exact syllable matches

could become
a successful student
a quiet but
certain revolution
Color Revolutions
colour revolution
colour revolutions
part of every
culture's evolution
Fuck the revolution
for aeons from
further evolution
Russian and the
German revolutions
I have
learned from Evolution
much attention to us
of a better future
of a pair of huia
a exaltation
an instigator
first shots
the edge
the leaders
of a revolution
of a sense of humor
of a sense of humour
of attention to us
Twink brand
of correction fluid
the death
of Professor Booster
of the present movement
all soldiers
fundamental principle
life outside
main leaders
of guidance
peaceful development
people and
the beauty
the end
the ethos
the hero
the mass-meetings
the objectives
the outbreak
the people
the triumph
the vanguard
two chapters
of the revolution
at time
political personages
the beginning
the blood
the blood,
the children
the enemies
the fields
the horrors
the ideas
the limitation
of the Revolution
most spectacular
of the revolutions
of the temple's uses
the victory
of world revolution
great biological
pumps of evolution
everything that
serves the revolution
some of their solutions
record of
such a resolution
reality of
such a revolution
a great and
sudden revolution
alienated from
the direct producers
It was
its nature,
the perfect solution
The third revolution
turtle-turd a new one
though they
were a revolution
were selected to serve
what a Revolution
do the
work of revolution
worships Nelson too much

with 1 extra syllable

the way of
actual revolution
their homeland
to Europe
after the revolution
After the Revolution
and best
bastion of revolution
beaten, but never stupid
be rescued by
beautiful execution
Become a better student
children a better future
chiral resolution
chiral resolutions
carry on the
Citizens Revolution
prior to the
communist revolution
Communist revolution
Communist revolutions
personality transformation, and
consciousness evolution
convergent evolution
his description of
the trajectory of
cultural evolution
Cultural evolution
China after the
China during the
of the great
restrictions of the
Cultural Revolution
the next
cycle of evolution
and discreet, but
dangerous evolution
a chorus of
determined resolution
is of a
different evolution
different, they're just stupid
the entire
with the
doctrine of evolution
to the
doctrine of Evolution
change would
equal a revolution
repetition of the
eternal revolution
order to
further the revolution
participate in one
the sake of
general evolution
at the
hour of execution
within twenty-four
hours of revolution
human potential movement
human potential movements
already accepted my
imminent execution
on our
knowledge of evolution
to the
limit of revolution
fix the
limits of evolution
Marginal Revolution
marvelous sense of humor
Kane, Richard
Matheson, Guerdon Trueblood
your work
matters, Director Mueller
official state
method of execution
till the
moment of execution
bring about the
national revolution
orbital evolution
our attempts were futile
Oxygen Revolution
the real
parents of revolution
all previous
phases of evolution
a fleeting
picture of evolution
product of a
popular revolution
the space of
possible evolutions
power of evolution
mistake, no
was a by-
product of evolution
phenomena as
products of evolution
a simple
question of evolution
suppose them
results of evolution
some form of
secular retribution
seven percent solution
is the
signal of revolutions
microchip or the
silicon revolution
defines a
solid of revolution
solids of revolution
into the
struggle of revolution
surface of revolution
-- would bring
terrible retribution
chiseled and fierce
ultimate evolution
country into a
Court decision and
vice untested was
violent revolution
darbar and
witnessed the execution
wonderful sense of humor

with 2 extra syllables

themselves the
appearance of resolution
it in the
Copernican revolution
Copernican Revolution
develop a sense of humor
developed a sense of humor
the biggest
examples of evolution
as the
Excellence of Execution
got pollution,Some revolution
a wider
this dumb
idea of evolution
against the
influence of evolution
really a
wrought a
miracle of evolution
that process of
molecular evolution
in the
orchestra of evolution
original sense of humor
participant evolution
an intense
of the
period of revolution
is creating a
you about our
political revolution
Political revolution
often cited as
political revolutions
the normal
processes of evolution
as the obligatory
reciprocal retribution
of balanced
selection of evolution
surfaces of revolution
in the
theater of evolution
bring about a
universal revolution

with 3 extra syllables

agricultural revolution
agricultural revolutions
definition, a dead solution
and future
developments of evolution
as an
implication of evolution
as he
improvises a revolution
own force
independent from revolution
in every
particular of execution
an indispensable
precondition of revolution
is not
reformation but revolution
the Russian
revolutions were revolutions
we await our
unavoidable execution

with 4 extra syllables

suspense and
anticipation of resolution
Sociocultural evolution