exact syllable matches

I'm a little -
beard the lion
Because I'm JUST
be uplifted and
become hybrid
would never have
become pilots
we could not
become rivals
finest hours, had
Slowly the world
become silent
of nuisances have
become tired
they do not
become writers
of motion have
been acquired
modern times, has
been admired
been derived from
quote has never
with form has
been provided
would have
been the wiser
Big surprise, huh
Big tough guy huh
don't get a
bigger diamond
have the world's
biggest diamond
Six of the
biggest tigers
a type of
bitless bridle
lime cement of
brilliant whiteness
Bristol diamond
Bristol diamonds
character of the
business climate
Business cycle
Theory of the
Business Cycle
the phenomena of
business cycles
Business cycles
keep our private
business private
mortar over the
two layers of
chicken wire
chicken wires
with a conscious
Christian bias
From the
Testament of the
Christian Bible
Christian Huygens
between Allopathy and
Christian Science
Christian Scriver
, also called
their presence on
Christmas Island
John Egerton
Christmas Piper
stances on
civil rights were
civil trial
civil trials
most of the
resounded throughout the
civilised world
against us the
diffused over the
governments of the
hide from the
laughingly call a
most of the
off from the
shelters the entire
weaknesses of the
civilized world
flames of the
crimson fire
wire, and that
didnae work
dismal science
England, private
if there are
enough liars
there is not
enough silence
it a long
enough trial
a natural
fear of fire
be a science
Finnish policeman and non-
I'm a science
psychiatrist and science
fiction writer
among English-language science
way as science
fiction writers
the loopholes, and
fix asylum
westerly of the
Frisian Islands
give a wide berth
give up my son
who can
give us guidance
upstaged and not
given titles
won and got
him asylum
heard of
him, a writer
also one of
his admirers
anything, to broaden
big thing on
moments, was beyond
remains entirely beyond
his horizon
every one of
his messiahs
attack of
illness by such
he was
in a choir
tyke off
in a diaper
you want
in a fighter
their hand
in a fire
Hondurans stuffed
in a giant
be captured
in a title
in a while, but
elements are not
in alignment
and strange cousins
in asylums
Century positively revelled
most complete expression
in atheism
has been locked
in confinement
a Doberman
in her privates
came together
in one fighter
offer valuable lessons
in survival
a chapter
an exception
feminine, as
is all
other stuff
say that
unpretty doctrines
well as
in the Bible
costs us
The one
in the diner
got tossed
some up
in the dryer
in the eyes of
you are
in the final
get hurt
many irons
shows brightest
was damaged
wax doll
in the fire
darker power
in the fireworks
in the highest
or God
in the idol
in the light of
In The Nightclub
in the right word
active part
was involved
in the riots
instructed Nala
in the science
- Not
a problem
in the slightest
higher up
in the spiral
was stuck
in the tire
had God
in the title
you work miracles
in unkindness
infant Titus
ten seconds of
inner silence
Old Testament
is a cipher
a girl
Kelly Nelson
Ray Comfort
that science
the devil
Your brother
is a liar
is a lion
is a right one
is a science
Olympian gods,
is a sky-cult
understand Abraham
is a trifle
This man
is a tyrant
is a virus
read, what
is a writer
very pleasant, and
is admired
The word
is derived from
the world
is from China
is gunfire
is some kind of
the Bible
is the Bible
alarm clock
is the brightest
it, that
is the highest
is the right one
and that
is the Writer
is what binds us
is what I love
to it, Taiwan
isn't China
can call
it a virus
is that
it derived from
theory that
it derives from
I had
it from Ivan
It just kind of
it just might work
It sometimes does
It stung my butt
it's a fine gun
It's a nice one
its compiler,
the area of
its horizon
It's just kind of
is to prolong
its survival
It's the mileage
it's the right one
It's the silence
It's what drives us
kick some tires
kick the tires
kick the tyres
kicked the tyres
kicks the tyres
get some
kicks tonight, huh
were other
kids sometimes, but
did not
kill the virus
dead comrades into hunter-
killer hybrids
Shere Khan, the
Killer Tiger
I was
kinda hyped up
king of diamonds
King of Fighters
kings of diamonds
breaks, then a
kitchen fire
kitchen island
kitchen islands
kitchen timer
kitchen timers
lignum vitae
limit cycle
limit cycles
an upper
limit, time does
but not
limits like us
forgive each other,
Lincoln, Michael
liquor licence
lire, lyre, from
gravy at that
little diner
little Eichmann
little Eichmanns
Little Giant
Little Giants
little higher
very social, a
little high-strung
at that beautiful
little island
little islands
little science
also like a
little silence
he was a
I'm a
I'm just a
Just a
You're just a
little tired
all had our
little vices
Little's tie, sir
for utility and
life rather than
mere survival
burglaries that have
mystified us
the events that
mystify us
one comes
near a lion
in fact an
Osirified One
a person
picks up Private
pinion wire
pinion wires
exile on the
prison island
reserve prices
reverse cycler
reverse cyclers
ribbon wire
ribbon wires
Richard Bryan
James March, and
Richard Cyert
Christopher Reeve and
Richard Pryor
Richard Ryan
Beyond the
ring of fire
Ring of Fire
in blackened
rings of wire
crossed by the
river Tiber
River virus
lazily where the
river widens
the land of
sheer horizon
to focus on
sheer survival
is not a
shit assignment
Shit 'em right up
Shitland Islands
signal fire
like a
simple kind of
was not a
simple simon
Simple Simon
Simple Simons
since the time of
is like a
single fiber
is rich, eccentric and
fifteen Grand Slam
singles titles
split horizon
sticker prices
Still alive, huh
still hurt by words
promise of the
strictest silence
swim the Tiber
Systems science
things done by us
this a life, hmm
may I have
this assignment
This one I love
development of
this young science
till the time of
tinta china
tintas chinas
tip of my tongue
tip of my words
tips of icebergs
gets like a
in this awful
vicious cycle
vicious cycles
German anatomist Konrad
Viktor Schneider
Frisian piper,
Frisian salt,
which derives from
Which must triumph
Wicked Bible
Wicked Bibles
burns the
Will of Fire
willful blindness
You gotta
win a title
Anybody can
win a trial
survival of the
Windward Islands
winter tire
winter tires
winter tyre
winter tyres
and never
the word
with a hyphen
with a nice one
getting involved
with a pilot
and another
with a rifle
an encounter
with a tiger
then caught
with a trident
a cat
with a tritest
arm in arm
with atheism
and sprayed revelers
with gunfire
all connections
with her maika
domestic animals
with much kindness
had a son
with Poseidon
Held together
with saliva
a sapphire
with some diamonds
Japanese carmakers work
with suppliers
what happened
with the driver
one substance
was yah
with the fire
play slalom
with the icebergs
with the life stuff
and settle
with the tiger
Witzel, Michael
You goddamn
women drivers
men and
women I love
thousand modest
women like us,
a thousand
years of fire
for a thousand
years, Goliath
Zika virus

with 1 extra syllable

document and
added a title
Self-aggrandizers are
ambitious strivers
exits and dies
holding the child
amidst gunfire
votes by
banning a writer
cardinal spider
cardinal spiders
known afterward as
Cardinal Wiseman
showing after
coming from minors
others for their
complicit silence
you'll be
coughing up diamonds
lovers, the
curses of pirates
Doublet of Bison
into the
fabric of science
the goddamn
gunslinger I heard
handling The Spice Girls
haunting of silence
without first
having survived one
it, the
Hopis, The Bible
of the
logic of science
It is
magic, Goliath
showed you my
magical item
her very own
magical items
Molybdenite From
a British journalist
nonfiction writer
nothing, just silence
Official IRA
would be the
official title
optical fiber
optical fibers
optical fibre
optical fibres
Ostrich Alliance
call of every
passing Messiah
of a
passing truck driver
permitted mileage
you start
plugging the diners
of wind,
popping a tire
history and
practice of science
radical libre
plan for
solving the crisis
Alternatively the
Spanish derived from
man without
me from
starting a riot
Bennet was
stirring the fire
subjects of my works
A clinical-
surgical trial
They call them
tactical rifles
need the
tonic of wildness
fingers from
touching the lightbulbs
lot of
traffic tonight, sir
a seemingly deserted
experiments on a
inhabitants of some
to a nearby
tropical island
isolated chain of
waterfalls and coral-fringed
tropical islands
by intolerable and
uncivilized ones
a murder
until the trial
vanilla slices
wanted the line cut
working the hyphens

with 2 extra syllables

Accomplishment I love
Four Dan
Actresses of China
before the
advances of science
warming and
altering Earth's climate
trying to make
artificial diamonds
police for
assaulting a minor
found to
contradict the Bible
Corrupted from spikenard
darkening of my sun
themselves to
demolish the idol
other an
engineer, a driver
modern pornographers and
erotica writers
at such Hindu
fanatical blindness
enemy of the
Galactic Alliance
glyoxylate cycle
glyoxylate cycles
the root of
mechanical science
you destroy,
nurturing the righteous
was his
offering of Isaac
hopelessness of
outrunning a rifle
Politics of Cyprus
recoilless rifle
recoilless rifles
Thus Truth
silences the liar
a playwright and
television writer
travelling the wide world
that were
troubling Herb Simon

with 3 extra syllables

empirical basis of
astronomical science
not affect the
Astronomical Science
semiautomatic, automatic or close-to-
automatic gunfire
integral component of
with cybernetics, and
biological science
founding of the
Democratic Alliance
undying love- and
diplomatic alliance
nature of the
of the planetary
ecological crisis
national security and
economic survival
and needed defense
electronics supplier
nature's meagreness and
mathematical dryness
are untrained in
older forms of
supreme value of
mathematical science
have for
overcoming the crisis
from fantastic and
many fantastic and
paradoxical writers
compelling and a
pathological liar
pathological science
in physiological and
integrated social and
succeed in integrating
psychological science
Current Directions in
Psychological Science
idea of a
psychological virus
deepen public
understanding of science

with 4 extra syllables

equivalences provided
medium contains an
ideological bias
pharmacological trial
least one
thermodynamic work cycle