exact syllable matches
blow a kiss
arms on
artifacts on
board the ship
bolt bucket
was a real nuts-and-
bolts realist
bona nit
boner pill
boner pills
broke, piece of shit
Broken Hill
broken in
fall back on
broken wings
broken with
cloacal kiss
quite identical or
closely akin
clothes brushes
cold working
Coral Springs
coral stitch
corn bunting
corn buntings
corner kick
corner kicks
Coton Hill
course, he's the Stig
she absorbs the
Dominus Glyph
Don't be a dick
don't feel a thing
No, I
don't hear nothing
don't leave a tip
don't mean a thing
don't mean nothin'
Don't mean nothin'
But that
these prayers
don't mean nothing
don't need courage
don't need the guilt
ones we
don't see coming
don't see the fear
Don't touch him
dope addict
dope addicts
dorsal fin
dorsal fins
dorsal slit
dorsal slits
Florence King
a great
Fomes of sinne
Knock off
for a bit
for a skip
have gone
for a swim
You play
for Beacon Hills
Americans are looking
has major implications
House of Savoy
Sturm und Drang
thought were necessary
to us today
turn to you
for leadership
For me, the big
And all
It was all
life, and all
you and all
for nothing
was off,
for one thing
have a mania
is a tool
is no moment
for reasoning
been sent out
for seasoning
whole hot
for teacher thing
true inspiration
for teeth brushing
for the win
and not
for the year
Leibnitz enthusiastic
for these subjects
Forstner bit
Forstner bits
fortune stick
fortune sticks
forward link
forward links
George Gershwin
sheen of some
glorious myth
conception of new,
glorious things
or get
glory from him
all the
Glory of it
go amiss
go public
goal judges
golden milk
golden years
Gordon Smith
grow some skin
hold the ring
holds the ring
hole punches
hole punching
an honorable and
holy career
mouth is some
holy nugget
help of the
Holy Virgin
Beacons of
Hope ye appear
Horace Smith
horned puffin
horned puffins
horror film
horror films
horror flick
horror flicks
Joe Public
Joseph Silk
Joseph Smith
know he's a kid
know the drill
He's gonna
know we're comin'
let 'em
know we're coming
he has no
known weaknesses
koa wilt
Korbut flip
Korbut flips
Lawrence Hill
load of shit
loads of shit
local ring
local rings
Nominalization of the -
logy suffix
pursuit and a
lonely searching
Lord Yggdrasill
lower lip
first invented the
Mobius sphere
Mobius strip
Mobius strips
hearts are
more evil still
And no
more free lunches
have better,
more peaceful lives
and a lot
more reasoning
role in
more recent years
made it only
more repulsive
Morgan Hill
look like a
morphine addict
mortal sin
mortal sins
moment I
most needed it
dragons, as
most people think
exodus is
mostly a myth
mostly pumpkin
that difficult
motif comes in
motor inn
motor inns
motor ship
motor ships
with little or
no debugging
The was
no evil glint
masses, no jobs,
no fightback, and
Yet we have
no leadership
trophy, karate
no mean nothing
I had
no people skills
no piece of shit
A monster has
no weaknesses
no wuckies
That's not
normal, Phil
North Berwick
Northern Min
northern shrimp
northern shrimps
Northern winds
Norton Bridge
Norwegian whisk
Note the strings
Oh, we're hugging
Oh, what's this
meddlesome twelve-year-
old niece of his
Old Turkic
Yes, I'm
only a bill
only a bit
mountain is
only a hill
I was
It was
only a kid
it was
only a kiss
He was
only a prince
only a stick
This is
only a trick
men for
only a year
does, love
only does it
I would
only fuck fish
attitude can
only hurt him
you learn
only of Him
there is
only one king
man with
only one lip
there is
only one sin
originally had
only one string
can say
Choose, but
consistent with
could mean
I ask
interested in
Now, I'm
out for
sure of
wish for
only one thing
I have
only one wish
me after
only one year
of it, and
only something
not structured,
only the film
as she was
only working
boring and not
open it
open mic
open mics
to publish
or be published
of everything secondary
or cheapening
doing horrible
or evil things
It was all
war was all
or nothing
it be locality
or realism
even than humanists
or realists
To re-occur
or reappear
be contained
or reasoned with
going through deduction
or reasoning
of small States
or republics
Any simplification, paraphrasing,
or reworking
among Western foods
or seasonings
a Hallmark card
a hand job
had the SMALLPOX
hot dog
meds are off
off at Mars
Prairie gone wrong
or something
or speak of it
seen him
or treated him
or we crushed it
is called lenition,
or weakening
our own,
or we're nothing
orange mint
orange stick
orange sticks
orange swift
orange tip
orange tips
order in
ordered in
ordered ring
ordered rings
orders in
on an
orgy of guilt
Orpheus sings
oval squid
over bridge
dog was all
he's got all
players walk all
over him
dwarves are all
elephants drawn all
features, spots all
It was all
long and hard
on and talk
services are all
over it
over tip
over tit
That's Arse
Over Tit
it was all
Now that's all
over with
owe me a beer
family, you
owe me nothing
today do
owe me something
like he
owed me something
Owen Smith
themselves by their
own reasoning
own streak of Ms
poker chip
poker chips
Poma lift
Poma lifts
ordered two
ponies of beer
pour me a drink
quarrel with
quarreled with
quarrelled with
quarrels with
quarter bill
quarter bills
quote stuffing
quotient ring
quotient rings
That was what
Rhodesians did
Roh Kudus
role conflicts
roller gin
roller gins
roller mill
roller mills
roller rink
roller rinks
Roman brick
Roman bricks
Roman ring
Roman rings
Rote learning
Rowland Hill
form of the
scorpion glyph
scorpion kick
scorpion kicks
place of the
Scorpion King
off to the
scorpion pit
short buses
fall far
short of it
short subjects
short sweetening
show jumping
don't wanna
show me nothin'
trying to
show me something
Show me something
Clemente has
shown me something
The Big
Show's teetering
snow bunting
snow buntings
Snow does it
They are all
so earnest
So keep learning
and she's being
Men can be
so secretive
so we rushed in
So we'll hunt him
social lives
social skills
Soda Springs
sofa king
solar still
solar stills
solar winds
solar year
solar years
Well, perhaps not
soldier, dear
sorghum midge
sorts of fins
and all
sorts of things
soul searches
soul searching
soul searchings
sport of kings
stone mulching
stories, the sheer
How's the
story coming
No dreaming, not
story, nothing
Storz coupling
Storz couplings
sword verses
sworn virgin
sweetness of
those Grecian myths
for all
those people's lives
those we work with
throat fucking
throw a fit
throw a kiss
Throw me the stick
thrown a kiss
throws a kiss
Toby mushes
toe curling
token ring
token rings
told me nothing
told me of it
should have
told me something
Tony Lumpkin
Tony Lumpkins
um, Tony, Tony,
Tony must've
tortilla chip
often served with
tortilla chips
Torture Ship
trochal disk
trochal disks
trophy hunting
Ward Churchill
to a new
warrior king
Krull, the
Warrior King
part of my
warrior list
whole Jesus thing
wholly lovable and
wholly loving
He looked
wholly Tamil
Wolcott Gibbs
start nothing,
won't be nothing
won't be worth SPIT
won't feel a thing
won't hear of it
won't leave the King
won't mean a thing
won't steal nothing
Yorkshire grit
Yorkshire pig
Yorkshire pigs
rid of
your deepest fear
anatomy, into
your deepest fears
company and insult
lost faith in
your leadership
your legal bills
know who
your people is
more tangled than
take me through
your reasoning
will wreck
your senior spring
-- I know
that you recognized
we know all
What are
with all of
Your strengths,
your weaknesses
Your what, bitch
can see
your wheels churning
zonal winds
zone punches
with 1 extra syllable
control -
piece of piss
it's an
almost equal thing
and we have
it will cost
almost nothing
You have
also done this
also need a chick
security and
also of risk
Can't you just
had attempted to
appropriate it
inappropriate things than
appropriate things
assessing people we
associate with
auto dealerships
was discovered
below Beacon Hill
It is called
Colonial Scrip
A true universal,
euphonious thing
follow one's will
to show us
harmonious things
a united and
harmonious, will
informed me of this
Clement Stone and
Napoleon Hill
Notorious BIG
October 6
October beer
October beers
Can you play
Peoria, Gil
of my
records means something
therefore, be a Will
by probing our
unborn fetuses
north of the
Victoria Bridge
with 2 extra syllables
he put
Bangalore people in
at the
Camaro dealership
war clubs and
ceremonial sticks
defined as an
incorporeal thing
as a graded
polynomial ring
polynomial rings
It's a
territorial thing
We bear
testimony of it
diagnosis, and a
whole town a
volcano erupted
could miss a
volcano erupting
with 3 extra syllables
preparatory subjects
with 4 extra syllables
Know what
homichlophobia is