exact syllable matches
cancer and Aids -
8 Mile
a colostomy at
age five
ain't cool, that
deferment, but that
me fingers, that
ain't right
has killed an
ape child
I pounded that
ape, twice
base right
base rights
base, right
I do not
blame mine
brace by
brake line
brake lines
break stride
kill us as
break wind
breaks wind
cage fight
cage fights
cake slice
came by
cane knife
cane knives
case knife
case knives
In that
case, hi
know him as
Cave Guy
chain drive
chain drives
chain pipe
chain pipes
chain tie
chain ties
I will not
change mine
Because we can't
change time
We can
change, right
British Government has
changed sides
crane flies
crane fly
Date Line
date night
date nights
mint in box,
Dave Guy
day blind
day fine
day fines
day sign
day signs
day time
day times
night's dark and
day's light
drain flies
drain fly
shimmied down that
drain pipe
drain pipes
who's only had
eight lines
face flies
face fly
face time
Mark Schluter was not
is a bald-
faced lie
fail dyke
fail dykes
of his last
faint cry
a light and
faint wind
flake white
Gail Dines
gain line
gain lines
as it can
gain time
Gale wind
game drive
game drives
for dinner and
thought it was
game night
Gate Night
made,Till thy Command
gave Light
Zorro on
Gay Night
gay pride
gay right
ass position on
gay rights
Gay rights
grain size
grape wine
grape wines
joining the long
gray line
The Long
Gray Line
gray night
gray nights
gray pine
gray pines
Reagan, great man,
great guy
great family and
mean okay, not
great life
great minds
unless he has
great pride
Great Rite
dark hair and
great smile
great smiles
great snipe
great snipes
great white
great whites
great, right
grey night
grey nights
hate crime
hate crimes
hay ride
hay rides
Jake's right
James Bryce
James I
of Scots, and
James VI
knave child
lade ein
laid by
Lake Tai
late night
motto here at
Late Night
late nights
promise to Carl's
late wife
lay by
lay pipe
lays by
ley line
These are
ley lines
cavalry, we are
whom religion has
made blind
for we are
made Christ
made time
maid child
off on the
mail guy
maile vine
main line
main lines
make eyes
make file
make files
two did not
two do not
two together and
make five
Angry he cannot
make life
make light
make like
and I can
make nice
I can't
make pies
make right
make time
makes light
the might that
makes right
makes time
male rhyme
male rhymes
May 5
May 9
where the faults
may lie
May wine
May wines
nail file
nail files
I-in God's
In God's
Why, in God's
name, why
golygon Invented and
named by
There's a man
named Dr
named pipe
named pipes
guys do have
names right
name's Spike
more of a fast-
paced life
paint dry
his skin was
pale white
Queue up and
pay fine
pay rise
pay spine
pay spines
plain line
plain lined
plain lines
plain sight
plane fright
play fight
play fights
play fine
play nice
Sir Elton John
played by
played nice
plays nice
quail pipe
quail pipes
race knife
race knives
a division on
race lines
rail spike
I was
raised by
range light
range lights
safe flight
safe prime
safe primes
on the
safe side
The others are
safe, right
sail fine
sale price
committed the exact
same crime
wants all the
same kind
everything by that
Shining with that
same light
rolled off that
same line
blight on that
same sight
same stripe
at the exact
same time
and I can't
save mine
right out and
say bride
could call and
drop in and
just come and
say hi
before you can
say knife
I just can't
say why
Sinister plots, large-
scale crimes
scale height
scale heights
shaved ice
skate by
slaked lime
slaked limes
snail kite
snail kites
He's got
Who's got
snake eyes
snake fright
snake vine
snake vines
snake wine
snake wines
artificial satellites, and
space flight
requirements of prolonged
space flights
space line
space lines
Space time
the planets or manned
because I got
stage fright
stage light
stage lights
stage right
state line
state lines
an infringement on
states' rights'
States rights
stave rhyme
You can
stay blind
behind me, and
stay tight
steak fries
doing with that
steak knife
steak knives
steak spice
Walk a
walked a
walks a
straight line
constant bearing as
of circles and
or very long
straight lines
straight pride
ya they got
straight sides
values for promoting cross-
strait ties
places and at
strange times
tail light
tail lights
tail rhyme
tail rhymes
tail slide
tail slides
tail splice
tailed shrike
and would not
take bribes
take five
take flight
take pride
and they can't
he did not
take sides
take sign
take signs
take time
takes flight
takes pride
takes time
tape drive
tape drives
What does that
taste like
be in bad
taste, right
know what that
What his ass
tastes like
So on
they climbed
people saying that
they cried
so hard that
the goalpost, and
they cry
scan it and
their agonies as
those things and
three months and
they die
no poet, and
not implying that
stomachs burst, and
their riches as
they bled and
they died
heist goes wrong,
they fight
a job that
and act as
and do as
as long as
do exactly as
many mistakes as
play shit that
the answers that
to do as
What are
they like
people were that
they liked
as long as
how can
which, in fact,
they live
They Live
geometrical progression as
they rise
towards me and
they smile
they sit and
they vibe
We black and
they white
see how long
they'd live
trade wind
trail bike
trail bikes
train mile
train miles
train time
train times
veined white
veined whites
waste pipe
waste pipes
to squabble and
We can't
waste time
wastes time
spelled it that
way twice
in town that
way, right
Wei Dai
whale lice
whale, right
whey aye
yay high
yea high
Now he has
ze knife
with 1 extra syllable
was doing and
always cried
little girl who
always cries
Innocent people
always die
like ancient dinosaurs,
always died
problem is, somebody
always dies
their tongues are
always dry
always fine
but there are
There were
always five
But I
always lie
always light
Inside, they'll
always live
profound questions are
always prime
and I'm
and you're not
Because she was
Big Dog is
but the woman's
common denominator is
gut instincts, they're
He was
I am
Inspector Gadget is
Kiki here isn't
know that she's
me, you were
mind, you are
my wife is
of course, is
one that's almost
over, and she's
Papa Smurf is
people when you're
Religion is
right and he's
right, I was
Sherlock Holmes wasn't
stubborn, self-sufficient, and
successful or otherwise,
the customer is
The market is
The minority is
the Party is
the way you're
their companions, were
Then she's
which means I'm
You were
always right
always shined
always smile
that I could
We can
always try
and were nearly
always white
is it, it's
always wine
and love is
always wise
away side
away sides
away, Mike
now have a
blackmail file
to women, his
Charvet ties
Like your
classmate, Clyde
cock talk till
hang on till
cocktail time
halfway line
halfway lines
Hargrave kite
Hargrave kites
Li, principal of
Lawndale High
Narain, Dr
pancake ice
passe tyme
passe tymes
subway tile
subway tiles
survey mile
survey miles
with 2 extra syllables
Holiday's right
Monterey pine
Monterey pines