exact syllable matches

3 May
and that cannot
following subtabs cannot
History cannot
itself and cannot
least of all
the timeline cannot
to happen cannot
written that cannot
be changed
that laugh cannot
be faked
I cannot
be gay
man can not
that man cannot
the general loss
be great
the answer cannot
be jail
Express must not
be late
Let's all
be mates
questions may not
be raised
Buddha we cannot
canst thou not
fear it cannot
He cannot
it, he cannot
treacherous bitch cannot
we may not
we shall all
be saved
they will not
be swayed
loss that cannot
be weighed
beach break
beach breaks
beaked whale
beaked whales
bean cake
bean cakes
bien fait
Cheap grace
cheap skate
cheap skates
cheat day
cheat days
chief mate
chief mates
clean slate
clean slates
cream ale
cream ales
cream cake
cream cakes
cream gauge
D Day
for his research on
an Allied failure on
those German guns on
de base
de fait
de glace
de grapes
de maille
de main
de paille
de pays
de race
de re
de res
de taille
de vez
deep space
deep state
deep states
di base
di frate
e se
a stronger bond
each day
of Muhammad on
each page
each way
ear rape
Attention all
feast day
feast days
fee tail
feed grain
feed grains
someone who cannot
feel pain
Once the Juggernaut
feels rage
fees tail
field day
field days
field game
field grade
field grades
field slave
field slaves
field train
field trains
fleet race
free day
free days
free grace
free range
believe they got
free reign
free rein
air, has blocked
free space
free state
free states
built up on
free trade
Free trade
free weight
freeze frame
freeze frames
Gene Ray
Green Bay
green chain
green chains
Green Day
Green Lake
green lane
green lanes
green shave
green shaved
green shaves
green snake
green snakes
green state
green states
green tape
green wave
green waves
green, grey
How was
he made
my dungeon bars
he shakes
heat haze
heat paste
heat wave
heat waves
Heel State
keep cave
keep faith
keep pace
keep straight
keeps cave
key chain
key chains
key frame
key frames
Key Stage
leaf trace
leap day
can happen on
Leap Day
leap days
lee gage
lee gauge
lege rein
people will call
me brave
and everyone call
me Jake
They call
me Jane
you can call
me Jay
Just watch
me mate
hallway, they call
they always called
me names
for another caused
me pain
wine and watched
me play
you can call
me Ray
me vale
meat safe
meat safes
meat space
meat tray
meat trays
could I not
meet Che
Meet Dave
nee way
und was
nicht alles
P wave
P waves
p way
pea brain
pea brains
pea shake
pea shakes
Peach State
peat spade
peat spades
Pete Hay
Pete Pace
piece rate
piece rates
quay tay
queen cake
queen cakes
queen snake
queen snakes
queen spade
real ale
real ales
real name
real plane
real planes
rede se
reed mace
reed plane
reed planes
reef break
reef breaks
screen name
screen names
sea ape
sea apes
sea change
sea dace
sea day
sea days
sea drake
sea drakes
sea grape
sea grapes
sea kale
sea kraits
sea lane
sea lanes
sea quail
sea quails
sea snail
sea snails
sea snakes
sea state
seam lace
seat rail
seat rails
seat sale
seat sales
see straight
seed cake
seed cakes
seed change
seed grain
seed phrase
ser mais
of a job
she hates
whose hands was
she slain
sheath cake
sheath cakes
sheet cake
sheet cakes
si bate
si cabe
si fait
siege train
siege trains
speech day
speech days
squeeze play
squeeze plays
St Day
steam train
steam trains
Steve Chase
streak plate
streak plates
street nail
street name
street names
sweet bay
sweet gale
tea break
tea breaks
tea tray
tea trays
team game
team games
attack dog
big as dogs
don't work on
fall a lot
How are
of the john
than people are
to get along
way teenagers talk
these days
Look at all
these games
to remember all
these names
three eighths
ti ape
VE Day
veal crate
veal crates
vite fait
Freedom of thought
of the thought
we hate
for the Thought
We Hate
People crash cars,
we pay
the same baseball
we played
We never thought
we'd fail
Weed Day
Wemyss Bay
wheat paste
wheat pastes
wheeze rate
wheeze rates
ye wei
Yeet Hay

with 1 extra syllable

Amit Ray
some confusion on
Arlene's face
That's the
army way
forget about the
Army way
the ground where
Bali lay
doll in the
Barbie range
is performed by
Bobbi Page
on till the
body failed
body shape
call it Ask
body spray
It's AXE
Body Spray
body sprays
and is a
body wave
are examples of
body waves
positively correlated with
the distribution of
to your total
body weight
body weights
Charlie Jade
in anything except
Charlie Kane
everything in their
cockney wake
off for a
out during a
time for a
You're disturbing my
coffee break
coffee breaks
20 pounds of
to religion than
coffee cake
coffee cakes
is it, a
coffee stain
of the US
coffee trade
even make a
collie stay
clones did the
copy make
do is a simple
just do the
Cosby face
donkey brays
supports that massive
donkey face
Tail on the
Donkey game
who themselves are
falsely praised
farsi male
Look at
Frosty skate
Hakim Bey
of us are
hardly safe
and I can
for one, can
I can
hardly wait
seven-time World Champion,
Harley Race
Written by
Harvey Gates
hockey balle
all my other
hockey days
An ice
go to a
go to the
got was a
opera and a
the Prairie Dog
they're at a
word about a
hockey game
hockey skate
hockey skates
hockey tape
Johnnie Ray
You're not
Johnny Cage
johnny cake
johnny cakes
my name is
Johnny Grey
lardy cake
lardy cakes
than Superman on
laundry day
to somebody named
Molly Hayes
mommy brain
nasi rames
tremendous attrition of
Nazi planes
action plan that
it, he has
terrorist groups has
partly failed
party claim
party claims
The old squat
party days
as a faceless
As in a
party game
party games
De facto one-
planned economy and one-
party state
themselves socialist, particularly one-
party states
party tape
party tapes
party tray
party trays
Hell of a
party, mate
Pauline Kael
Poppy Day
battle, and is
promptly slain
Robby Ray
A little rising
rocky chain
is this, the
Ronnie game
Rossby wave
Rossby waves
scent, sweet and
salty taste
coming in from
Solly Drake
Sorry Day
Sorry Days
spared such a
sorry fate
them to that
sorry state
sorry, Dave
in number and
sparsely placed
have such a
starry name
glory of that
starry place
starry ray
starry rays
of the rather
stodgy bait
stottie cake
stottie cakes
stotty cake
stotty cakes
you as well,
stroppy face
tawdry lace
Tommy K
any doubts about
Tommy Ray
trolley lace
is in the
zombie state
the old fashion
zombie way

with 2 extra syllables

sobriquet of Mad
thought of Mad
Anthony Wayne
be for an
Pitfall, the classic
Atari game
loblolly bay
loblolly bays
lies to blacken
McCarthy's name
me to knock
McCartney, mate
Minkowski space
Pirani gauge
expectancy,Is this, my
samadhi state
than some mistake
somebody made
name and make
somebody pay
What did
somebody say
somebody straight
an axe into
somebody's face
we cannot question
somebody's faith
some food off
somebody's plate
Waitangi Day

with 3 extra syllables

little gay-full on,
Liberace gay
mental light, the
melancholy day
a commonly used Sino-
Vietnamese name
known by their Sino-
Vietnamese names