exact syllable matches

10 May
ever did was
12 days
12 May
air base
air brake
air brakes
air drain
air drains
air freight
air lane
air lanes
air mail
air mailed
air mails
air rage
air raid
air raids
air space
bares gay
bear bait
bear baits
Bear Lake
bear raid
Bear State
bed frame
bed frames
Bell state
Bell states
Ben Day
ben nate
best maid
best maids
breath play
breath spray
breath sprays
cell plate
cell plates
chair days
chair rail
chair rails
it was
check mate
check rail
check rails
check scale
check scales
Claire Danes
dare say
dead cake
dead cakes
dead freight
dead name
dead named
dead names
dead plate
dead plates
dead space
dead weight
dead weights
deaf aid
deaf aids
Death Race
death rate
death rates
death ray
death rays
del male
Del Rey
Del State
den dame
des reins
des res
desk rage
edge case
edge play
edge rail
edge rails
egg case
egg crate
egg crates
Cried when all
then, If all
else failed
do when all
else fails
em space
en face
en fait
en space
en vain
end game
end games
wet-rot damage on
end grain
end state
end states
ende day
Old French sauf
et sain
ex tre
of you are
fair game
does not have
honor and
fair play
Fair play
fair shake
Fair trade
faire date
faire face
faire place
faire rage
felt grain
We all
felt saved
French braid
French braids
French drain
French drains
French fake
French fakes
French grey
French maid
French maids
French plait
French plaits
French safe
Gem State
get changed
get laid
do that and
get paid
call girl can't
get raped
gets laid
glen plaids
grenz ray
grenz rays
grex name
grex names
guerre sale
That's a bad
hair day
hair days
hair plate
hair plates
hair space
hair spray
hair sprays
done and ya
hair waved
head case
head fake
head fakes
head game
head games
head race
head space
hedge maze
dark and the too-long-
held faith
held sway
hell gate
Jeff Flake
Jet Age
jet plane
jet planes
Ken Kay
were monstrous at
Kent State
kept cave
skills have not
kept pace
Kerch Strait
lead name
lead names
lead plane
lead planes
His beefy face was
left face
left main
Left May
as a far
left state
have I got
left, mate
leg bail
leg break
leg breaks
leg day
leg rein
length scale
length scales
passer par
les mains
Come on,
let's gay
So come on,
lets play
Ha, ha,
let's play
Come on,
let's shake
M Keynes
mares tails
say that all
men rape
mens rea
met name
the look on
M's face
N scale
n space
neck brace
bad of an
NES game
nest scrape
nest scrapes
net pay
net sales
net weight
net weights
South Park,
next day
pear gauge
Everything's gone
pen name
pen names
Penn State
pet hate
pet hates
pet name
you as odd
pet names
press brake
press brakes
press cake
press cakes
red ale
red ales
red ape
red bay
red bays
red grape
red grapes
red hake
red hakes
red mange
red plague
red rail
red rails
red state
red states
Red Tails
red tape
don't get all
rest day
rest days
S phase
S plane
S wave
S waves
says grace
scare straight
scared straight
think artists are all
a girl that
sells bait
sem mais
set sail
set straight
Seth name
Seth names
sets sail
sex aid
sex aids
sex change
sex play
sex slave
sex slaves
Sex Tape
sex tapes
shell game
shell games
Shell Lake
shell steak
shell steaks
smells great
spare change
square sail
square sails
square wave
square waves
stair gate
stair gates
stealth game
stealth games
steck rein
step change
step grate
step grates
the fatal false
step make
of dust and
sweat, mate
tell tales
tempt fate
go out on
ten dates
the package marked
tent stakes
tenth grade
tenth grades
test case
mossy bank at
mountains stand upon
their base
let in all
their blame
and Edward on
their date
creatures have had
their day
blowing air on
chip crumbs on
the expression on
The look on
to fall on
welcoming smile on
their face
migrants had lost
their faith
which they draw
their gains
metallic mooks off
the opposition off
their game
and danced on
and properly mark
be laid upon
to piss on
their graves
how they got
their name
don't remember all
them I got
Um, what are
their names
their shock and
their pain
Muggles have
they can have
their place
find food on
their plates
sight and track
their prey
ability rather than
their race
Lisa take off
their shades
It's not
their shame
not land on
their skates
they have lost
their states
and they prolonged
their stay
foetuses have lost
They all dragged
their tails
pour out all
their tale
Akane blocks
and be on
and continue on
and helped on
and they're on
be right on
carry readers on
encompassed them on
fighting the cause
friends, they lost
Hall are on
helped them on
It is not
mercenaries are on
Pizzas are on
police are on
Service are on
soon be on
They're on
units are on
wallopers are on
who've totally lost
you have lost
their way
do not want
We don't want
them changed
pretty much got
them nailed
around to cause
them pain
behave in an us-and-
them way
got more balls
then brains
then failed
police are on
there way
thread lace
thread snake
thread snakes
trench plate
trench plates
Twelfth cake
Twelfth cakes
Twelfth Day
Twelfth Days
twelfth grade
twelfth grades
vest date
vest dates
web page
well drain
well drains
well played
Fortunately I was
well trained
good in him was
Welsh ale
Welsh cake
Welsh cakes
Welsh glaive
went snake
West Lake
wet brain
wet haze
wet plate
wet plates
whet slate
whet slates
Wren Day
the form of hard
yes way
him, was not
yet made
Earth are not
yet named

with 1 extra syllable

years as an
abject slave
accents graves
address space
Aztec rail
Aztec rails
Are my
cobwebs straight
into our highly
complex brains
in the extended
P in the
points on the
complex plane
complex planes
a forceful and
complex scale
eating disorders are
complex traits
processed in certain
complex ways
contest shape
Creator of the
of the true
Dalek race
single word and
heartfelt praise
marcel wave
marcel waves
Winston Miller and
Maxwell Shane
object base
object space
cause of all
objects gained
offset staves
process plate
process plates
On generations, without
progress made
are ignored, the
project fails
Nor did his
of information systems
projects fail
death destroys the
prospect Strange
from an id
Software game

with 2 extra syllables

demoiselle crane
demoiselle cranes
permanent brain
permanent shave
divide as a
Peace isn't a
permanent state
a pun on
permanent wave
permanent waves
permanent way
permanent ways