exact syllable matches

alterable, never had
been altered
wishing they had
been conquered
enormous sacrifices have
been offered
it must have
been Saddam
Union has never
been stronger
on what might
befall us
bold to go
scale which is
beyond her
China today, quite
which now seem
beyond us
stage is vile
that were curious
beyond words
maid with GREAT
Government was a
big problem
and a little
bit harder
feel a little
bit taller
death with a
clear conscience
rebuke the too
clear water
dear father
just like my
dear Mama
that he
did not run
did not work
they ever
did on earth
and despise the
keep spreading a
fifth column
walking through the
fish market
things that drove
him bonkers
best talk about
general, I saw
him often
kill him, makes
him stronger
tracking chip in
Tucker, look at
his armor
the Mahatma in
his ashram
He looks in
that he raided
his closet
instead money for
his coffers
can betray is
finds God in
his knowledge and
his understanding and
safety valve of
the dictates of
his conscience
and she was
his son and
is according to
his daughter
anti-humanist tendency of
inherently difficult in
his doctrines
behind him was
had fought against
You're not
his father
Him and with
His Father
despair of reaching
His Garden
the horror of
his harvest
combat operations in
his honor
his deen and
may be to
his honour
What are you,
his lawyer
fictional content of
his novel
him up on
his offer
hanging up in
than he loves
his office
lions to make
his partner
fourpence halfpenny in
his eyes in
keeps you in
his pocket
Now it's
his problem
can always solve
to talk about
his problems
full value of
of organization than
the value of
turn up in
his product
Marx, delivered on
his promise
Maker and all
His Water
those who disbelieve
in Allah
Third Sunday
in August
warmth I've missed
in Austin
for it was
in autumn
say we bring
in Blotter
British regiments stationed
on the Esplanade
series of bombings
in Boston
are put
in charge of
a decent family
in Charleston
of secular fact
in commerce
an idea held
by properties held
Everything was held
had a lot
had a thing
have a characteristic
have a lot
have several things
have some characteristics
have some things
held certain lands
images had something
interest of life
my books have
of these anything
principles we have
property was held
should be taken
supposed to have
that were held
thing we have
things we have
we had that
would have that
would passionately hold
in common
need to work
their hit single
in concert
a great man
by nearly everyone
led to gridlock
past the Republicans
in Congress
makes when enveloped
in cotton
and cannot abide
those who live
world was enveloped
in darkness
parents were born
in Holland
does not count
in honour
faster than improvement
is only wanting
This asymmetry
we have lost
in knowledge
my eight years
over my time
the presidency while
in office
was pressing
in on her
the Bodleian Library
in Oxford
brain is educated
in problems
America and Americans
in Scotland
a legitimate move
in soccer
beauty is found
Is there beauty
in Sodom
a rocking log
as fish swim
months, completely submerged
my first birth
in water
is Arthur
he thinks it
is awesome
genius and madness
is awful
is barter
is perfect, everything
is Brahman
but the battle
is broader
even, which
is brought up
or left undone
is common
His name
is Connor
through time time
is conquered
service if he
is conscious
All the rest
assume that all
is darkness
His name
is doctor
I go there
is drama
Mother, the Corps
is Father
your ass
is haunted
The universe
is hostile
of intimacy, This
is knowledge
Guru Maharaj Ji
is Knowledge
but our heart
is larger
is where it
is largest
her child
that reaction
is not love
The problem
is not Trump
opportunity when it
Sonship the healing
is offered
anything that
is on earth
Its course, indeed
is onward
Even impartiality
is partial
about so far
is soccer
soon, but she
that she signed
is solid
by one that
hold upon himself
is stronger
and then it
is trodden
who did
it all first
is that
it all just
life, summing
it all up
it got worse
the snowball, packing
it harder
I need
it hotter
from history, leaving
it markless
to fix
it on Earth
and I see
it squandered
that is how
it started
and thus make
it stronger
was all
it was worth
and zeal of
the name of
wont to befall
its author
or laziness of
its authors
Especially when
it's bottled
freedom, but with
its causes
or justification in
its charter
can live with
its conscience
any effect upon
its father
me, SHODAN, as
its goddess
and I think
it's longer
to think
it's not, huh
problem of using
its products
we must claim
its promise
to pose as
its prophets
tease and needle
its targets
raised, the
jig was up
second coming of
the legends of
King Arthur
have become stock-jobbers and
while our
lips are dumb
I'm on the
milk carton
forsakes all the
near water
to turn a
quick profit
serious gourmet
shit on us
supposed to
sip, not gulp
You have
six options
Rushdie, is his
sixth novel
his name is
still honoured
Put it on
thick, Watson
how this whole
thing started
in how
learnt how
things are done
things are fun
that all
which all
things are one
took some
things on trust
you have to
think long-term
Speeches like
this are fun
the falsity of
this dogma
are paths outside
this garden
must do me
this honor
is essential to
noble use of
was based upon
we feel at
this knowledge
the magic of
will give you
this Knowledge
to feel like
this longer
belongs here, in
I have left
to go through
this office
Why is there
this option
Microsoft doesn't have
President cannot solve
you must solve
this problem
yourselves out of
this promise
didn't know
which was worse
like them, we
will conquer
God, I
will not judge
doing God's
will on earth
will revive and
will prosper
Will Rogers
Japanese surrender
will stop us
is undermined, capitalism
will totter
It's a West
Wing office
Earth with
wings on 'em
go to the
witch doctor
First, we take
Who are the
witch doctors
going to be
reckoning will be
their affairs rest
with Allah
To be one
with Brahma
the Punic War
with Carthage
have that problem
with Congress
how to work
with cotton
good singer, ESPECIALLY
with gospel
to treat them
with harshness
active military responsibilities
duty with dignity,
it is acquitted
man can abide
not it is
staying the course
with honor
Doubt grows
with knowledge
history are punctuated
with martyrs
educated to live
that we grapple
with problems
have you done
with Robin
would have sided
with Stalin
to be sanctified
with star-dust
by diluting it
fill the hole
the lungs fill
wash their bodies
with water
to ever make
wrist watches
back on next
year's cotton

with 1 extra syllable

Alfred Austin
whose founder was
Alfred Marshall
be established as
being causal
are incapable of
being conquered
learned by
being hard up
the reputation of
being haunted
the Greeks were
thought I was
being honest
any human
every living
being on earth
of every
being on Earth
my one experience
being star-struck
Boris Johnson
kids is my
boss's daughter
fighting against the
British archers
gives you a
calfskin wallet
calming thoughts, uh
wide variety of
career options
into a half-man, half-
catfish monster
familiarity with George
Catlett Marshall
They are color-
coded products
Master of Balliol
College, Oxford
Sonnets of Shakespeare into
in Gandhi by
David Arnold
all brought up
Dennis Hopper
I ain't
doing God's work
Or untreated
say, polluting local
waste is tainting
drinking water
ground for everybody
else's problems
charisma, and
Elvis was one
Johnson was among
English authors
English proverbs
wave of long-haired
English rockers
Eric Hoffer
Erwin Rommel
weeks, or sometimes
even longer
I never
even saw her
as it
exists on Earth
Please, I'm
feeling nauseous
but only a
flying problem
Certainly not the
founding fathers
Locke to the
us by the
Founding Fathers
pissed on my
fucking carpet
the Prince of
fucking Darkness
to get the
fucking knowledge
You're all so
fucking pompous
And you are
getting stronger
through sheer,
grinding hard work
Hewlett Johnson
a qualification for
holding office
of having a
things settle the
Jewish problem
Judith Martin
And I've met
Kevin Costner
aren't pro-life, they're
killing doctors
the Light without
knowing Darkness
commencement address since
leaving office
Fascism is a
living Gospel
longer be
living on Earth
am afraid of
losing office
a good, bright,
loving daughter
written in red
Magic Marker
Always be a
moving target
surrounded by empty
plastic bottles
rules observed in
playing marbles
This is a
public market
get elected to
representation in any
public office
main charm of
reading novels
soon my
reading was done
he cannot
relish God's love
good on a
rising market
sun was
shining on us
team once the
shooting started
tears before the
smoking altars
a tool for
I believe in
you should stop
solving problems
it again on
something solid
be mad, absolutely stark-
staring bonkers
your guns you scum-
sucking molluscs
Swedish proverbs
and some blue
swimming goggles
found it on
taking office
no real and
valid doctrine
they have an attention-
whoring problem
within darkness
Yiddish proverbs

with 2 extra syllables

the stock of
accepted knowledge
the price of
accepting Stalin
Ethics and
Aesthetics are one
by this most
attentive farmer
possibly even some
benefit concerts
as well as
comedic novels
7 or 8
connected novels
we the ones
creating problems
of intelligible and
creative causes
Creative Commons
by my dear
departed father
the best
detective on Earth
these flats of
discoursing causes
later way of
discussing problems
better served by
embracing knowledge
and enforcement in
emerging markets
of light in
engulfing darkness
feeling, intuition and
esthetic conscience
peered through the
gathering darkness
Hebraic proverbs
on all senses,
including common
in turn
inflicted, on her
murdering monster
much in our
Nantucket market
focused on real
objective problems
used to describe data-
processing problems
exchange with the food-
producing farmer
Profiting off slums
had a mild
with a gigantic
programming problem
and wearing space-age
protective goggles
when his
questioning was done
applicable also to
related problems
suggestive of a
romantic novel
This presents a
staggering problem
violin rosin

with 3 extra syllables

relate events without
analysing causes
to work simple
arithmetic problems
the mart of
competitive commerce
degradation of the
democratic dogma
are the
dictatorship, not us
there apparently were
diplomatic options
This is an
economic problem
progress translates into
economic profit
us and the
enveloping darkness
his occupation with
geometric problems
subscribed to its
pantheistic doctrines
applies to the
scientific problem
not address the
underlying problems
unprecedented, unmerciful, and
unrelenting harshness

with 4 extra syllables

longer as a
capitalistic problem
Laser handguns against
superconducting armor

with 5 extra syllables

is an
overpopulated hot tub