exact syllable matches

It's fine
first stipulation has
It's all
the right has
what she has
been denied
British history have
been deprived
of cases have
of models have
or varieties have
been described
against insomnia had
been devised
she had
been his wife
A man's
been killed, right
bid his time
bidding price
many rappers
bit his style
just a
bit inside
side of a
brimming mind
map of the
significance of the
terminology of the
the contested term
tin from the
British Isles
British wine
British wines
building site
building sites
built-in type
built-in types
whole section on
civic pride
clicking knife
clicking knives
clinging vine
clinging vines
no way, John
Cricket died
cricket whites
one black swan
cygnet died
old man
did it right
bloodlines were all
distinct, right
District 9
for bargains and
drinking wine
English folk and
English bright
coined in modern
English by
same root as
English tie
More at
English try
English vice
violence and the
fear behind
led an honest, God-
fearing life
Tim Burton
film Big Eyes
of the
film is sly
surfboard with that
fin design
finde sig i
back here and
finish fight
and cross the
At the
marathon has a
you at the
finish line
finish lines
that a
fish will rise
fish on a
fishing line
fishing lines
owners of the
fishing rights
it's just one
friggin line
give it time
truth that
gives it life
hid behind
an amphitheater of
hills behind
Now slap
him behind
still got
him chipped, right
it cost
lesson cost
may cost
nearly cost
would cost
you cost
him his life
and I marched
him inside
can match
him is size
I just want
him nearby
Campion caught
you got
him this time
heart and
his big mind
soon at
his dear side
the frustration of
his design
as pointed as
his dislikes
his outside matches
his insides
ich bin Christ
has petrified and
our schools are
Whose America was
in decline
Karna shuddered
in delight
be a god
but a Democrat
doctrine of Islam
He's a cocksucker
than Hulk Hogan
you would travel
your own daughter
in disguise
men partners
in his crime
been wrought
knife planted
tear drop
in his eye
falls back
got stars
hero, stars
the sternness
in his eyes
a difference
a half-marathon
a hundred
a match
I have
new chapter
overall purpose
in his life
going on
have happened
we planted
in his mind
a man
he had
he was
in his prime
that sparkled
in his sight
took that
in his stride
and another
in his thigh
the fox
in his wiles
lands once
touched water
in its life
are lost
to bask
in its light
show was
in it's prime
new handles
in its time
dwells not
in this eye
a dog
have lost
in this fight
have nurtured
his purpose
one chance
our purpose
received justice
the dark
who are
in this life
each other
in this line
big part
in this night
and dust
in this shrine
but not
has happened
in this time
comedy Blackadder,
in which Dr
He's got
in, behind
or the Holocaust
is denied
but not what
is divine
is his right
his guitar
is his scythe
The verb
is implied
Latin term
is in by
not what
is in Thine
and the other
is inscribed
means a lamp
is inside
and what
is it like
if possible,
is it right
is it, Mike
is it, Stiles
estate on earth
guardian of Pegasus
Our camp
the River Humber
is nearby
is this guy
the fuck
is this, guys
Boxman-- me, that
is, hereby
it been like
ordered fields have
it defined
the noun that
it describes
in awareness that
it implies
you catch
it in time
What does
it invite
responsibility as
victory as
it is mine
equal, and
force that
man and
reason that
see that
it is right
educated, as
it is styled
long as
it is wild
That's what
it is, right
I saw
it six times
I got
what was
it this time
stand and
it will fight
affirmation, that
it will rise
those flaws,
it will shine
I'll guard
it with mine
It's been tried
reason of
its clear sight
peaked and started
its decline
principal feature of
the limitations of
its design
on this column,
it's inside
It's sick, right
I was just
kidding guys
I'm not
kidding, Mike
With all the
kids inside
Gatsby had
weapon that
killed his wife
to suffer a
killing bite
Morally, ethically, hologram
killing fine
punching out and
killing time
a man
kills his wife
the ground and
kissing died
got my medical
kit inside
with flat and
lidless eyes
wings and
lift him high
had invented the
limpet mine
limpet mines
what the
link is like
list is life
ground and start
livin' life
treasures of the
van of the
living Christ
You are just
living high
tunnels of the
Living Hive
ground and start
living life
God is not
living right
Min Min light
min min lights
of balls
near his wife
George Miller and
Nick Enright
can't cross the
heads on that
never crossed that
picket line
picket lines
believe, however, that
picking fights
song one more cotton-
picking time
pickling lime
picnic site
From the bird's
piercing cry
pippin file
pippin files
quitting time
quitting times
rhythmic drive
used that
riff with Christ
Ring is mine
go and
risk his life
shilling sign
shilling signs
on a
ship this size
sich is life
be fairies, godmothers,
singing mice
I have
sinned in pride
have a
sit this time
national debt that
Smith decried
enterprise did Adam
Smith despise
springing line
Springs physae
Her crew was
itself with Crabbe
my friends are
still inside
the web-cutter, the
stinging fly
stitch in time
a long,
thin fish spine
instead of the
thing defined
femininity as a
thing divine
had one
thing in mind
the glamour
thing, big time
realize other
the small
those wonderful
through all
things in life
organization where small
things reside
things will die
I'm not
thinking right
Leave all
this behind
he was
this big guy
a reduction
this clip size
input-output relations of
this device
more ambiguous than
this implies
presume to have
this insight
this is Dr
this is fine
this is life
none of
this is right
None of
this is trie
mad and
this is why
way to challenge
this reply
all of
this with mice
I was
thrilled with pride
upon Boston
till this time
tripping line
tripping lines
twiddling line
twiddling lines
but not the
victims, right
to your father's
vintage bike
primal breath-matter,
which is light
for that
which is right
earth under
which it lies
superiority on
which it thrives
whistling kite
important no businessman
will deny
willig ein
heart and a
willing mind
we can
we shall
You can
win this fight
needle that
winked its eye
we have a
winning fight
is focused on
winning life
are on the
have taken the
me on the
winning side
for Best Actor,
winning twice
wishes Dr
witch is mine
blue eyes danced
dock stark mad
floods my heart
with delight
do either act
with design
trembling man
with dim eyes
the father
with his child
it all
with his eyes
his acts
trusts us
with his life
fight on
with his mind
He danced
with his wife
better than that
with Hittite
the star
with its light
is synonymous
with sick life
get on
with things, right
going on
with this guy
go on
with this life
come up
with this time
within cry
world-view which hovers
within sight

with 1 extra syllable

derived from the
adjective by
Related to the
adjective weich
test my pocket de-
arming device
lick anyone's
armpit this time
I have the
artistic eye
livery, if not
artistic lies
him was his
artistic side
to leave whatever
baggage behind
ballistic knife
ballistic knives
banded physae
Banning decides
job security and
bargaining rights
was just
bursting with pride
one true
calling in life
Carib physae
catching this guy
causing this, Mike
finds his father's
coffin inside
cruelty of the
committed crime
a priest and
that the President
committed crimes
interests don't
conflict with mine
products of the
cosmic decline,
Courage will Rise
an Automated Safe
Cracking Device
And nobody
crosses this line
in a
cunning disguise
dactylic rhyme
dactylic rhymes
us was
dancing with lights
a verb of
derisive cry
Doublet with stijl
the spark,
drawing his line
dunno about
dropping in like
asset development is
falling behind
This is
falling with style
reacts by
flashing his eyes
of peoples and
flourishing life
fucking indispensable, and
fucking benign
fucking dicks, right
thought we were
fucking retired
Graphic design
van and
handling this right
hanging behind
understood through
hardships in life
looking for God,
Hladik replied
Hodgins is fine
how he was
hurting inside
Muslims of India
nobles were not
lagging behind
love bird
lamed in flight
the fucking
laughing fit, right
erasable programmable
logic device
and we put
magic inside
like you
marching in lines
what that
must've been like
Nothing in sight
Nothing is fine
I've got
nothing this time
Nothing will die
deserved praises
passing him by
commonly of a
permissive kind
what the
public will buy
dead and
pulsing with life
putting behind
was twisted and
rotted inside
sit up,
rubbing his eyes
running behind
it as
sculpting in time
of Invincibility,
snapping his spine
that he was
something divine
have had
must have
something in mind
like that have
something inside
scent of
something it likes
eat at a
specific time
an endless
So, I'm
young couple
standing in line
is blood,
starting with mine
less capable
subjects in line
That's like
talking Hittite
laughing and
talking in rhyme
were you
talking with Mai
Activate White Fang
could retrieve the
from, a sophisticated
That's a
tracking device
the emotion of
tragic delight
colour of the
transmitted light
She had
trusted this child
Turkish delight
tears on
Turkish Delight
Turkish delights
flourished on
Turkish hill sides
until it's time
working from dawn
until midnight
car and
unzips his fly
pointed arch and
vanishing spire
alone are
wanted in life
grew up
watching this guy
A God
working in Time

with 2 extra syllables

able to
accomplish in life
device or volume-operated gain-
adjusting device
universe with their
admonishing smile
advantage is mine
into sight, A
blossoming delight
of recording or
broadcasting device
mess of self-hatred
bubbling inside
more sensuous and
colouristic style
preliminary and less
exacting designs
Wilson is
examining Dr
the chaos that's
happening inside
on a strange
hovering device
in flashes of
ironic insight
accused of
suspected of
murdering his wife
pain thrives on
slight advance in
organic design
a world of
perverted delight
hinge revealing the
pneumatic device
pneumonic device
out of
politics in time
history of the
populistic mind
responding in kind
cross is
suffering with Christ
know who wears
sunglasses inside
the naked and
unassisted eye
lighted up with
wondering delight

with 3 extra syllables

right, a thousand
alternatives denied
Apocalypse is NIGH
was thus a
conservative design
source of Britain's
economic decline
Reese, there's sensitive
electronics inside
of the dart's
hypodermic device
written in a
naturalistic style
Temper or
Occurrences in Life
am I
understanding this right