exact syllable matches
B final
B finals
B minor
Dishonesty can
Fall need not
Going away can
nor constitution, can
real betrayal can
the door can
be final
commendation rather than
you will all
be fired
Do not
We shall not
be frightened
Everything else can
be hired
I can't
they all
be like her
You shall
you wanna
be like us
Imma just
be like, ugh
be Michael
would not
be my first
was gonna
be my turn
be nice, huh
done wrong can
be priceless
being stupid and
I'm just gonna
It can
my desk and
over there and
shut up and
step aside and
there, Chubby, and
be quiet
Managers shout back
Be quiet
only gotta
be right once
that could not
that will not
be silenced
and myself shall
it was gonna
moving through, and
violence I cannot
we need not
your rights and
be silent
thee and
be thy Love
the other must
be tyrants
beehive querns
BES Islands
a girl, and
can fly and
breathe fire
State, that monster
breathes fire
It was a
brief triumph
C fiber
C fibers
C minor
cease fire
cease fires
the hookup on
cheap fireworks
goods at dirt
cheap prices
cheese slicer
cheese slicers
cheese wire
cheese wires
cream slices
D minor
de Bryan
de Lima
de pied ferme
de vida
I got a
deal, Michael
deep fryer
deep fryers
di fila
E minor
una botta
e via
eat my dust
I can
eat my lunch
I--I can't
feel my blood
field trial
field trials
free diver
free divers
free rider
Who are the
free riders
free trial
free trials
G minor
Gene Wilder
Gilles Simon
Uh, uh,
grease fire
Greek fire
from off some
Greek island
three problems of
Greek science
green fire
Green Island
got that
Green Light, cuz
and cut the
green wire
better had
he died young
he kind of
Why was
he silent
hear my words
heat island
heat islands
or not,
here I come
why he's gone,
he's fired
me that
the world
he's my son
myself at her feet-
-I must
do not
keep my word
I can
to hide and
you'd come and
keep quiet
the other actors
keep silent
leaf miner
leaf miners
lean client
lean clients
but AT
Uh-uh, you can't
leave, Brian
Lehigh Hunt
besides, Dawn had
in receiving got
interfered and got
little kid got
me fired
His anger taught
Who taught
me kindness
You may call
me Meyer
it got
me my son
childhood, they taught
me silence
And don't call
me Simon
Please call
me Tiger
you answer
me, I just
and that
means I've won
means, I won
here and
meet my girl
really love that
Neil Diamond
Neil Simon
Pepys Island
piel fina
Please find her
me your hand
please, Michael
Please, Michael
queen diamond
should've bought a
real diamond
had a
real light touch
My men are
real pilots
But he got
real quiet
real tigers
Real Titans
depravity and corruption,
reminds us
Riess spiral
Riess spirals
part of the
Sea Islands
sea lion
sea lions
sea spider
sea spiders
sea trial
sea trials
seat driver
seat drivers
I can
see my girl
see my gun
you can
see my junk
I haven't
seen dime one
hair that hath
seen fire
I haven't
seen my son
That's what
she died of
she's priceless
Shield Michael
got him on
got you on
has Heaven on
's on
speed dial
speed dials
evil has Burson-Marsteller on
hat band
squeezed my skull
steam drier
steam driers
steam iron
steam irons
Steve Lyons
stream cipher
stream ciphers
street fighter
street fighters
demands, denunciations, and
street riots
sweet cider
sweet ciders
we discovered that
sweet diner
sweet iron
sweet science
containing kamacite and
taenite From
te mayan
Teen Titans
whatever's starting all
these fires
all of
these I come
the fallout on
this sea and
these islands
the world at
these prices
have written on
these trifles
The nerves of
these writers
three fires
Three Lions
who takes on
three Tigers
treat like dirt
triste sire
me of my ultimate
need water
we find guns
Why can't
we find one
and Lucas, aren't
we, Maya
only works on the
You people are
just what
we'll buy first
out, and
we'll find her
We're white, but
ye Fryman
with 1 extra syllable
and carried signs ---
- From
or 50
ACME Crime Bucks
because it is so
I refuse to be
its own enemies, an
million dollars' worth of
that everything rational is
antsy pika
veins have
appeased my thirst
aquae vitae
Compare also a
backseat driver
backseat drivers
Bali tiger
Bali tigers
Alan Bennett and
Barry Cryer
Barry Island
Barry Michaels
batty rider
batty riders
body wire
body wires
Thatcher is a
bonny fighter
Shortened form of
brandywine, from
find the legendary
Candied Island
candy striper
candy stripers
Canvey Island
Carly Simon
carries, I heard
can just
carry my stuff
Charlie's my son
coffee grinder
coffee grinders
too, perhaps, a
complete science
There was
complete silence
Do not
copy my butt
copy writer
copy writers
clear across
country by bus
quinine, not the
country China
serve the
country I love
a Chinatown on
trophy goes to
Craggy Island
weeks eating in
crappy diners
Blaine,Evel Knievel, both
daddy's clients
Johnson was a
dirty fighter
people of the
early Bible
early riser
stil pass as
early risers
it has on
Earthly climate
of the grapevine
fanleaf virus
flattie spider
flattie spiders
galley slices
was a terrible
ghastly silence
glossy ibis
turn in the
godly choir
I'm a
happy miser
and be
happy, my son
Laura Dern and
like that fella
you're cuter than
Harvey Keitel
Hockey Island
Holley Chivers
We're Jim and
Jackie Piper
Jackie Speier
same root as
jerky, via
claim to that
lofty title
lolly ices
lovely diamonds
Maltese Islands
marine climate
marine climates
McKean Island
Say hello to
Mommy Elmyra
watch the
money pile up
money spider
money spiders
The Curse of
Monkey Island
motley iron
film directed by
Nancy Meyers
Nancy Pryor
oblique fire
oblique fires
blanket on my
party fire
the Greens
party like her
petite final
develop a
physique like hers
a seemingly random
police lineup
Robby Kreiger
Adonis and Rowdy
the hell, Rowdy
Roddy Piper
ruddy diver
ruddy divers
he thinks he's
Sandy Meisner
Shanti virus
sorry, Brian
I'm so
sorry, I just
sorry, why what
sparry iron
sunny side up
sunnyside up
sunny-side up
is a very
swanky nightclub
as a rude
me about the
not really a
taxi driver
it was called
Travis of the
Taxi Driver
to help poor
taxi drivers
Lorenzo on a turvy-
topsy diet
ugly finder
ugly finders
a pantheon of
ugly idols
all but
unseen by us
Valley driver
Valley drivers
its adherents is
vastly diverse
for the
Yankees, by gum
to service his
zombie clients
Scooby-Doo on
Zombie Island
to a
zombie like her
with 2 extra syllables
Coronation and the
Agadir Crisis
Casey Anthony and
Anthony Weiner
were the Mescalero
Apaches idle
Donna's been
awfully quiet
Barbary lion
Barbary lions
then D
Battery Guy does
a murderer, a
bloodthirsty tyrant
wall with a
cautery iron
Constantine, I'm stuffed
courtesy title
courtesy titles
tragedy of a
currency crisis
- Neil
by me, Neil
I'm astrophysicist Neil
deGrasse Tyson
beer tastes
exactly like Duff
would sound
exactly like Enya
you are
exactly like her
from a garment
factory fire
the creative
faculties dry up
family Bible
family Bibles
kind of a
this time of
family crisis
life, my
family, my mum
Sure this wasn't
you're living on
Fantasy Island
I am a
fantasy writer
elsewhere, like on
gasoline prices
gluttony, pride, lust
gravity brightened
and unavoidable as
gravity, Isaac
of ancient legends-
Horai Island
Japanese cypress
man downed a
Japanese fighter
Fuji in the
Japanese Islands
Japanese spikenard
Japanese spikenards
Kentucky rifle
Kentucky rifles
Lipari Islands
deck of a
luxury liner
Majesty, I'm Much
Mascarene Islands
There ain't
nobody like her
pageant because
nobody likes her
right here in
novelty items
An borrowing,
possibly via
the standard of
poverty rises
A wanderword,
An international word,
From a language,
probably via
much older and,
probably, wiser
salami slices
We're not
Somali pirates
show, she got
somebody fired
terror, and were
suddenly silenced
routinely swallowed into
unhappy silence
vanity item
vanity items
wasabi blindness
with 3 extra syllables
Admiralty Islands
we're way past
apologies, Tyler
debt and low
untoward spikes in
commodity prices
Everybody quiet
from the bottom,
everybody rises
Fibonacci spiral
Fibonacci spirals
I am
impossibly tired
Killiecrankie diamond
Killiecrankie diamonds
Kohistani Shina
response, and was
obstinately silent
rationally, Michael
it falls silent,
wonderfully silent
Wonderfully silent
with 4 extra syllables
to have energy,
generosity, blindness
to music for
unaccompanied choir
Unaccompanied Minors
with 5 extra syllables
He should be
preternaturally silent