exact syllable matches
air flow
air flows
air force
air hole
air holes
air hose
air loan
air loans
air quote
air quotes
air show
air shows
air sport
air sports
air stove
air stoves
can walk on
air, so
bare bones
bare poles
grail of all
bear jokes
bed load
bed loads
bell chord
bell chords
bell rope
bell ropes
Ben Folds
ben mort
ben morts
bench show
bench shows
bente mone
bread roll
bread rolls
breast bone
breast bones
what I was
bred for
care for
care home
care homes
and children are
and manners are
cared for
cares for
cell phone
cell phones
checked tone
checked tones
chest cold
chest note
chest notes
Claire Holt
Clare Short
dead code
dead door
dead doors
dead horse
dead load
dead loads
Dead Souls
Dead Zone
dead zones
death door
death doors
Death Note
death notes
death roll
death rolls
execute someone on
man was on
my son on
Now, I'm on
putting someone on
death row
death throe
death throes
death toll
death tolls
death zone
death zones
deck floor
deck floors
del Norte
Del Norte
denk door
denk toe
des eaux
dress clothes
dress coat
dress coats
dress code
dress codes
dress form
dress forms
egg roll
egg rolls
egg yolk
Nine large
egg yolks
egge tole
elf bolt
elf bolts
Elk Grove
en cours
en force
en forme
en gros
en or
en tort
en trop
en vogue
end board
end boards
end quote
end zone
end zones
ex post
fair go
Fair Oaks
faire corps
faire fort
fell short
feme sole
fence post
fence posts
flesh loaf
flesh loaves
French door
French doors
French horn
French horns
French sole
French soles
French toast
french toasts
friend zone
friend zoned
friend zones
What are
friends for
Glen Rose
guess warp
guess warps
guest rope
guest ropes
hair stone
hair stones
hair stroke
hair strokes
Hare Force
head bolt
head bolts
head coach
head cold
head colds
head note
head notes
head roll
head rolls
thinking about ball,
head, goal
heck board
heck boards
heck no
hecks no
Hell hole
hell holes
hell no
helm port
helm ports
jet boat
KED board
KED boards
ken toe
kent toe
kere toe
led horse
left coast
leg los
leg rope
leg ropes
lens board
lens boards
appointment was not
less so
let go
let know
on, come on,
lets go
Brandon, come on,
Come on
Come on,
Dude, c'mon,
Get your laptop,
hour, come on
man Come on,
let's go
med kort
n o
n roll
neck yoke
neck yokes
Ned Ward
net force
Beware the dog
next door
the new world of rock-
peg float
peg floats
perv row
pet coke
pet cokes
pet cone
pet cones
pet door
pet doors
pet store
pet stores
prayer rope
prayer ropes
press corps
press home
press roll
press rolls
rare form
red coat
red coats
Red Dwarf
red dwarfs
red gold
red horse
red oak
red oaks
red snow
red zone
red zones
rent roll
rest home
rest homes
He has not
said so
scare quote
scare quotes
and I got
scared, so
sells short
send for
send forth
Sense door
Sense doors
his gang are
sent home
set forth
sets forth
sex comb
sex combs
shed load
shed loads
shell road
shell roads
spec home
spec homes
spent force
splent coal
stem node
stem nodes
chocolates, and a long-
stem rose
stem toe
stemme toe
step short
strep throat
stretch four
stretch fours
stretch goal
stretch goals
sweat pore
sweat pores
temps mort
temps morts
tent pole
tent poles
test drove
and melted off
temple that guards
their bones
had stolen all
their clothes
their agenda on
their course
battle knocks on
corporations knock on
you knock on
their door
level them upon
their foes
relationships had lost
their force
Christchurch was
their home
a ball on
their nose
a calculus all
a legend on
a life all
a man on
a snack on
are harmless on
are left on
bad ones on
be won on
come out on
court language was
else was on
find one on
God and not
happens, they're on
longer survive on
mean much on
Not on
novels all on
people are on
put people on
ruling themselves on
shit out on
should come on
standing there on
stitches dissolve on
stones survive on
the bad on
them stand on
they can call
to act on
to govern on
to learn on
to stand on
walk around on
way back on
their own
close around all
their shores
they can unlock
their soul
actually walk on
keep someone on
Keep them on
keeps them on
sergeants were on
Step on
those guys on
their toes
it was not
their war
father, and shot
Now, drop
them both
Literature might call
them ghosts
you're gonna watch
them grow
Fear has brought
them home
more useful was
then known
I was
there, though
thread mode
Trek Borg
trek los
trench coat
trench coats
veld sore
veld sores
veldt sore
veldt sores
wear horns
well boat
well boats
well horned
in private, are
their engagements are
toward America, are
well known
well, though
and Central Asia are
for which India was
wens toe
your bike shop
went broke
went gold
went home
West Coast
who were not
yet born
a world not
yet known
with 1 extra syllable
barquette mold
barquette molds
barquette mould
barquette moulds
John Candy's prized
bobsled broke
Caldwell Holt
I make one
comment, though
and synergy of
complex forms
terms into a
complex whole
down to the
concept, so
Croswell Doane
down at the
go to the
I'm a
to buy another
hardware store
hardware stores
kamen fort
object code
ham as the
rarely used correct
object form
in developing a
process for
Project Force
Rockwell, sport
I write finical
softwear codes
Stockwell knows
with 2 extra syllables
wide nor a
permanent hold
finance our new
Park as a
permanent home
permanent loan
permanent loans
the consensus around
permanent war