exact syllable matches
this concludes the
Booger Trilogy
withstand the most
brutal injury
to win a
crucial victory
have fought for
Cuban liberty
do love this country
Dougal is asleep
few species of
Eucalyptus leaves
I'm not
fluent in wussy
and the
fool of Italy
sampled the
fruits of victory
and the fossil
of the existing fossil-
of the fossil
fuel industry
future histories
will have on
future history
Back to the
Future Trilogy
from the
future, isn't she
Gruesome, isn't he
a whole people,
about repression of
and, therefore, of
basic principles of
crucial to our
deeper respect for
every shred of
for freedom and
freedom, tolerance, and
full regard for
human rights and
human rights, and
I'm talking about
in peace and
intellectual honesty nor
is lowering to
liberty, peace and
life and value
no sense of
non-negotiable demands of
of freedom and
or unworthy of
self-respect and inherent
solid rock of
Such art reinforces
the essence of
the foundation of
the message of
the principles of
to life and
treat him with
very ground of
human dignity
a place in
a result of
and determinants of
and precede all
and successful in
any period of
any point in
any time in
astounding phenomena in
at work throughout
before experienced in
before imagined in
bloodiest battles in
bloodiest pages of
broadest patterns of
brought reunion into
crucial moment of
culmination of all
darkest chapters in
divine providence in
ecumenopolitan phase of
elevating moment in
entire course of
even dreaming in
ever before in
fateful milestone in
favorite moment in
favourite moment in
first time in
greatest lies in
have done throughout
historic moment in
hopeful chapters in
implement socialism in
important leaf in
institutions which disfigure
it has throughout
It is
many forms throughout
middle class in
of years of
other epoch in
other time in
pervasive worldview in
practical joke in
private property in
rational system in
safest time in
seldom paralleled in
similar principles influencing
single figure in
the cancer of
the course of
the meanderings of
very early into
vilest war in
well-marked phases in
will they disrupt
years of recorded
human history
might enjoy general
or compromise with
human liberties
a violation of
gross violation of
high cause of
It is logical
the advance of
the cause of
the diminution of
the fire of
the palladium of
human liberty
and in simple
and our wretched
awful sum of
illiteracy and massive
the cost of
total sum of
human misery
her above all
man of wide
human sympathies
final goal of
of Rationalism and
secret of deep
human sympathy
humor in the piece
humour is a shield
many a four
movement symphony
- the
muse of history
I love this
new ability
new drug hits the streets
new world is ugly
Dvorak in the
New-World Symphony
distractions, interruptions and
poor facilities
responsible for our
poor publicity
Poor Sir Timothy
root of inner peace
to apply that
rule consistently
to the
rules of chivalry
the modern
school of history
it, this
stupid little street
and knives with
superstitious zeal
of the worst in
that ran
through the vicarage
to a big machine
what belongs
to a frippery
to a hill of beans
to a mere machine
the solution
to a mystery
to a rigid creed
I have
to consider Dean
truth and not
to consistency
art least bound
to contingencies
to her in the tree
she succumbs
to her injury
an end
to her misery
is no stranger
when it comes
to publicity
to the Christmas tree
to talk
to the financier
an invite
to the fisheries
being marched
was sent
to the guillotine
add drama
to the history
fucking joke
to the industry
he succumbed
years due
to the injury
also applies
to the liturgy
to the Middle East
called me
to the ministry
to the mission field
the key
to the mystery
state visit
that happened
to the Philippines
inevitably belong
only never
to the Philistines
to the silver screen
circumstances contributed
to the victory
to tuck in the sheets
to work in the fields
doesn't deserve
too much sympathy
a means of
helps explains the
Union victory
any real
use of history
Black Armband
view of history
you a bit rusty
I smelled
you coming, Clarice
What do
you consider me
baby daddy,
you fucking dummy
you fucking love me
you just whistle, see
you love history
you must drink from me
You must intervene
you must think of me
you must will the means
you running from me
I'll tell
you something funny
I'll give
you something yummy
I'll tell
me tell
you something, buddy
me ask
you something, Dusty
you were given here
few since
you were Guinevere
you were in a dream
you were still asleep
you'll love it up here
with 1 extra syllable
the political
abuse of history
end up in
affluent misery
clothing to better
bathroom facilities
the field of
factual history
the cause of
genuine liberty
included in the weir
to the
influences of each
into a distant dream
clear lead
unbeatable hand
into a victory
those who enter
into polygamy
must not turn
into servility
turn us
turn you
into something ugly
into the bliss of sleep
and endurance
into the Infantry
into the River Tees
into the Sigil Keep
the immediate
issue of victory
menstrual synchrony
or the
misrule of tyranny
quarrels, and prevents
mutual injuries
, which borders
onto Buckinghamshire
and died in
Padua, Italy
differential equations of
peculiar symmetry
are able to
produce consistently
hindered the
pursuit of victory
Sexual histories
know about Charlie's
sexual history
about the
against the
Al, the
are the
back the
in the
is the
of the
on the
stole the
the original
with the
Statue of Liberty
practice any other
virtue consistently
Rebecca the
virtues of chivalry
with 2 extra syllables
or dignity, or
continual victory
It is a
continuous history
valid for any
continuous symmetry
execution is the key
gratitude of this country
a state of
perpetual tyranny
prosecution histories
prosecution history
avoiding that
may have a
reperfusion injury
They have no
spiritual history
diet of the
spiritual industry
with 3 extra syllables
for my own
significant element of
intellectual history
Intellectual history
are inconsistent with
the question of
intellectual liberty