exact syllable matches
10 msec per letter
not less than
7 amendments
with my friend,
Aaron Director
be the
best summer ever
need to pay
better attention
people just have
better directions
me be a
better Director
Better luck, next month
to hear a
better suggestion
breakfast together
that rivet their
breathless attention
cara a cara
care of the present
it does require
careful attention
work under his
careful direction
cella, from cella
processes at the
cellular level
center of effort
narrow-minded and zealously self-
centered agendas
centers of effort
margins, outside a
central perception
centre of effort
centres of effort
reversed, like
cepstrum from spectrum
cure myself of
Clarence forever
dead from the neck up
he's a reckless
deficit spender
delta connection
delta connections
going to a
dentist convention
in the
desert of error
Desk of the Chairman
dweller of heaven
disturbing the
dwellers of Heaven
edge of the desert
you just the
edible elder
the clips will
edit together
be divided from
Edward forever
Edward the Second
could make an
effort together
this is our
elephant, Gretel
your legal council,
Ellen Patella
of disease in
emigrant vessels
was like the
Emperor Nerva
emperor penguin
emperor penguins
of the late
emperor's pleasure
end of a lecture
end of a pencil
end of a sentence
end of such weapons
end of the bell curve
end of the message
end of the question
end of the session
end of the spectrum
end of the weapon
can never
do always
they will
end up together
endless experience,
endless awareness
life, just this
endless obsession
that alone is
endless perfection
faced with an
endless regression
lord - the
Endurance levels
and Luba
enter the shelters
on an
error of method
Errors Corrected
through the
essence of lemons
enterprise I had
other president had
ever attempted
No one has
ever collected
tax I have
ever suggested
once deceives is
than she had
ever suspected
excellent helper
We'll make
excellent parents
excellent question
it's an
exquisite header
extra attention
assassination at the
state, local and
federal level
federal question
federal questions
was a captured
Federal weapon
fell from the heavens
from in the
feminine gender
God called the
firmament Heaven
Geddes MacGregor
participate in the
general censure
general ledger
general ledgers
of the same
particular to the
general level
the invention of
general methods
word or a
generous effort
got them in
generous measure
Gentleman mentioned
germinal center
germinal centers
germinal centre
Get 'em together
I can
get some directions
Get some protection
their tails
get stuck together
glare of a welder
harer, from hare, from
head of a dead one
head of the network
head of the rebels
who has lost
Heaven forever
heaven of heavens
Heaven protect us
entering your Christian
heaven together
Heckman correction
Heckman corrections
have ever
held us together
help her, just help her
help of the Devil
just full of
helpful suggestions
Henderson Presents
at the American
Heritage Center
jealous of Tara
Jefferson method
Jennifer Eccles
Legend of Zelda
Legends forever
lekker, from lekker
the colour of
lemons forever
passes to a
lesser perfection
let the dust settle
Let the world tremble
two left,
let's work together
Letter of Clement
letter of credit
you a
letter, a letter
letters of credit
a Man of
Letters, whatever
bias arising from
measurement error
a Figment of
Measurement Error
Urbanistes monastery in
Mechelen, Belgium
medical center
the Carolina Regional
Medical Center
and at the
medical centre
open the entire
medical section
mellen, from meller,
Three different cheeses,
melted together
optimum physical and
mental awareness
images and establishing
mental connections
met the perfect girl
Mexican breakfast
Mexican breakfasts
Solid ivory handle,
Mexican emblem
Mexican hairless
neck of a dead duck
And we are
networked together
coming, there's
never a let-up
Never a pleasure
because it's
never a question
an assassination was
never attempted
after games, but
never attended
I will
never forget her
never forget, chump
I have
never once, ever
their contradictions
never perplex us
and we never,
hills, we shall
peace--but we will
peril we can
the earth will
The Gibraltarians will
We must
would never negotiate,
never surrender
Never surrender
existence we had
toward ends they
never suspected
for this
next one together
to get my
parents attention
parents love Leonard
can bring my
parents together
make Pirates formidable
pennant contender
is not a
pleasant confession
live in the
present forever
always the same
question forever
for the
question of questions
question the question
out of the
question, forever
questioned the question
questions the question
you even
read the directions
throughout this
realm under heaven
depending on the
reference level
it was just
regular tension
relevant template
rest of the Legends
rest of the network
and became the
reverend Tara
and function
s a surjection
scare the professor
and support the
campaign against the
I support the
is called the
it's called the
law and the
not just the
repeal of the
they're defending the
think it's the
violations of the
Second Amendment
the first and
second conception
part of my
second semester
energy per
second, per second
for threading pipe
sections together
And, alas, it's
seldom successful
most senior junior
senator ever
Send us a letter
from a
sense of aggression
through a
sense of connection
increases the
sense of oppression
this legal
sense of possession
sensible question
some sort of
sensual pleasure
by indulgence in
indulges itself in
though they were
sensual pleasures
all kinds of
sensuous pleasure
longer put a
sentence together
especially the
serfdom of peasants
reading a
set of directions
question is being
settled forever
informed by its colonial-
settler venture
in physics
settles the question
was just
seven months pregnant
Luck functions on
nervousness exists on
several levels
still leaves open
several questions
Britain USA and
several Specials
permanent halt in
several temples
a fair
share of attention
share of the next one
You guys
shared a connection
smell of burnt feathers
as not requiring
of them deserves
requires the audience's
The forms deserve
special attention
she deserve my
special attentions
Special Collection
under the King's
vulnerable victims needing
special protection
spell of the present
strength of the helpless
stresses of weather
have vast
stretches of desert
tears of the devil
Temperance Brennan
within the same
temperature levels
in Beijing's
in the
Temple of Heaven
in the
temple of Mecca
some kind of
temporal nexus
durations of the
temporal present
tenth of a second
Terence McKenna
to deliver a
terrible message
you were a
terrible parent
create such a
Disfellowshipment became a
terrible weapon
Terrible weapons
test of the weapon
testa a testa
two were connected,
tethered together
and pay
their workers better
has given
them much attention
then shut the hell up
there of a Senate
see if
Ten percent,
wonder if
there's a connection
one of my
treasured possessions
vegetable leather
vegetable leathers
vegetable rennet
vegetable rennets
is the
weapon of terror
and water are
wedded forever
can work
well under pressure
well worth the effort
Western Sahara
see, the
wetter, the better
when the dust settles
Where's the director
where's the Professor
Where's the umbrella
is not
yet a profession
zella, from cella
with 1 extra syllable
most fearless boy
adventurer ever
have had many
have many wild
adventures together
Of California's Most
Adventurous Era
Affair of the Necklace
it was
against her objections
a shield
we speak
against such oppression
act automatically
against the aggressor
today, it's
against the oppressor
hostility except
the victims
against the oppressors
not initiated
aggression against us
ahead of the wreckers
defamation for First
Amendment protection
of the First
Amendment's protection
into getting an
asbestos umbrella
you and I
attended together
Avengers Forever
Beware of the Leopard
as a
collection of networks
torture to
compel a confession
symbolize the
concept of connection
of the
concept of oppression
had formed no
conception whatever
can be no
concession whatever
origin, of any
confession whatever
is my first
confessional EVER
of ethnic and
confessional tensions
to refuse his
congressional pension
been the
contention of Hegel
the people in
convention assembled
conventional weapon
been killed by
fight 'em with
in combat with
position to wield
successful bombing with
were just bigger
conventional weapons
inch, it
corrected the error
murdered in Wentworth
Correctional Centre
charities and various
correctional efforts
and to his
Noah and his
descendants forever
divine ray
descended from Heaven
even be
detected from heaven
attribute beloved of
detected offenders
We can have
detention together
and hand, are
developed together
our research and
development efforts
or the team
development method
the Aga Khan
Development Network
before it became
development sector
meet higher
dimensions, the better
hatred is
directed against us
in the same
direction forever
door or
direction of entrance
elections, whatever
in this great
endeavor together
no immediate or
essential connexion
for every
event under heaven
the only
exception of Lenin
this quote possesses
exceptional merit
could ever
expect from perfection
expelled from the temples
expense of the termor
their dying
expressions of terror
for the
extended US presence
and you gave me forever-
Common genet,
Genetta genetta
himself of the lessons
of, and
inherit, the present
instead of the better
the conclusions of
intelligence experts
order formation in
intelligent networks
since the
invention of letters
my time with
irrelevant questions
fly on a
On a sub-
on by a
On, like, a
operate on a
molecular level
at atomic and
molecular levels
myself some tough questions
but altogether
neglected the second
same single
object of obsession
object of the second
objects from the temple
part, immediate
objects of perception
offense, from offense, from
to lasciviousness the
parental affection
struggle to overcome
parental oppression
percent of what they're worth
perception of their work
build a
perfect world together
formally took
possession of Texas
suggest a new
potential direction
this instant of
potential surrender
amateur beggars and
professional beggars
and of a
professional feather
lifestyle of the
professional henchman
a personal and
professional level
match with two
the techniques of
professional wrestlers
I will
protect her forever
protect us, forever
stone, instead of
protection, oppression
remember the necklace
and will be
be honored and
can make ourselves
He will be
of what is
singer to be
remembered forever
particular tone
resembles a terrace
the offspring
resembles the parent
will he stay
resentful forever
a little
resentment against us
commanded the most
respectful attention
subject of the sentence
success of the measures
facie evidence of
successful aggression
is a
suggestion of entrails
powerful the
suggestion of terror
prison, and
suspended the sentence
to be
together again, huh
did, we'd be
Erina can live
going to be
hands, and be
mean you'll be
now we'll be
supposed to be
thought we'd be
us to be
walk the skies
we can't stay
we could be
we'll all be
We'll be
We're all
Where we stand
who witnessed us
will bind us
would always be
would keep us
together forever
Together forever
together together
be, working here
together, forever
transcends such a level
believe she's got
bring about this
tremendous potential
would have had
tremendous protection
Vanellus vanellus
Valium, a speculum,
whatever, whatever
yourself of some pleasure
with 2 extra syllables
mind of an
adolescent forever
republic have been
altogether successful
was to
apprehend the offenders
fruit, and see
consequential connections
are united by
elemental affections
epithet of Ganesa
epithet of the Shepherd
the Constitution's most
fundamental protections
Liberty and
Independence forever
and lack of
independent direction
shooting off in
independent directions
taking to an
independent profession
once the
interstellar dust settles
without any human
intervention whatever
certain eternal and
irrepressible freshness
a more understanding
presidential contender
music in your
presidential procession
referential perception
referential perceptions
of his
sentimental son Aaron
unaware of her entrance
consequences of an
unintentional error
with 3 extra syllables
environmental assessment
it comes to
the name of
environmental protection
They support
We wouldn't have
environmental protections