exact syllable matches

word is ISSUE, not
is not at
all cool
and we are
We are
all crew
hate we are
You are
all doomed
that they are
We are
all fools
and this was
all new
such he was,
all through
all to
all too
And that's
But it was
It was
not at
that it was
That was
therefore they are
thought it was
you these are
all true
me, it was
That - that's
that was
tip, it was
all you
Her hands
are bruised
Chicks with Mohawks
are cool
props where props
are due
The stars
are new
real, all songs
are true
low stone walls
are used
all that fat,
better at all,
But you're not,
How smart
How tall
in that gang,
Just how tall
not very sharp
of Harvard man
of the dark,
say you're not--
sir, whose dog
You're not
You're not,
are you
art brut
art room
art rooms
art school
art schools
ball pool
ball pools
handle my grandpa's
balls, dude
bar room
bar rooms
bar shoe
bar shoes
bar spoon
bar spoons
bar stool
bar stools
block group
block groups
bon coup
bonne route
box room
box rooms
broth cube
broth cubes
outside, mathematics was
brought to
what your grandpa
brought you
call to
and some are
called Jews
enjoys, and that's
called school
car boot
car boots
Cars 2
Cars Toons
I was
caught too
char siew
Charles Moose
charm school
charm schools
crown diamond was
chopped too
cock juice
Standard during the dot-
com boom
com booms
com que
crotch fruit
crotch fruits
da ku
Television cameras on
da roof
dark blue
dark blues
He was
dark too
you're so gosh
darn cute
dog chew
dog food
dog tooth
dog tooths
We like hot
dogs too
Don 2
like flies are
that they are
drawn to
drop trou
dropped trou
drops trou
fall due
fall through
fall to
falls due
false croup
false croups
false fruit
false fruits
Yeah, it's called
They are
farce, too
maybe I was
flawed, too
flop tube
fog juice
believe anything on
Fox News
frog view
frog views
ga dood
convinced it was
God's view
gone coon
gone coons
gone poof
we had all
gone through
gone to
Now John's
gone too
days are long
gone, Bruce
sure I was
gone, too
in the hard
in the soft
of the soft
Gong Fu
it if Maz
got cute
where that had
got to
Mom and Dad
got you
Han blue
Hans Gude
Hans Ruesch
hard news
hard truth
her she cannot
the priestess cannot
They cannot
things will not
We will not
harm you
haut lieu
hot glue
hot glues
hot shoe
hot shoes
hot tube
hot tubes
Rubenstein was
hot, too
ja que
Jacques Roux
Jaws 2
jiang hu
job queue
job queues
had a hard
job, too
too morning shock
jock zoo
John Foos
John Hoole
John Poole
John Q
john school
john schools
John Thune
Leung Suk-Wah, and
John Woo
Karl Freund
knock boots
knocked boots
knocks boots
Kong flu
la lune
le diable par
la queue
large blue
large blues
Lars Gule
launch loop
launch loops
law school
law schools
law suit
law suits
lawn food
lawn foods
even certain law
laws, too
Chase back on
Lian Yu
locked groove
locked grooves
log flume
log flumes
lol boost
long suit
long u
a life was
lost too
this, I was
lost, too
Ma Tsu
March 2
Mark Foo
Mob rule
mob rules
you may not
mock you
mots justes
naught, naught,
naught, two
nod through
I thought
not blue
not Boog
up, and that's
You are
not cool
Bentley, cigarettes are
NOT cool
not kewl
if we are
not moved
For things are
not mute
They are
This was
not new
not news
opinionated but are
not rude
opinion it was
not school
have the heart
says you ought
to or ought
trying pretty hard
not to
And that's
But it was
But that's
certainty that that's
from another, was
it is all
It was
of course, was
of Independence was
the gods are
things that are
was true was
You also are
you stop, that's
you that that's
not true
conservation methods are
member, articles are
Other forms are
passive participles are
singular forms are
Some forms are
not used
and you are
drive the car,
I have determined upon--
these cars, and
Was that
not you
was, or was
not, true
serial killers wank
Where'd he gone
off to
take another car
off you
oft used
on cue
on route
it is got
on to
on view
- leaves marks
a little harsh
again, it's all
American square jaw
be rubbing off
been especially hard
but it's all
contentment rub off
do you got
Eddie Mars got
Eddie Mars has
get the hop
has been hard
have a mark
her not fall
here is all
I was hard
I will fawn
is rubbing off
it it was
It's not
judge to call
leaves a scar
magically rub off
may I call
My guns are
not a scratch
obviously rubbing off
put a bomb
see no marks
seem entirely lost
sharpening my claws
This is not
those gazes falls
up, they drop
was so hard
was too hard
wasn't too hard
whatever you got
What's he got
when they lock
will rub off
woman to walk
on you
On You
ought to
It's Hot Shots
Part Deux
part's true
pas touche
Paul Bloom
I share Ron
Paul's views
pop group
pop groups
rock groups
rock pool
rock pools
salt rheum
salt rheums
sauce brune
saw through
saw to
saw tooth
Scotch broom
Scotch glue
Scotch glues
shock troop
shock troops
shot through
slop shoot
slop shoots
small blue
small blues
small loop
small loops
small room
small rooms
SOB stew
soft coup
soft coups
soft fruit
soft fruits
soft news
soft shoe
spa rood
squad room
squaw root
squaw roots
mad, impetuous rock
star fool
star fruit
star fruits
star route
star routes
not the rock
stars' room
stock cube
stock cubes
stock room
stock rooms
competition should not
stop you
straw shoe
straw shoes
strong room
strong rooms
strong suit
strong suits
swamp blues
swan goose
Ta Tu
tal que
talk through
through, people are
talked through
I was
talked to
talks through
thon rouge
this plan was
thought through
That's a Batman
thought too
The Pentagon
thought you
Tom Cruise
Tom Vu
top fruit
top fruits
voir rouge
walk through
white man can
walk to
but he dont
he did not
I would not
you might not
want to
right were God
wants you
Her dad
was Bruce
I thought that
sorted and that
Yeah, that
was cool
your maps, that
was cute
But the cost
was huge
he barked that
was new
was schoon
I thought that
That part
was true
complex model that
was used
actually thought that
I thought that
moment there, God
thought that that
was you
wash room
wash rooms
wast schoon
sky, they all
watch you
They all
watched you
wrong too
him, that was
wrong, too
Xuan Wu
Ima call
ya boo
chewie on
ya boot
ya que
What are
ya, new
yah boo
zhong hu
Zhuang Zhou

with 1 extra syllable

he can and
they can and
you can and
cannot do
Everything is
Dada, too
woman, deaf man,
jackdaw fool
Jacquard loom
Jacquard looms
mansard roof
mansard roofs
that with the
Monarch crew
college with the
Monarch too
as our righteous
rockstar moves

with 2 extra syllables

Osvaldo Cruz
especially for bacteriologist
Oswaldo Cruz