exact syllable matches
simple, we are
They are
all brothers
by people of
all colors
do they
all come from
and father of
all comfort
there be for
all concerned
has he tried
all cultures
most artists and
all humbugs
belong to
burden on
defeat for
feeling for
flowing through
fools of
forces on
part of
the light,
water for
all of us
ages, as in
as well as
field as in
giants who outtopped
them apart from
were sculptures like
all others
this greatest of
all struggles
body has
all the fun
find in
freedom in
gospel into
love in
loving-kindness towards
sexton to
all the world
All men
are brothers
the worst results
are certain
far as you
these two documents
are concerned
all their clans
are preserved
how they
are thus much
that impede progress
are unjust
His own withers
are unwrung
doing things that
aren't fun
kisses of the
autumn sun
beat and the
bombers hum
is another side
called justice
what is
called the world
were a strictly
causal one
Martyr, King
Charles the First
is, however, a
common one
practical definitions for
common words
the greater or
common world
king, lords and
commons come
through sister exchange between
you have
crossed the flood
in an utterly
dark dungeon
don't know the ten-
dollar words
American presidential hopeful
Donald Trump
alas, is
far from us
of the poor
farm worker
just go one
god further
is the
God of Love
about recent against anti-
God Russia
seen where
gods come from
behold the
the feeble
gods of earth
thought Elvis was
gonna come
thrown off after
hard struggle
harm, undone
a favourite
haunt of hers
heart flutters
not signified his
knowledge of
always resulted in
brought together in
large numbers
and divine
law of love
tooth, and a
long burden
which are no
longer served
and I
lost a son
say a
lot of stuff
an awful
lot of work
have to learn
Martian first
Oxford Book of
Modern Verse
place in the
soldier of the
witnessed in the
modern world
Maybe it's
not a curse
sure he's
not a dunce
but said
not a word
Miracles do
not cluster
Love will
not crumble
working, but
not her love
Brain damage was
not observed
may or may
not occur
if they had
not occured
It is ornamentation,
not substance
court I do
not wonder
that's a bit
off color
the theory Hume
offers us
life in the
office world
impose their system
of inflicting it
on others
have done that
not do it
on purpose
great name
on the earth
every person
on the Earth
he is
on the run
a meter
on the sun
oft opening
on the Sun
they are
on the turn
his religion
to make
on the world
cornerstone of modern
making on white
pop culture
strong for your
proper work
Wrong With This
Quantum World
those that I
saw suffer
solid earth
way to the
stars above
all revolutions
start from love
Thomas Sir
sense of right,
was concerned
and blue,
was the Earth
perch, Archimedes
was the first
Yes, innocent
was the word
and writing-desks, which
wasn't much
fall on the
wrong person
with 1 extra syllable
innocent lives
millions from
Muslims all
of freedom
across the world
wounded Chicago mayor
Anton Cermak
beyond the words
don't know how
dishwashers work
Wood look like
Ingmar Bergman
long explanations and
involved sermons
object as
regards the young
much increase of
terra firma
influences exerted
still abroad
upon the earth
Pontiff's hands
which lies
upon the world
with 2 extra syllables
should a nuclear
holocaust occur
and went to
Pentecostal Church