exact syllable matches

3 August
be alta
bureaucracy that cannot
tapestry that can
be altered
be bothered
today cannot
be called just
to Infinity cannot
be conquered
be fond of
that richness can
be fostered
The demons cannot
be harnessed
Come on,
be honest
both could not
be honored
complex systems can
Darwinian competition can
be modelled
They can't all
be monsters
coherent answers can
be offered
far, rather than
be parted
this would not
usage may not
be proper
Bea Arthur
beach boxes
beach soccer
beaked bald rush
beech marten
beech martens
beef olive
bein darkmans
detergent boxes and
bleach bottles
Breeze Harper
Brie Larson
cheese boxes
cheese sauces
cheong fun
the acid that
cleans copper
de agua
de alta
de aula
de bon ton
de cama
de concert
de conscience
de Gracia
de honor
de Lara
a salto
de mata
de trois jours
Dean Martin
deep pocket
deep pockets
Calm as
deep water
deep waters
di corsa
di mana
ear cockle
East Java
eat dog world
say it's a dog-
themselves in a dog-
eat-dog world
Epes Sargent
field marshal
field marshals
these are called
field quanta
Field was stunned
flea market
flea markets
Fleet parson
Fleet parsons
characterizes the so-called
free market
Free market
of profit and
free markets
Free markets
free product
free products
A washer and
free water
free waters
gene product
gene products
Greek proverbs
green alder
green boxes
green carder
green carders
green collar
Green Goddess
green mamba
green marble
green olive
green pocket
green pockets
light sparkling on
green water
his resolve, and
he nodded
he was drunk
he was loved
it all
he was worth
have caused
here on earth
a contact
here on Earth
can hardly walk
here, doctor
he's awesome
He's called, uh
he's fought bums
people that
he's got guts
he's not done
hield onder
Jean Carper
Jean Rostand
Keir Starmer
Keith Roberts
key logger
key loggers
Lea Marston
leaf hopper
leaf hoppers
leaf notcher
Amanda and
lean on her
least auklets
trigger at
least was hers
least watch her
lege offen
You can call
me Arnold
work, just call
me Carter
of courtesy, call
me doctor
You must call
me Doctor
fit to call
me Johnna
My sisters call
me Katya
and have
me locked up
she can call
me mama
children won't call
You can call
me Mama
But don't call
me Roger
you, not
me, not her
meal marker
meal markers
it does not
mean Dharma
what does that
mean Father
meat market
meat markets
meet bottom
meet market
meet markets
Sargent and
Neil Wallace
neve tonda
Peace on Earth
peach blossom
peach blossoms
peach water
peacock worm
peacock worms
peat mosses
pee bottle
pee bottles
Plea bargain
plea bargains
Please, Marshal
Queen Charlotte
queen olive
and went on
real awful
ourselves of all
real models
stuff rather than
real water
rede daher
scheme arches
screech martin
sea dollar
sea foxes
sea lawyers
sea monster
sea monsters
sea mosses
sea otter
sea otters
sea partridge
sea robin
sea robins
sea rocket
sea rockets
sea sawdust
sea sparkle
sea sparkles
sea walnut
sea water
Compare thrapple, and
see throttle
she wants 'em
hurt as
she was hurt
she was just
she thought
she was one
sheep farmer
sheep farmers
She's got tusks
ski lodges
squeeze boxer
squeeze boxers
squeeze boxes
St Pancras
St Thomas
more valuable than
Steve Austin
two Tabs, and
Steve Martin
street artist
street market
street markets
sweet basils
sweet water
sweet waters
tea garden
tea gardens
Team Awesome
Macho Man's tag
team partner
the boss at
Team Rocket
tee boxes
except perhaps
these gardens
of the on
these genres
these models
adequate to solve
money cannot solve
Name them-all
she solved all
they can solve
Venezuela to solve
these problems
these to solve
these Problems
know I've got
seven sons and
three daughters
tree lobster
tree lobsters
fine cars
we all run
just as
we are one
relation that
we call trust
Thank God
we got her
Why are
we locked up
team are
we on, huh
the invitation, and
we parted
we partners
now on,
we talk, hmm
So off
we trotted
lest too far
we wander
we watch some
We're All cursed
We're hot stuff
After all,
we're partners
We've got the
wheel arches
wheel artist
xi baryons

with 1 extra syllable

Abbie Hoffman
hot line on
Abby Hoffman
Abby Martin
Ali Jauhar
Amie Harper
Andy Bogard
Andy Kaufman
Andy Partridge
Angie Thomas
acting like an
angry father
with Yoon on the
not automatically equal and
Inversely, most Jews are
profoundly anti-West, it was
the mightiest
armies on earth
most powerful
armies on Earth
at Bart's, so
army doctor
stain the black
army scarlet
inventors, clerics, doctors,
athletes, authors
Aubrey Faulkner
at his Tel
Aviv office
backseat sergeant
never smell of
barley water
barley waters
trader in the
Barnsley Market
Blackie Lawless
Bobby Robson
And our
bodies are earth
if their
bodies are hurt
a cop wearing
confronting terrorists wearing
the art, biomechanical
We need
What's with the
body armor
charm for the
Body Donnas
body fossil
body fossils
heart that your
body harbors
drive his complaining
body onward
body problem
The Mind-
Body Problem
body problems
that my
body was numb
gotta meet me
Bonnie daughters
Bonnie Koppell
to me, Miss
Bonnie Parker
Bonnie Scotland
with the
bossy blonde one
brandy bottle
brandy bottles
carry water
Written by
Charley Rogers
Charlie Papa
Charlie Papas
from ever becoming
The next
Charlie Parker
read a Tom
Clancy novel
given by Darwin's
colleague Wallace
Congreve rocket
Congreve rockets
Beth Hughes as
Connie Wallace
shopping at the
Crafty Carver
the envelope in
Crosby's pocket
Velma and
Daphne are girls
dari mana
Who loves his
It's a
Doggy-Dog World
Burt Reynolds and
giving boobs to
I sound like
Dolly Parton
Dolly Partons
Dolly Varden
when Bonaduce fought
Donny Osmond
farsi strada
doing so by
faulty knowledge
Flappy was dumb
Foggy Bottom
grey metal, poisonous
foggy waters
glassy carbon
grandi ossa
who is the
happy father
Yuri Torosyan is
hardly harmless
I mean, you've
hardly started
Holly Johnson
holly olive
holly was hung
Jackie's partner
Jamil Nasir
and not bringing
Johnnie Cochran
Johnnie Walker
Lewis that kisses
Merv Griffin and
Think of
Johnny Carson
say, ghost of
Johnny Cochran
Johnny Hopper
Johnny Hoppers
of that numbskull
Johnny Johnson
I don't know
Johnny Rotten
out we have
Johnny Stoppard
Jolly Roger
Jolly Rogers
kaji lama
Jane Greer as
Kathie Moffat
Kathleen Parker
Would you
lobby Congress
lobby fodder
a director of
Lockheed Martin
Choose Goose and
Lollipop Girl
Maltese proverbs
mammy market
mammy markets
doing so,
Mari got hurt
Maxine Waters
mommy blogger
mommy bloggers
in the
mommy car's trunk
I'm my
mommy's daughter
nasty, dark one
naughty monster
It's a bit
naughty, Roger
I got another
obscene caller
believe they cloned
Bill Ward and
Lee and
Ozzy Osbourne
It's a fucking
paltry honour
are all just
panty droppers
I cannot be
partly honest
a rake-off for
party coffers
ready-made rules of
party conduct
Stalinist and Communist
Party doctrine
Party Monster
party popper
all champagne and
party poppers
better get this
let's get this
we get this
party started
Pauline Johnson
phossy water
poly pocket
poly pockets
quasi partner
quasi partners
Indian musician by
Painting by Raja
Ravi Varma
sandy carpet
sandy carpets
a slow and
scanty harvest
years later the
Shawnee Prophet
you that I'm
sorry Dawson
sorry Thomas
sorry, Charlotte
sorry, Doctor
I'm so
sorry, Robert
sorry, Thomas
the common man's
Stanley Baldwin
Tami Stronach
Tommy Thomas
Trolley problem
its three Silicon
Valley partners
Volleyball From
Yangtze dolphin
Yangtze dolphins
War in the
Yankee Squadron

with 2 extra syllables

anathema to secularist
Akali scholars
Anthony Crosland
after its founder,
Anthony Fokker
Anthony Proctor
Anthony Trollope
applicable to the
blackbody problem
Marathi proverbs
McCartney bottle
McCartney bottles
come to
Milwaukee often
Nepali Proverbs
it and
Thank god
video demons,
nobody got hurt
Nobody got hurt
dressing room,
nobody saw her
a miracle
nobody was hurt
Her name was
Nobody's Daughter
said, you are
nobody's father
nobody's lawyer
because I ain't
nobody's mama
ovothiol A
Piedmontese proverbs
Punjabi proverbs
Qashqai proverbs
Romani proverbs
not just a
Somali problem
Somali proverbs
somebody rotten
that brightened
somebody's dark world
or somebody's mother,
somebody's daughter
somebody's father
Somebody's gotta
You shot
somebody's mama
commonly thrust into
somebody's pocket

with 3 extra syllables

Everybody got guns
Everybody Wants Some
and the
essence of the
to solving the
hierarchy problem
Hierarchy problem
and the Japanese
Kamikaze bombers
find him so
nonchalantly solemn
Vietnamese proverbs

with 4 extra syllables

Azerbaijani proverbs