exact syllable matches

3 Joan
B road
B roads
B roll
B rolls
be bored
be born
You cannot
be both
Janus shall not
be closed
it and not
be gross
own, it cannot
they go cannot
be known
passing shall not
be mourned
affected man cannot
evolutionist this cannot
that this cannot
be so
that land cannot
be sold
bean hole
bean holes
bean pole
bean poles
beast mode
Beast Wars
Beech Grove
beet toe
bete toe
C Holt
c note
c notes
cheat code
cheat codes
cheese roll
cheese rolls
clean bowl
clean bowled
clean bowls
clean coal
clean code
cream corn
cream horn
cream horns
creamed corn
de Boer
de code
de colle
de cor
de court
de force
de golpe
de mo
de molt
moet nog op
de post
De Rose
de Sor
de trop
de Zwart
dede toe
deed poll
deed toe
deeds poll
Deep North
Deep Throat
Deep Throats
dream board
dream boards
key that unlocks
each door
a regiment upon
each road
ear lobe
ear lobes
East Coast
East Shore
eat crow
eats crow
feed horn
feed horns
feed zone
feed zones
feel for
femes sole
field corn
field corns
field goal
field goals
field sport
field sports
field vole
field voles
freak folk
freak show
freak shows
free board
free float
free floats
free form
free port
free ports
free roam
free roamed
free roams
free rode
free throw
free throws
free vote
free votes
free zone
free zones
g force
gee pole
gee poles
geek code
geek codes
gene flow
gene flows
green gold
green joke
green jokes
Green Zone
heat stroke
heat strokes
he ever thought
he'd go
heel bone
heel bones
He's not all
heel, though
got us all
here for
here goes
realize anyone was
here, so
ji bo
keek toe
keep score
Keith Ward
key bolt
key bolts
ki bo
knee roll
knee rolls
leaf mold
leaf molds
leaf node
leaf nodes
leaf storm
leaf storms
leave home
lee shore
lee shores
lege los
Li Po
lien mort
liens morts
people, just watch
me go
Your dad brought
me home
Just call
me Joe
next one's on
me, bro
which someone, not
me, broke
jihad does not
mean war
Meat Loaf
mein host
mesne lord
mesne lords
ne quo
Neal Boortz
nee nor
neem toe
Neils Bohr
ni au
Niels Bohr
pea coat
pea coats
pea ore
pea ores
Peace Corps
peak flow
peak flows
Peep Show
peep shows
Pete Yorn
please, no
priest hole
priest holes
queen post
queen posts
real mode
Scream 4
screen door
screen doors
scrieve board
scrieve boards
sea coal
sea corn
sea corns
sea crow
sea crows
sea holms
sea horse
sea loach
sea load
sea loads
sea oats
sea orb
sea pork
sea smoke
sea toad
sea toads
Seal Cove
seal stone
seal stones
sealed source
seat post
seat posts
seed coat
seed coats
seed corn
she blows
pace That's all
that was all
That's all
Well, that's all
she wrote
si no
sieh schwarz
ski nose
ski pole
ski poles
ski slope
ski slopes
ski tow
ski tows
sleep mode
sleeve board
sleeve boards
sleeve notes
sneed door
speak for
speed boat
speed boats
spleen stone
spleen stones
steam coal
steam coals
steam dome
steam domes
down a long
steep slope
streep door
street clothes
sweet corn
sweet corns
T form
T pose
T posed
te mau
tea board
tea boards
tea bowl
tea bowls
tea rose
team sport
team sports
have walked on
these boards
What are
What were all
these for
get hurt on
these slopes
these though
particular connection, are
three fold
three fourths
What's it like at Quan-
tree fork
tree forks
tree toad
treed toe
V form
But what are
What are
we for
in the car,
over the top
we go
afraid that's all
in our hearts
That's all
the brightest stars
we know
get the call,
we roll
Weak force
weak sore
weak sores
wees toe
wheel horse
wheel ore
wheel war
wheel wars
ye olde
anywhere sit upon
ye Throne
yield co
Z score
Z scores

with 1 extra syllable

Ali Quotes
ani mon
Archie Roach
of sending her
secretly sending an
to send her
you send our
army north
quickly on an
army post
among the
artes or
Aubrey hole
Aubrey holes
barley corn
Castle and the
Blarney Stone
Bobby Joe
parts of our
bodies, or
me with a
body blow
body blows
body coat
body coats
body cord
body cords
body throw
body throws
Cali roll
Cali rolls
Carley float
Carley floats
charley horse
charlie horse
spoon and watch
Charlie Rose
coffee bowl
coffee bowls
coffee roll
coffee rolls
a cup of
coffee though
Like a
colleague or
power, a skeptical
colleague told
Conky Joe
Conky Joes
copy sort
copy sorts
was watching the
Cosby Show
doggie door
doggie doors
donkey show
it was all
donkey shows
ende - a
donkey stole
donkey vote
donkey votes
flossy pork
foveal zone
foveal zones
call it the
Gnarly Gnome
but it was
hardly so
hardy hole
hardy holes
became his second
hobby horse
went after that
hockey coach
holly oak
holly oaks
jockey shorts
incredibly pissed off,
Johnny No
jolly boat
jolly boats
up thy false
jolly hopes
she make a
jolly row
Is that
laundry soap
variety of other
lofty goals
Marley floor
Marley floors
molly bolt
molly bolts
mommy porn
Monty coat
Monty coats
defence against the
Nazi hordes
miles for an
Ozzy show
party boat
party boats
party horn
party horns
party store
it at the
Party Store
party stores
the defense of
Pauly Shore
proxy vote
proxy votes
proxy war
proxy wars
rai stone
rai stones
Rocky 4
of sailing along
rocky coasts
rocky road
Saeed Jones
by Hawke's of
Savile Row
sloppy joe
sloppy joes
I really am
sorry though
Stobie pole
Stobie poles
And fill the
tawny bowl
Usually called a
trolley pole
trolley poles
wonky hole
wonky holes
God rest her
zombie bones
go into full-on
zombie mode
Ignorance caused the
Zombie War
the sound of
zombies, though

with 2 extra syllables

Anthony Hope
Anthony Storr
by Francis Bacon,
Laud by Bacon,
Apothegms, No
asahi no
went into the
darbari mode
maguari stork
maguari storks
each one has
somebody close
somebody know
Down there,
somebody knows
somebody whole
was about saving
somebody's soul
price as cutting
somebody's throat

with 3 extra syllables

kamikaze no