exact syllable matches

how good potato
blows are
boats rock
don't want to
bore God
of living with
both arms
until you reset
both pods
both wrong
mechanism of a
closed watch
take the girl's
tear all my
clothes off
No, of
course not
business, where people
don't shop
around here, they
bad music people
don't talk
one thing you
you what they
don't want
it has ever
dozed off
be equal freedom
burden of work
decisively, once and
each and each
ending in destruction
fire and fire
had good counsel
I wrote it
is the law
Liberty and justice
liberty, and justice,
march once and
not secure freedom
or health insurance
or the valuable
peaceful and constructive
rights, and justice
standard of living
will be room
without being good
for all
for ALL
of a feeling
the world and
for art
a difficult position
be real substitutes
but another name
is unconsciously looking
it a form
means mad, mad
never be substitutes
of our search
was a search
for God
both are applying
of workers competing
for jobs
now she's working
for Kosh
the highest respect
for law
thus, the need
for laws
ignore a nibble
never the same
sit on it
sometimes but not
for long
do the best
for Ron
for life, not
is a substitute
for thought
does one pay
for thoughts
have painful association
for Wash
down here voted
for wrong
a little somethin'
I got somethin'
little magic trick
thump your skull
for ya
It's a free-
I express any half-
formed thoughts
George Box
greedy, you will
you're gonna
go far
the gun to
go off
believe it to
drop, my days
go on, I'll
holding operation will
how do you
into space will
is how we
it will still
May the strike
Mexico the tariffs
otherwise violence will
religious life to
research here must
slaughter would still
space effort must
still encouraged to
that makes them
that pursuit must
think we should
this spending spree
together and just
while my days
Whose days eternally
won't, we can't
go on
all seemed to
how can anything
it would all
go wrong
but the lash
hope my work
idea, a lightbulb
It just
less as time
much petty stuff
the universe still
This story
to understand what
tree and then
unspoken seduction that
weapons as time
goes on
father his dad's
the flesh, his
gold watch
Let them rather
grow tall
immense courage to
hold on
even on the
horse cars
That's a
joke, Mark
relation, man must
they come to
know God
for what they
the prayer-state, I
thing is, we
know not
But we
know, Doc
But Allah alone
knows all
joy in our
world to the
Lord God
There are
more jobs
know more and
more prods
you have any
more songs
and a little
more spark
imperialism in incomparably
more strong
not conceivably be
more wrong
How many
more, Kosh
kind that does
most harm
success, for the
terrorists for the
most part
there can be
no art
no boss
found no flaw,
no fault
as good as
that there is
that there were
no God
easy and meant
have done him
I meant
they don't do
no harm
25, you have
you someone with
no heart
good, you have
no jobs
Necessity hath
no law
Love knoweth
no lawes
universal bones, leaving
no scars
perimeter there are
no stars
and there is
no trough
Really, there is
who can do
no wrong
is neither true
nor false
perhaps neither gain
nor loss
paper called the
North Star
stinks in that
old barn
don't even like
in their big
old cars
inferiority is an
old dodge
one of the
old gods
traceable in these
old hearts
a bunch of
old rocks
me pry loose
old walls
would right the
old wrongs
not your counsels
or arms
religion, poetry, philosophy,
or art
Sauron himself stands
the religion stands
or falls
either picture, true
Is it true
it be true
or false
by a god
or gods
element of violence
or harm
Impostor without eyes
or heart
steel bars, chains,
or locks
because they won
had been wounded
or lost
it was brushed
or marred
a happy ending
any coffee here
ascribed to him
at paladins, former
based on truth
breaks his neck
death and art,
decide who's crazy
enjoys being alive
fourth believe it
fund was ethical
gonna be together
gonna get paid
has violated it
have faith in
have that balance
he was joking
him for it
I like it
if God exists
if people approve
inclined to act,
is a god
is to survive
it was great
it's going on
Lazarus was raised
may be authentic
occupied the office
shy, believe it
something is so
such an agent
telling the truth
the same light
they are painters
they believe it
they like it
they second him
they were strong
this is true
this was true
to believe it
to do so
we like it
we remember anything
we will it
went, good idea
whether Christ lived
whether he acts
whether he sins
whether these exist
whether they choke
you like him
you like it
you liked it
you're going to
or not
David, or Jeremiah,
or Paul
every nation, large
make oneself invisible
or small
right to work
or starve
by token moves
or talk
deeds are right
Is it right
There's no right
or wrong
matter, and her
own art
already planted their
own bombs
is entirely their
own fault
left for your
own haunts
solitude of his
sound of your
own heart
lessons of our
they know their
voice of your
own hearts
horns, create my
own job
governed by their
who obeys his
own laws
beaten by your
own pawns
of rejecting his
they have their
to think their
own thoughts
make good their
slaves of their
own vaunts
I want my
phone call
gotta make some
puppets making crank
phone calls
can read bad
polls, Josh
as the years
roll on
I sing some rock-and-
roll songs
boards, carrying out repeated
Dylan a self-indulgent whining
on war properly
the Historical properly
so called
everything else appear
so dark
beyond anything achieved
extend its borders
in every encounter
intelligence to go
just been ad-libbing
one quintillion years
programs only go
she's brought in
that goes only
that I've seen
the best
twenty-five of 'em,
understood my question
you with me
you've jumped, er,
so far
I don't work
men need it
She would work
to fight us
so hard
makes the Hottentot
so hot
body, so satisfied,
so large
and forgetting is
doing Rawhide for
drawn out for
from it for
have missed for
it has taken
many miseries, and
to pronounce for
to sit slothful
upon you for
so long
a bird, and
age limit and
at twenty-three, and
atom bomb, and
beget more, and
business expenses, and
colour, pageantry, and
floods, droughts, and
good works and
have orbits, and
Heartbreak, alcoholism, and
intimidate people and
labor unions and
next week, and
on vacation, and
prison doors, and
signifying nothing, and
so on and
so on, and
socialism, communism, and
Soviet Union and
take responsibility, and
the milk, and
the niggers and
the unions and
through yet, and
Unemployment, hunger, and
vision equipment and
so on
from a place
his public is
my wings,I feel
Why are you
so small
my people, they're
so smart
She is
so strong
it's unholy, it's
so wrong
with an Australian
soap star
that splendid old
soul, Col
should drive fancy
sports cars
iron curtains and
stone walls
we know what
those are
know you like
those doc
come and do
not be in
showing up at
those jobs
And you see
those socks
I've heard
those songs
realer than this
though dog
something like that
throw ya
It was
limbs are being
torn off
sheep mars the
whole flock
don't you go
whole hog
down, and we
won't stop
wash until they
wore off
was hurt under
your arm
and vibrates along
carried them in
hold me in
look to
the stars with
wish success to
your counsels or
your arms
are gonna take
your balls
a meeting with
been talking with
your boss
when they're in
your car
your toys and
your dolls
attack, it'll be
It is
it not be
It's not
your fault
grill or toast
your flock
sucking up to
the miracles of
your god
be faithful to
between you and
goods to become
your God
to be on
your guard
and snag on
from me in
is watching in
its way into
not to follow
straight to
the bottom of
the core of
the crevices of
Wilkes out of
your heart
Keep me in
Life can contain
the ice of
your hearts
just didn't have
make fun of
that you lose
your job
the crabgrass on
your lawn
so sorry for
your loss
has fallen to
your lot
girl, you're off
your mark
wailing, you lick
your palms
any misjudgment on
Don't pad
your part
Valiant effort on
your parts
And they echo
your song
and unafraid of
No imprecision in
the color of
Will you stop
your thoughts
constant companion of
your walks
Anatolian kilim on
your wall
go off on
your watch

with 1 extra syllable

distort someone's record --
or wide thine
arrows are
It's a Callahan full-bore
all sin is
his eternal responsibility
was a sinner
before God
lose their woe
there to help
before long
carnage, not gun
guys have gun
there are gun
control laws
man, was to
dethrone God
who owns a
dildo shop
Groucho Marx
one of his
household gods
Hugo Ball
encase itself in
narrow walls
So let the
Negro march
place where no
shadows fall
command of a
supposed god
therefore God
and most cultured,
intelligent human being
toward God
be more gentle
towards all
are altars to
unknown gods
according to many
unknown laws
and has done
Stalin, which caused
untold harm
times what Grossman's
widow got
ex-used-car salesman and part-time

with 2 extra syllables

her name from
Eleanor Gough
never use a
mosquito bar
he got a
receive his first
polio shot