
sergeants first class
canal into a
smaller canal
Solomon Asch
soluble glass
sonner le glas
the dog
spotted a cat
in a
starburst of black
greater and much
stronger Japan
walrus moustache
walrus mustache
is I
wasn't just fat
lawn and
water the plants

with 2 extra syllables

anonymous class
egos, nor an
anonymous mass
gave him an
individuals undertaking an
is simply an
Oversight considered an
impossible task
incontinence pad
incontinence pads
kept on an
isochronous path
Kilometers lang
pride in
McAuliffe's tough stance
will have a
monotonous task
represented by the
nondominant hand
pantophagous and
Christian than a
philosopher, and
works of that
remarkable man
synonymous and
They're quite
unconscious of that
unconscious, is the
unconscious, perhaps
famous for their
unstoppable wrath
Zapata mustache

with 3 extra syllables

Alexandre le Grand
carries the
horizontal thrust and
Come on,
Metropolitan Bank
Algerian workers in
metropolitan France
in the
microcosm of man
a conversation between
Papadopoulos and