exact syllable matches

up in like
3 hours
so they cannot
be mounted
and they'll always
future will always
of Mesopotamia might
That might
the future shall
be ours
They cannot
be outrun
can all
home and
kids can
one can
we may
we must
you can
be proud of
I couldn't
I just, couldn't
in LA couldn't
be prouder
beach towel
beach towels
made the first
bead flowers
me you little
bean counter
bean counters
beats power
beef houses
cheat out of
cheek pouches
side of the
cheese counter
clean power
de couleur
Dean Howells
dream houses
lies heavy on
each hour
No we can't
feel our
field houses
free houses
more giving out
free powers
Gene Fowler
to compulsion, from
Greece downwards
Greek houses
heed In the
green bowers
change his stupid
green trousers
greenhouse slug
greenhouse slugs
he proud some
he sounds drunk
He sounds drunk
I think I
hear prowlers
butt over
here now, girl
to live
here now, huh
Get out of
here, cowards
broken new ground
here, Louden
He's embarrassing, but
he's ours
a man
he's proud of
true depth of
Jean's power
keep out of
the thighs and
knees downwards
as in the
least doubtful
you and
me bounce, huh
could calm
me down some
Don't let
me down, son
Agent Gideon sent
Scott sends
me flowers
And it takes
me hours
madman who promised
You gave
me power
Don't test
me, Chowder
me, coward
make a
meal out of
meal voucher
meal vouchers
mean, now what
meat houses
Neil Bauman
position of a
peace Power
peak hour
peak hours
distinguished barrister and
Queen's Counsel
Information has
reached our
You guys are
real downers
anyone who has
I represent
in these prayers,
magical power, but
ready for some
the sound of
to harness their
witness your master's
real power
REAL power
scream loudest
screamed loudest
screams loudest
the Mediterranean
Sea, now the
one to the
sealed power
I go and
seek counsel
The parasite
seeks power
must attack and
we helped Pinochet
seize power
the proletariat has
seized power
siege houses
a big enough
siege tower
siege towers
sometimes the heart
speaks loudest
Literally, with this super-
speed power
projectile-vomiting non-stop from
St Austell
steam power
And you got
sweet powers
tea houses
Compare later
face on her
tea towel
tea towels
Have at
thee, coward
in fighting alongside
these cowards
Pick one of
take care of
you please accept
these flowers
at some of
these houses
carry out of
these mountains
required to change
whose behavior affects
these outcomes
as Giuliani have
deprive it of
I just have
renunciation of all
tap and develop
these powers
and a half,
during the next
for more than
in the first
level in under
orgasm that lasted
paddle for like,
tour could take
You have
three hours
three thousand
tree houses
in the
tree out front
your best friends'
tree-house club
we found one
of us as
we shouted
rule and the
weak cower
wee hours
we're cowards
the way,
we're out of
regret, some
we're proud of
bread made from
wheat flour
wheat flours
wheel houses
of those words
yields power

with 1 extra syllable

lake Tahoe in
13 hours
13 Hours
to Turley in
18 hours
would be about
19 hours
bird can survive
20 hours
It's a
abbey counter
abbey counters
do anything to
achieve power
Andes Mountains
your portfolio against
any downturns
any direction, at
it's longer than
lawn defense at
any hour
Is it
any louder
and ready for
any outcome
ceases to have
We don't have
You don't have
any power
don't even have
don't really have
He didn't have
She doesn't have
we don't have
You don't have
your wife have
any powers
baby bouncer
baby bouncers
that smells like
baby powder
baby powders
nerves about the
them at the
We had that
baby shower
girl who loves
baby showers
balti houses
bawdy houses
a frightened little yellow-
bellied coward
between mountains
know, he's a
bloody coward
a bunch of
bloody cowards
eventually bursts into
bloody flowers
coughers for another
bloody hour
What a
bloody shower
dug two
bodies out of
I'm in your
body, Chowder
could just dune
buggy our
Maddie from the
candy counter
a map, to
actually is a
Amanda Brumfield, Pop-Rock
with us to
with you to
You going to
Candy Mountain
chili powder
city council
working at the
Clinique counter
coffee houses
country houses
down to the
I'm running for
county council
the Anne Arundel
County Council
cubby houses
Larry Fine, and
Curly Howard
curry houses
Do not forget
spice, especially in
curry powder
curry powders
Cyndi Lauper
the spirits of
daily hours
have a National
Dairy Council
Debbie Downer
Debbie Downers
debilitating harm, and
dicey outcomes
dirty power
early shower
early showers
Earthpea flowers
running loose for
eighteen hours
he snatches after
empty power
ruling of the
Fairy Council
spirit in those
fairy flowers
magma neutralizes our
fairy power
fancy houses
Major Gowen in
Fawlty Towers
folly tower
folly towers
and I'm
freshly showered
plane pilot, Francis
Gary Powers
How it slopes
gently downwards
hairy, brown girl
25 cents at
of many a
happy hour
have the cheapest
happy hours
do have that
happy power
happy vowel
happy vowels
You remember
Henry Crowder
Henry Fowler
this error, seems
highly doubtful
honey houses
jelly powder
jelly powders
johnny houses
whites associated with the
widely reported highly
likely doubtful
it's a very
likely outcome
lofty mountains
will have that
machine's power
being gathered from
meadows with their
many flowers
and requires too
his hut for
hour, ay, for
process would take
several days and
many hours
by pediatric neurologist
Marie Joubert
Britain unleash, it's
maybe hours
hundreds of years,
maybe thousands
Mickey Mouse Club
Mickey Mouse glove
crushed by thy
power of the
mighty power
mollie houses
molly houses
superior to the
money power
thrall to the
Money Power
philosophy behind the
money powers
emotion are property,
You have
money, power
man against the rising
monkey houses
make a
monkey out of
something like a
navy shower
navy showers
with the triumphant
Nazi Power
party powder
party powders
bread flour, others
pastry flour
pastry flours
persona, history or
perceived power
above her own
petty power
were military
police out front
a lot of
also increasing its
desire for more
of an international
penalties and increasing
to further restrict
police power
privy council
putty powder
putty powders
in order to
receive flowers
neither solicited nor
received ours
away from the
extinct, of the
flying through the
Japan and the
left at the
natives beyond the
older than the
part of the
west of the
Rocky Mountains
ruddy ground dove
ruddy ground doves
saggy trousers
The telescope tilts
sharply downward
shiny cowbirds
reasons for the
sorry outcome
sponging houses
form the Federal
members of the
Supreme Council
by invoking a
republic, gave them
scientist's dream of
supreme power
Supreme Power
between nine and
thirteen hours
he hallucinated for
thirty hours
crew numbers over
dead was about
thirty thousand
work week of
twenty hours
against him with
classical Athens was
my percentages for
one lac and
The enemy has
twenty thousand
roused by some
unseen power
the communion, of
touch with the
unseen powers
connection with remains
such food is
very doubtful
States at this
States, at this
very hour
knows one
very loud word
I am
I'm not
you'll be
very proud of
Wendy houses
whiskey sour
wintry shower
wintry showers
the centuries with
the civil and
worldly powers
Kubo, mangaka of
Zombie Powder

with 2 extra syllables

do with such
almighty power
already found one
Apennine Mountains
colony counter
colony counters
Wells Fargo Express
Company founder
progressive historians are
easily countered
Ebony Flowers
Ebony Tower
Using my neutrino
energy power
the stem of
every flower
and hear it
every day or
own body weight
rate of one
Ten, hundred,
the top of
thinkin' of you
we need them
every hour
every mountain
will see
exactly how much
custody of the
family powers
around, I
finally found her
Gregory Bowers
Gregory Powder
high returns and
guaranteed outcomes
Gustave Flaubert
a deluge of
heavenly flowers
you not, ye
Heavenly Powers
We are too
heavily outgunned
we've got is
honestly ours
incomplete flower
incomplete flowers
away in that
flee from my
implicitly promote the
is like an
there in your
ivory tower
Smalltalk, Outside The
Ivory Tower
ivory towers
This wealth is
legally ours
Marjorie Boulton
pen and shout
Mercury Power
why had
nobody roused her
a regent with
plenary powers
policy council
emotional speech and
possibly flowers
valley surrounded by
Pyrenees mountains
it's not even
of what is
That land is
the world so
us what is
rightfully ours
not gonna last
seventeen hours
surgery hours
as ridiculous and
totally groundless
Tripoli powder
Tripoli powders
at an
ungodly hour
ungodly hours

with 3 extra syllables

Oh, this
This assignment
actually sounds fun
extra-constitutional body National
Advisory Council
Allegheny Mountains
arbitrary exercise of
be trusted with
of superstition and
the exercise of
arbitrary power
top of the
Astronomy tower
night at the
Astronomy Tower
calamity howler
calamity howlers
less than the
customary ounces
disorderly houses
both sides turns
everybody sour
that we're
incredibly proud of
both economic and
economic power, or
harassment of any
on economic and
relying on sheer
the application of
to political and
to rebuild our
utilizing law und
military power
proper reward of
proportion to its
military prowess
military spouses
minority council
existing degree of
monopoly power
power that is
naturally ours
necessary houses
is just like
ordinary flour
coming as I
previously shouted
sanitary towel
sanitary towels
act, not a
secondary outcome
briefings to the
security council
and on the
is the National
of the National
the United Nations
to the National
United Nations
Security Council
unitary council
soils new
varieties sprout up
the fabulous Feebles
variety hour
the awesome and
vibratory power

with 4 extra syllables

had very broad
discretionary powers
the doctrine of
hereditary power
and compositions, with
imaginary mountains
supposed to possess
intercessory powers
Laws for establishing
Judiciary Powers
What of a
revisionary power

with 5 extra syllables

a set of
to grant him
extraordinary powers