exact syllable matches
Well, yes
same screen,
all dead ends
giving us
all their best
me be
all their debt
computer for
all their friends
I'll have
all their heads
been using
all their strength
Least of
all themselves
and so
days, if
say it
all went well
You guys
are best friends
grasses and stones
are essents
those who
are left dead
by what they
crooked as humans
dark as they
Indian as they
are themselves
bridges, why
are there jets
are there ten
time the blasphemies
are threadbare
the French
arts et lettres
immortality of the
arts themselves
before the
ball gets there
bars themselves
the more
bombs they'll get
had in the
bonds themselves
nobody else
bought them yet
saved up and
bought themselves
but he
brought them death
up and
call them blessed
those who
call them friend
would you
call them then
She is
called Jess, Jess
of you
called them friends
comment read
end of Page's
complex, yes
compress them
to which these
concepts lead
can implant basic
concepts there
lists, it would
content them
literary or historical
contexts there
Dalek Sec
the film
Drop Dead Fred
fall webworm
want to
fart, let them
many ways,
God bless them
do we seek
God elsewhere
that the
Gods bless them
ability to become
useless as the
would challenge the
gods themselves
real explorers have
gone elsewhere
and you
'Cause he's
got red hair
people who
got them there
Then we've
got them, Jeff
hot, they're friends
chunks of
hot, wet red
give them
jobs, health care
David Spade and
Jon Heder
faire dans
pas faire dans
la dentelle
long hair sedge
woman with
long red hair
Long-Haired Hare
using have
lost their edge
lost their head
and ate the
lot themselves
Bill Collage, and
Mark Perez
On you
mark, get set
fields that
marked their end
with my
mom's best friend
not care less
and I'm
but I'm
Marcellus is
we are
not dead yet
of Worthing,
Not Dead Yet
journey will
not end well
women do
not fare well
but we're
not friends friends
You can't
not get them
you might
not get there
they could
not get well
do we
not get wet
are welfare,
not health care
she could
not help them
not rednecks
not scare them
I will
not sell them
diversity is
not their strength
needs something, and
not themselves
explain each other,
Not themselves
and if
not then, then
but I'm
I'm just
we are
We're just
not there yet
whether or
not they're there
schooled, she's
not well read
and I'm
not well yet
And if
not when, then
colonialism is
not yet dead
I have
not yet met
I have
not yet read
administration has
not yet spent
he could
not yet tell
not, farewell
on until
Odd gets there
million people
off health care
peel them
off their breasts
viewers falling
off their chairs
to pay
off their debts
rape, cutting
off their hair
may cut
They cut
with getting
off their heads
taking the spotlight
off themselves
may be
on bed rest
am done walking
Everybody's walking
on eggshells
like nonces patterned
on elsewhere
to spend
on health care
porcelain bulldog
on M's desk
be marching
on Red Square
traditional right's emphasis
on self-help
base it
on sex then
sing aloud
on their beds
my face
on their breasts
and beer
food was
on their breath
complimentary mint
on their chairs
with medals
on their chests
is right
on their desks
hang up
on their friends
hair goes
Master is
rat carcass
self-destruct buttons
wearing lamps
with what's
on their head
are turned
black spots
Deep Heaven
have horns
iron pots
least partly
modest price
no hair
or bundles
price tag
stood them
their caps
their city
these microwaves
tin trunks
top knot
on their heads
without counting
on their help
the dew
on their hem
similar wounds
on their necks
with building
on their strength
of dirt
on them left
to pee
on them, heh
already given up
brought this all
by all lovers
in inflicting it
now thrown back
or failure depends
on themselves
class, first one
lead a life
of them are
people who are
poor and they're
station and get
throw it away
want to be
on welfare
on, Egghead
on, read them
Paul Verlaine
Pause, Then Yell
you think that
process went
didn't get them
processed yet
That's where human
progress ends
for liberty and
progress rest
sensibly about making
progress there
Project S
his darkest research
project yet
not going to
slop themselves
on their
soft bare flesh
economic problems would
solve themselves
pleasure will be
sought elsewhere
thumb The
squat pen rests
burn inside the
like loving the
to move the
stars themselves
a thousand children
starve elsewhere
that cannot
stop their tears
how could they
stop themselves
stopped their prayer
stop them, they
stopped themselves
than by the
thoughts themselves
America's Next
Top Best Friend
tot en met
have to
walk ten steps
want them dead
prisons, I
want them there
that they really
want themselves
And I
one instant he
was careless
was dead ebb
while your gaze
was elsewhere
next group
was led there
gods and
was sent help
Manuel Chavez
was sent there
understand, I
was their friend
was well-read
are just gonna
aren't going to
wash themselves
can literally
watch them melt
watched themselves
aught, but men
wrong themselves
not but they
wronged themselves
with 1 extra syllable
Antoine Maillet
are sent
beyond their death
not tempted
beyond their strength
does not extend
in the world
beyond themselves
his very loud
boombox elsewhere
, to become
bourgeois themselves
cannot quench them
My sensors
cannot sense them
inside Syria, inside
Iraq elsewhere
my money, you
of having a
permanent perm
permanent press
possessed a separate
permanent self
truth is a
permanent threat
you leave
upon their chests
His Majesty
the heavens
upon their deaths
and its tortures
constantly folded back
detached, impersonal glance
ground, they spit
in reality recoiled
will bring judgment
upon themselves
with 2 extra syllables
of good-looking
African men there
with 3 extra syllables
not recognizing the
phenomenon themselves