exact syllable matches

reykjavik ----
Second -
Alesha Dixon
Belgian Limburg
Bella Vista
benefit club
benefit clubs
and adult can
they can all
benefit from
that did not
benefit us
is a far
better pitcher
hear a lot
better singer
Beveridge curve
Beveridge curves
Brennan, listen
and feminism are
central pillars
chequered skipper
chequered skippers
Cheshunt mixture
name is not
Chester, Mr
credit limit
credit limits
excellent banking and
credit system
banquet and
death a dessert
Death of children
Debra Whitman
time-based and involves
debt commitments
desert physa
desert physas
two-faced actors, and
devil figures
Edgar Mitchell
lives on
edge of village
edit distance
Edmund Wilson
Edward Gibbon
Edward Williams
Arthur Jaffe and
Edward Witten
Edwin Fischer
effort distance
elder sister
elder sisters
restrain hate and
encourage love
charm of a salt-
encrusted slug
End of this month
ultimately be an
endonym from
fleet admiral, and
entered business
ergative verb
ergative verbs
only an
error in terms
Esther Williams
that I can
ever become
that had
ever been done
prosecutors governments can
ever deter
Do not
ever give up
which he had
ever listened
no voyager has
ever returned
labor I have
ever witnessed
decent book was
else I have
that I have
things I had
truth that was
ever written
expert system
biofeedback devices, and
expert systems
is called an
expert witness
me an
extra big one
love gets an
extra impulse
I have an
If there's an
extra ticket
Ezra Miller
feral children
feral pigeon
feral pigeons
back and
fetch the crystal
with his long
fleshless fingers
fret the gizzard
all flap and
gesture, Mr
get a refund
try and
get a signal
we can't
get something done
Get the picture
back and
get the stickers
up, that
gets a little
Tim Heidecker and
Gregg Turkington
guerra civil
Harold Wilson
to mention hot
headed chipmunks
Heather Wilson
compose--Margie Murphy and
Helen Lipscomb
Susan Sarandon and
Helen Mirren
we can
help a little
can walk,
help the injured
innocent people and
them as small,
helpless children
from and
hence a distant
Karen Blixen
Karen Gillan
Karen Williams
Kelvin bridges
Pots and
kettles, Mr
she had
left the village
left us with lust
legless lizard
legless lizards
lemon chicken
Lendl Simmons
leopard lizard
leopard lizards
realism here and
less tradition
Lesser Britain
heat and
let her simmer
Let the ships burn
leveling up
levelling up
measuring cup
measuring cups
measuring jug
measuring jugs
measuring worm
measuring worms
are not
men of business
mental gymnast
work to combat
mental illness
Mental illness
Mental image
mental midget
mental midgets
Mental picture
Mentalist The
mentioned in the
message fiction
message is luck
must have
messed something up
messed up with blood
negative verb
negative verbs
network printer
network printers
something had
that has
this has
never been done
I have
never been fucked
I have
never been one
revelation perhaps
never did come
heard lauded and
never discussed
Seventeen years, and
never dribbled
wood that had
never drifted
which one can
never emerge
but it was
'cause it was
never enough
love, and
persevere and
never give up
spirit that
never gives up
at once and
each year and
isle, thou canst
Run away, and
Thou shalt
time, I shall
where we can
which we can
never return
his guitar and
is gone and
Walked outside and
never returned
goes in and
never returns
never sickened
this world has
never witnessed
then poetry was
never written
pair of pincers
pair of scissors
pairs of pincers
pairs of scissors
are protectors, such as
Said I'm not
present enough
present system
evasions which that
question deserves
reckoning up
am not
scared of women
second distance
second fiddle
second fiddles
women are
seldom in love
so powerful as
self addiction
Self sufficient
true enough and
selfless enough
Happiness is self-contained and
Kamal that
sells the business
sends a signal
sensitive ferns
session bitter
session bitters
settling up
his wife and
seven children
using less than
seven million
not less than
seven millions
one hour and
seven minutes
I got
seven niggers
Seven Sisters
sex position
sex positions
slender-billed gull
Forever can
spare a minute
Do not
spare the women
I got
special clearance
by himself was
special enough
the advertisers, and
special interests
spectral theorem
spectral theorems
stellar system
stellar systems
Strengthening the
Neil Landau and
Tara Ison
Tell the vision
tell us which ones
game played by bad-
tempered children
Texas cichlids
them based on
weight and enhance
their appearance
follow through on
their commitments
violence to advance
their convictions
it's not
their fucking turn
more singular than
their opinions
horizontals, depending on
number and not
who guessed at
their position
educational institutions and
his people and
their traditions
their work is done
Their work is done
then a finger
Then, suspicion
There were winners
men as
there were women
There's a wisdom
There's just this world
They're just chickens
They're just sinners
they're just visions
They're personal
they're young women
because I was
man who was
threatening her
trestle bridges
not until that
twelfth appearance
vector image
Vera Brittain
and deem that
wealth sufficient
graphics and enhanced
weapons systems
the vast
webs of fingers
Welcome, Christmas
Well something's up
went the distance
Wentworth Dillon
Wentworth Miller
Maryland, Virginia, and
West Virginia
West Virginian
West Virginians
West Virginias
Western Christian
Western Christians
Western Frisian
a country and
western singer
wet ones whistle
Whence does it come
When's the chicken
Where does it hurt
where does Mr
where's familiar
Where's the silver
Where's the spirit
Where's the witness
it has not
Titaness has not
yet arisen
zealous witness

with 1 extra syllable

Ancestral Witches
antenna switches
aspects of this world
Augmentative of
of so
complex a business
contents of his purse
Joseph Whitworth of
Manchester, England
it's more a
mascara thinner
object of his love
object of his search
object of this work
as the
object of vision
objects of this world
of the
onset of symptoms
Their mental
processes differ
progress of his work
progress of this world
progress, gunslinger
personal gain and conquest-
-The Mr
that which
transcends the given

with 2 extra syllables

accepted as a
endure as a
permanent condition